
Alex Vs The World(BL)

Having a two-faced bitch of a family isn’t scary… what’s scary is that Alex has allowed them to have the upper hand for so long. Due to his siblings jealousy, his startup was snatched away, his parents disowned him without a word, and on top of all that, he was arrested and thrown into prison for a murder he didn’t commit. On the day of his release from prison, and borrowing a bed for the night from the overly friendly stranger, Jasper McNeil, Alex takes off to set his plans for revenge in motion. But he certainly never expected to have to learn to deal with new emotions, new people and of course, new rivals.

Sakakibara9300 · LGBT+
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174 Chs

Office Bang

"That reminds me, after work, let's open a joint account," I suggested, eager to take our relationship to the next level of financial transparency.

"Alex, I'm fine on my bodyguard salary. Remember, you set it absurdly high after I told you the regular rates. And we should be house-hunting instead. I've given up the apartment my parents are paying for, but I'm not sure I'm okay with living at Lombardi's much longer, no matter how comfortable it is," Jasper countered, expressing his concerns about our living situation.

"Why can't we do both? I'm making a lot money for us," I argued, feeling a sense of frustration at his reluctance to embrace my attempts to spoil him.

"With a joint account?" Jasper questioned, raising an eyebrow skeptically.

"Isn't that what people like? Travis said it's a good thing," I sighed, feeling deflated by his lack of enthusiasm. Despite my best intentions, it seemed that my efforts to provide for us were not being met with the appreciation I had hoped for.

Jasper couldn't help but burst into laughter at my unexpected suggestion. "This isn't a transactional relationship, Alex. If you really want to spoil me, let's take advantage of your high sex drive in your office," he said, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

His playful demeanor and teasing tone melted away any lingering tension, and I found myself grinning from ear to ear. "You know what? That sounds like the perfect way to spoil you," I replied, my voice laced with amusement.

With a mischievous glint in his eye, Jasper took my hand and led me out of the room, leaving behind the mundane concerns of work and finance.

When we reached my office, the air was charged with anticipation and desire. Without a word, Jasper pulled me close, and our lips met in a passionate kiss. In that moment, the rest of the world melted away, leaving only the two of us lost in each other's embrace.

As Jasper closed the door behind us, a surge of excitement coursed through my veins, knowing that we were completely alone in the privacy of my soundproof office.

"Did you lock the door, Jasper?" I asked.

"That's officer McNeil to you," Jasper was suddenly in full serious cop mode. "Mr. Todd, there are times when one human being really shouldn't take advantage of another... but this isn't one of them." Jasper watched as my eyes went wide as he quoted a line from the Magnum PI series. "I'm going to wipe that smug smirk off your face."

Spinning us around, Jasper shoved me against the wall and grabbed at the middle of my white dress shirt. With one quick movement he ripped the shirt open sending buttons flying across the room. The tie was next being loosened the pulled off over my head. Jasper descended to my throat licking and nipping at the tender flesh as his hands explored my exposed chest. Nibbling his way to my ear, Gibbs sighed. "If you want to get away with this, you better beg for it."

I shoved at Jasper's chest, pushing him back slightly and our eyes met. "I don't beg."

Jasper's eyes narrowed and he reached between them squeezing me eliciting a low moan. "You'll do whatever I want you to." He stroked over the outline of my hard on. "Or your next room will be a six by six cell." Chuckling, he smirked. "Maybe you'd like that, some felon making you his bitch." He watched the lust filled eyes for a reaction. "Fucking you whenever and wherever he wants, using you for his base need."

My hand reached out and one finger traced a path down Jasper's jawline. "And what exactly are you doing?"

"Taking a bribe to look the other way, that's all."

"You keep telling yourself that." I pushed Jasper's hand away as I unbuckled my belt then popped the button and unzipped the zipper. Pushing the pants down slightly, I shimmied my hips and the pants pooled at my feet. Jasper physically picked me up and sat me on the desk. Hands were suddenly tugging the blazer from my body dragging the shirt with it. My lower body was pulled forward and then two fingers were roughly shoved between my lips. Instinctively i started licking and sucking over the digits. When they were yanked from my mouth i took a deep breath, then waited as the two fingers entered me, the air rushing from my lungs in a quick huff. Reaching out with one hand I held onto Jasper's shoulder for stability as the fingers were jabbed in then jerked out repeatedly.

