
Alex Vs The World(BL)

Having a two-faced bitch of a family isn’t scary… what’s scary is that Alex has allowed them to have the upper hand for so long. Due to his siblings jealousy, his startup was snatched away, his parents disowned him without a word, and on top of all that, he was arrested and thrown into prison for a murder he didn’t commit. On the day of his release from prison, and borrowing a bed for the night from the overly friendly stranger, Jasper McNeil, Alex takes off to set his plans for revenge in motion. But he certainly never expected to have to learn to deal with new emotions, new people and of course, new rivals.

Sakakibara9300 · LGBT+
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174 Chs

Jasper’s Apartment

"Jasper," I sighed, resigned to my fate. Then suddenly, the music changed, filling the bar with a slow, ethereal love song.

The group that had been with Jasper either paired off or returned to their seats, leaving us alone on the dance floor.

"There, see? I wasn't meant to dance," I smirked, knowing Jasper would not want to dance with me to the new slow music.

"You're not getting out of it," Jasper grinned, undeterred. "Dance with me."

Jasper went to pull me onto the dance floor, but this time I resisted. "No."

"What? Aren't we getting along?" Jasper asked, confused by my sudden reluctance.

"Um, I should..." I trailed off, searching for a polite excuse to escape this situation. I couldn't go through with it and feel good about it.

"My heart was broken, and you should indulge me," Jasper smiled softly. "Dance with me."

Once again, I tried to find any reason to refuse, but Jasper's earnestness made it difficult to say no.

"If it makes you uncomfortable, it's okay," Jasper said, releasing my hand. "I didn't mean anything—"

"No, I didn't want you to be uncomfortable," I interrupted, feeling a pang of guilt for my hesitation.

Jasper chuckled. "I asked you to dance, remember?"

"Yeah," I forced a smile, feeling the weight of the moment pressing down on me.

"Please," Jasper pleaded once more.

"Fine," I acquiesced with a scoff. Immediately, Jasper took the lead, wrapping his arm around my waist and guiding me onto the dance floor. Despite my initial reluctance, I found myself allowing him to hold me as we began to move to the music. As we swayed slowly together, I couldn't bring myself to meet Jasper's gaze, instead focusing on the bar in the distance.

"Something interesting over there?" Jasper asked after a few moments, breaking the silence between us.

"What?" I finally looked at Jasper, our eyes meeting for the first time since the dance began.

"At the bar?" Jasper paused, concern evident in his voice. "If there's someone you're interested in, we don't have to—"

"No," I shook my head, instinctively tightening my hold on Jasper. "There's no one."

"Okay," Jasper smiled reassuringly. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," I nodded, trying to push aside the unease that gnawed at me. A part of me couldn't shake the feeling of vulnerability that came with being held by a man twice my size, especially one who was a cop.

"Shouldn't I be the nervous one?" Jasper smirked teasingly.

I chuckled weakly. "You don't seem nervous."

"I'm not, but you seem to be," Jasper observed, his grin widening. "Is it that strange to be dancing with me?"

"A little," I admitted with a sigh, unable to shake off the discomfort that lingered in the back of my mind.

"It's just me," Jasper shrugged, his tone gentle.

"I need to move my hand, it's asleep," I said, trying to break the tension as I slipped my hand out from under Jasper's. But before I could let it hang awkwardly by my side, Jasper took my hand and placed it around his neck.

I felt my fingers brush the nape of his neck, and I fought the urge to shiver. Unaware of the internal struggle I was dealing with, Jasper pulled me closer to him suddenly, and as our bodies touched, I felt a wave of discomfort wash over me. Yet I didn't give any sign that it bothered me that Jasper held me so close, and because of that, Jasper relaxed, his fingers gently moving back and forth against the small of my back.

It was then that the touch caused me to momentarily close my eyes, allowing myself to believe that what was happening was more than just a dance. But self-preservation suddenly kicked in, causing me to step back quickly, jumping from Jasper's embrace. For a moment, Jasper looked confused, but then the music changed again, shifting from the slow melody to an upbeat dance tempo.

"Thanks for the dance," I managed to say, trying to mask the turmoil I felt inside.

"Yeah," Jasper smiled, though there was a hint of disappointment in his eyes.

"I should let you get back to your friends," I forced a smile as I quickly left the dance floor, heading back towards the bar on my own.

Back at the bar, I sat staring at the empty glass in front of me, replaying the dance that had just taken place in my mind.

"Do you need another?" The smiling bartender asked, breaking me from my thoughts.

"Yeah. Make it a double please," I sighed.

"Men will do that to you," he grinned knowingly.

"What?" I looked up, confused by his comment.

"The guy you were dancing with? You two seemed pretty intense," he explained.

I shook my head. "I don't know him."

"Really?" The bartender shrugged. "If you say so."

As he disappeared to fill my order, I glanced over at the table where Jasper was sitting, then quickly looked away, feeling a mix of emotions swirling inside me.

Two women decided to sit on either side of me then. As the they persisted in their attempts to engage me, I grew increasingly annoyed. Despite my efforts to brush them off politely, they seemed determined to push their agenda. Finally, one of them snapped, hurling an insult my way.

"You look like a fucking psycho anyway!" she spat out, her words laced with venom.

Fueled by a combination of frustration and alcohol, I couldn't contain my reaction any longer. With a careless disregard for decorum, I flipped her off with both hands, the gesture dripping with defiance.

