
Alex Vs The World(BL)

Having a two-faced bitch of a family isn’t scary… what’s scary is that Alex has allowed them to have the upper hand for so long. Due to his siblings jealousy, his startup was snatched away, his parents disowned him without a word, and on top of all that, he was arrested and thrown into prison for a murder he didn’t commit. On the day of his release from prison, and borrowing a bed for the night from the overly friendly stranger, Jasper McNeil, Alex takes off to set his plans for revenge in motion. But he certainly never expected to have to learn to deal with new emotions, new people and of course, new rivals.

Sakakibara9300 · LGBT+
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174 Chs

My Puppet

As the meeting dissolved into its usual chaos, Mr. Azure sat contently at the head of the table, observing the unfolding drama with an air of detachment that belied his interest. Mr. Wallace was the first to lose his composure, addressing Mr. Carter with a mixture of frustration and disbelief.

"A hotel, department store, resort, golf fields, you've diversified too much!" Mr. Wallace ranted, waving his hands expressively to punctuate each point of contention.

Mr. Carter, ever the politician even in corporate settings, defended his strategy with a raised voice. "That's why I've entered politics! It's to make up for a lack of power!" he declared, trying to assure his colleagues. "No need for worry! I'll make it big in politics and not look at the company's direction."

I couldn't help but scoff silently from my seat. A small man who's only doing as his wife tells him, bragging about how he'll make it big in politics! What a laugh! It was recently made clear to me that his wife was the only reason he had been able to maintain his position up to now. This lack of respect from his peers and his apparent willingness to be a puppet in larger games only solidified my decision that pushing him out was the correct move. If he was going to willingly be a puppet, he should be my puppet.

The room tensed slightly as I weighed in on Mr. Carter's ambitious political aspirations. "Standing as a candidate for the opposition party and winning the election aren't easy," I remarked, aiming to inject a dose of reality into his optimistic outlook.

"Well, it's not the election I'm afraid of," Mr. Carter retorted, locking eyes with me defiantly. His tone carried a challenge, one that I recognized and did not appreciate.

Unsettled by his audacity and eager to reassert control, I made a swift decision. "Send them in!" I called out sharply. Within moments, Jasper responded, opening the door to admit three men dressed in expensive suits, each exuding an aura of capability and determination. Mr. Chambers and Mr. Wallace shifted in their seats, a mixture of surprise and discomfort coloring their reactions, while Mr. Carter's expression morphed into one of confusion.

"From today on, you three will assist Mr. Carter. Make sure you win it," I announced decisively, assigning the men to ensure that Mr. Carter's political campaign was not only successful but also aligned with our strategic interests.

Mr. Carter's demeanor changed instantly, his face lighting up with a renewed sense of confidence and purpose. "I'll be sure to win!" he exclaimed, obviously pleased with the support.

Doubts about his loyalty and alignment still lingered, prompting me to press further. "Can you take responsibility for what you promised?" I asked pointedly, needing assurance of his commitment and integrity in this complex game.

"Of course! How could I think of stepping out of line now that Mr. Azure is on our side!" He responded with a bright smile, his enthusiasm seemingly genuine.

As the meeting continued to unravel Mr. Carter's illusions of autonomy, one of the men I had brought in stepped forward and placed a file on the table in front of him. "One is a list of people who can be used as deputy governors for political affairs, the other is for the heads of affiliate organizations. I specifically chose the people who would sit at the urban infrastructure headquarters and housing and construction in particular," i explained, laying out the framework of control we were imposing.

"Mr. Todd!" Mr. Carter exclaimed, his voice tinged with confusion as he tried to grasp the full extent of the situation he was being thrust into.

"I also wrote a few lines that can be used for campaign pledges," I continued, unfazed by his reaction. "These men will tell you when to announce them." My tone was calm, indicating that these were not suggestions but directives.

As the reality of his new position dawned on him, Mr. Carter's expression morphed from confusion to complete shock and horror. It was clear he understood that my people, along with Mr. Azure's, were poised to take over strategic positions in the city, and the campaign pledges he would be making were crafted not by him, but for the benefit of Todd Corporation and Azure Ventures.

He fully recognized that he had been turned into a puppet. "Mr. Todd! I have people I'd like to take in too! Those people—" he began, attempting to regain some control or input into the process.

"It's already been handled so you don't have to worry about it. They'd prefer to work at Todd Corporation than in a city office anyway," I interrupted, my smile firm and unyielding, effectively silencing any further protests he might have had.