"I didn't take you for the rough angry sex type, Officer McNeil."

The statement made Jasper pause. We hadn't really discussed how this scene would play out, we just started. Maybe he was thinking I didn't want it.

"You are full of surprises." I smiled realizing what had made Jasper hesitate. "There's just one thing." I jerked Jasper forward. "The least you could do is kiss me before you make me start to beg you."

"You asked for it." The forceful lips crashed down against mine as Jasper devoured me with all his might. The kiss was sloppy, laced with little bites. When the fingers were pulled from me, he moaned breaking the kiss.

"Oh this is not just a business transaction." I signed. "That kiss was full of emotiAHHH!"

My body was jerked forward and i was roughly impaled on Jaspers member. His upper body fell against mine as i wrapped my arms around his neck.

Languidly our bodies moved together, tantalizingly making love as we tried to mutually satisfy our never ending hunger for each other. Jasper's weight on me was just enough to provide the friction, but not the release, I craved. We kissed and licked and nibbled, our hands clasped the entire time our sweat drenched bodies slid against each other. He lost it first, giving into the need before I did, he forced my legs apart to allow him more room. Knifing thrusts slammed into me, striking me deeper each time. My hips ground into the hard desk until I felt my balls draw up.

"So fucking tight, I want to keep buried in your ass all fucking day," he panted into my ear, and with that declared need, I came.

"Fuck, Jasper," I cried out, filling the room with a hoarse desperation as i emptied onto my stomach, my body convulsing. Thanks god the office was soundproof because his hips never stopped, he hit my sweet spots with each rock of his hips but I knew from the lack of rhythm that he was close. I kissed him, plunging my tongue into his mouth.

"You taught me well, Officer," I mumbled into the kiss, and a few moments later he finished, his body jerking on mine, his hips mashing into me as he released onto the condom. Even as his orgasm faded, he remained on top of me while we kissed and smiled and sighed. Finally, he slid off me, and after taking the condom off, pulled me close. "Jasper?"


"What was that about?"

Jasper stepped behind me, his hands deftly fastening the buttons of my shirt. He chuckled softly, his fingers lingering on the fabric of my shirt. "You know, we never did get to join the mile high club on our flight to Vegas."

I felt a blush creeping up my cheeks at the memory. "That's true," I admitted, feeling a mixture of embarrassment and excitement at the thought.

Jasper leaned in closer, his lips brushing against my neck. "But we can definitely do dirty stuff in your office and it's just as hot," he suggested, his voice low and seductive.

I shivered at his touch, feeling a surge of desire coursing through me. "Might as well," I replied, unable to hide the hint of anticipation in my voice.

As Jasper finished tying my shoes, he moved to open a window, letting in a gentle breeze that ruffled the curtain to clear out the room. "There," he said with a satisfied smile. "Now nobody will know about the hot sex that just happened in this room."

I glanced at myself in the mirror and noticed a faint mark peeking out from beneath my collar. "Jasper, you have to be more careful where you bite me," I chided gently, turning to look at him.

He grinned sheepishly, his eyes dancing with mischief. "Sorry, Sugar. I couldn't help myself," he confessed, reaching out to tuck a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

I couldn't help but smile at his response, feeling a surge of affection for him. "Well, just try to be a bit more discreet next time. Are you a dog?" I teased, leaning in to press a kiss against his lips.

Jasper chuckled softly, wrapping his arms around me. "I'll do my best," he promised, his voice filled with warmth and love. "But you have to admit, it's hard for us to resist each other."

I rolled my eyes playfully at his flattery, "Just remember to keep it PG when we're in public," I reminded him, feeling a sense of contentment wash over me as I rested my head against his chest.

With Jasper, every moment was an adventure, and I wouldn't have it any other way.