In that moment, I didn't care how childish or immature I appeared. All I wanted was to make it abundantly clear that I had no interest in their company or their advances.

"Two strikes. You have one left." I heard Jasper's voice creep up on me again.

"Two strikes?"

"Two people have sat with you at this bar and two people have struck out."

I chuckled. "Yeah."

"That picky are you?" Jasper grinned as he sat down.

"Something like that." I took a long swig from his glass.

"Picking someone up at a bar doesn't seem like your style."

"It's not. I'm just here to celebrate my freedom."

"So you just came here for the atmosphere?"

"Yeah." I nodded. "It's a small reward before I get to business."

Jasper looked surprised. "Interesting."

"Why's that interesting?"

Jasper's curiosity piqued my interest. I wondered why he found my reason for being at the bar intriguing.

"It's not a common rewards, I guess," he mused. "Just in case, did you open a tab?"

I furrowed my brows in confusion. "What's that?"

Jasper's expression softened, and he leaned in slightly. "Do you have money?"

I shook my head, feeling a twinge of embarrassment. "No."

"How'd you plan on paying for drinks?" Jasper asked, his tone gentle but probing.

I shrugged, trying to appear nonchalant. "I'd find someone to give me the money. Maybe Sam will pay, he seems remorseful."

Jasper's eyebrows raised in surprise, but before he could respond, he motioned to the bartender and instructed him to put my drinks on his tab.

I felt a mix of gratitude and relief at his gesture, grateful for his kindness and understanding. Still, I couldn't shake off the feeling of suspicion gnawing at me as Jasper offered to cover my drinks. It felt too good to be true, especially considering my past experiences in prison. People always had ulterior motives, and I wasn't about to fall into another trap like I did with Sam.

"Why are you helping me? What do you want?" I asked, unable to mask the skepticism in my voice.

Jasper's assurance that he didn't want anything from me didn't fully alleviate my doubts. I'd seen enough manipulation and deceit to know better than to trust someone blindly.

Though Jasper seemed genuine, I couldn't help but maintain a cautious distance. Trust was something earned over time, and I wasn't about to let my guard down so easily, even in the outside world.

For now, I'd accept his help for the drinks but keep my eyes wide open, ready to protect myself from any potential harm or deception. If Jasper's intentions proved to be sincere, maybe then I could let go of my doubts and allow myself to trust him.

"You're not some weirdo, are you?" I asked cautiously, scanning the room for any signs of ulterior motives.

Jasper raised his hands in a peace gesture, his expression earnest. "I'm no weirdo, just concerned. I've concluded that you're in need and I wanted to help. It's no bother if you aren't interested. Just asking, that's all."

His words seemed genuine, but I couldn't let go of my skepticism. What did he want from me in return? I had learned the hard way that nothing came for free.

"What would I have to do in exchange? I couldn't do what you do," I replied, wary of any hidden expectations.

Jasper shook his head adamantly. "Again, I'm not asking for anything in return. I have a spare room in my apartment nearby. What about you? Where do you stay?"

I shrugged, feeling small and vulnerable in my oversized coat. "I was going to sleep in the park, not too far from here. Not many people use it so it's okay; I'll mostly be left alone."

Jasper's eyes widened in alarm at my admission. "Mostly? You can't stay at that park! It's a hotspot for perverts!"

I knew about the dangers, but I felt as though I had no other options. "It's the risk I'm taking. There's nowhere else for me to go."

"You can come with me!" Jasper's sudden offer to stay in his spare room took me by surprise. Despite my initial skepticism, his genuine concern and willingness to help began to soften my defenses.

"You... you'd let me stay in your spare room?" I asked, my voice tinged with disbelief.

He nodded earnestly. "Of course. It's the least I can do. No one should have to sleep in a park, especially not in this cold weather."

His kindness touched something deep within me, a flicker of hope amidst the darkness that had consumed me for so long. Could I dare to trust him?

"I... I don't know what to say," I admitted, feeling a lump form in my throat.

Jasper placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "You don't have to say anything. Just come with me, and we'll sort things out from there."

I hesitated for a moment, wrestling with my doubts and fears. But ultimately, the prospect of a warm bed and a roof over my head outweighed my reservations.

"Okay," I said finally, a tentative smile forming on my lips. "Lead the way."

As Jasper led me out of the bustling bar and into the chilly night, the streets were illuminated by the soft glow of streetlights casting long shadows on the pavement. We walked through a neighborhood lined with modest apartment buildings, their brick facades standing stoically against the darkness.

Upon reaching Jasper's apartment block, we ascended a flight of stairs and entered his abode. The interior was cozy and welcoming, adorned with warm hues and tasteful decor. The living room boasted a comfortable-looking couch, a coffee table strewn with books and magazines, and a large flat-screen TV mounted on the wall.

Jasper gave me a quick tour, pointing out the kitchen where I could help myself to snacks and beverages, and the bathroom where I could freshen up if needed. He then gestured towards the spare room, a modest space with a neatly made bed, a small dresser, and a nightstand with a lamp.

"You're free to make yourself at home," Jasper said with a tired smile, rubbing his eyes. "I'm going to crash on the couch just in case. Let me know if you need anything."

With that, he settled onto the couch and promptly drifted off to sleep, leaving me to my own devices. Grateful for his generosity, I quietly slipped into the spare room and prepared for a much-needed rest, feeling a sense of relief wash over me as I finally laid my head down on the pillow.