The frustration and anger were palpable on Mr. Carter's face as he processed his diminished role. His fists clenched and unclenched as he glared at me, the veins on his forehead bulging with pent-up rage. "Who do you think you are?" he hissed, his voice low and menacing.

"I'm the one with your new life in my hands. Now go with your new team to plan," I dismissed him casually, waving him off with a flick of my hand. As he stood up, stiff with anger and defeat, he took one last resentful look at me before turning to join the team I had assigned to him, leaving the room under the weight of his new reality.

As Mr. Carter stormed off, the three men tailing him closely, the room filled with a palpable sense of relief and amusement at his predicament. Mr. Azure, unable to contain himself, laughed heartily. "Would you look at that bastard!" he exclaimed. "You're just like a thief without a gun! I can't believe it! $350 million dollars!"

"There are no thieves who negotiate like me," I replied coolly, a slight smile playing on my lips at the analogy.

"Forcing a cornered rat to choose is the gun!" Mr. Azure chuckled, appreciating the strategy. True, Mr. Carter was well aware that a line of eager replacements awaited his falter, yet he also understood the financial ruin that awaited him if he embraced his role as a puppet. Either way, he was given the illusion of choice on how he'd fall, and he chose the seemingly easier path. He'd be broke and unable to retaliate within the first two years, but by then, I'd have gathered enough blackmail material to ensure his compliance indefinitely. It was a cleaner solution than immediate professional obliteration.

"I just did what I had to," I shrugged nonchalantly, dismissing any suggestion of malice in my actions. "He was expendable."

"Great job not giving him the chance to think," Mr. Chambers added, nodding in approval of the swift execution of the plan.

"It's because it'll be useless for him to fight back or think," I stated, the cold logic in my voice reflecting my calculated approach to business.

"You learn bad things fast," Mr. Wallace remarked, perhaps a touch critically.

"I learned it from my parents," I countered simply, attributing my ruthlessness to familial influences.

At that moment, Mr. Azure slid a stack of papers across the table towards me, face down. I picked it up, curious, and turned it over to reveal the heading "sale and merger bank list." My eyes widened as I realized the potential of what I was holding.

"This-" I started, my mind racing with possibilities.

"I was wondering how I should use this, who would've thought you could earn it on your own so quickly," Mr. Azure said, crossing his arms with a smug expression of pride in his voice.

"Does the bank have this information?" I asked, eager to understand the exclusivity of the data.

"If the information was common then I wouldn't be given this," Mr. Azure replied dismissively. "Only Chen construction knows about this, but it includes many Titan Industries affiliates."

A thrill of excitement ran through me as I thought of the implications. My skin tingled with anticipation, and a broad, involuntary smile spread across my face, imagining the chaos I could unleash on my mother's operations. "I'll make good use of this," I promised, barely containing my glee.

"You're a really lucky person, Alex. If they find out that they'll be unemployed soon, they'll come running to you for saving," Mr. Azure observed, noting the strategic advantage I had gained.

Oh, the hell I would rain down! The thought alone fueled my ambitions, setting the stage for a tumultuous upheaval in the corporate world that would see me rise even higher.

As the discussion about strategic maneuvers continued, Mr. Chambers brought up another crucial aspect of our operations. "Todd Corporation is also about to announce the final restructuring plans," he interjected, reminding me of the looming decisions. I had almost forgotten about that amidst the other tactical discussions. "You'll have to make some tough decisions."

"It'll be a good thing," I mused aloud, considering the opportunities this restructuring presented. "I can gather everything that is only losing money or losing in the competitive market and finally get rid of it. Right now, no one in their right mind would complain about it." It was a perfect storm for pruning the weak links—right now, I was the best opportunity for surviving businesses, and I should strengthen the monopoly of the top conglomerates.

"Well then, I guess I should give you and your core team a present then," Mr. Azure said, his voice hinting at something significant.

"A present?" Mr. Wallace asked, his curiosity piqued by Mr. Azure's unexpected announcement.

"I'll give you each a small portion my shares of Azure Ventures. Of course, this is just to ensure your loyalty going forward," Mr. Azure elaborated, revealing his plan to integrate us further into his business empire.

Mr. Wallace and Mr. Chambers both looked shocked at the generosity of the gift. They hadn't even received this kind of treatment when my grandfather was alive, but this gift must've solidified my place as the leader in their eyes for good now. Their expressions mixed awe with a newfound respect, signaling that Mr. Azure's strategic gift was not just a gesture of goodwill but also a cementing of alliances that would dictate the future course of our conglomerate.