
Alex Vs The World(BL)

Having a two-faced bitch of a family isn’t scary… what’s scary is that Alex has allowed them to have the upper hand for so long. Due to his siblings jealousy, his startup was snatched away, his parents disowned him without a word, and on top of all that, he was arrested and thrown into prison for a murder he didn’t commit. On the day of his release from prison, and borrowing a bed for the night from the overly friendly stranger, Jasper McNeil, Alex takes off to set his plans for revenge in motion. But he certainly never expected to have to learn to deal with new emotions, new people and of course, new rivals.

Sakakibara9300 · LGBT+
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174 Chs

In Your Face!

The tension in the room was palpable, thick enough to cut with a knife as the implications of my actions reverberated throughout the boardroom. It was a moment frozen in time, suspended in the charged atmosphere as the truth of my intentions hung in the air like a heavy fog, casting a shadow over the once-sturdy facade of the Todd Corporation.

"I'll... I'll call the police!" My dad's voice quivered with a mixture of anger and desperation as he clutched the official papers Jasper had given him, his hands trembling slightly with the weight of his realization.

"Okay, let's go to the police and show them just how superior you are," I retorted, unable to contain a mocking chuckle. "After all, you're just a scumbag who can abandon his family without a second thought and goes around slapping people you think are beneath you. And let's not forget the recent food poisoning scandal which closed one of your biggest assets. Not to mention you handing out shares to someone who will just sell them to anyone. Who can trust you with any business? You've lost your keen eye for talent. Is there anyone left who would still vote for you to be chairman of the board of directors?"

My words hung in the air, laced with a biting edge of contempt as I confronted my father with the harsh truth of his failures. The room seemed to shrink in the weight of the accusations, the tension thickening with each passing moment as the gravity of the situation sank in for everyone present.

I glanced at the five old men seated around the boardroom table, each one clad in impeccably tailored, expensive suits that spoke volumes of their wealth and status. Their faces were a study in contrast, ranging from stoic impassiveness to thinly veiled eagerness as they observed the unfolding drama with keen interest.

The first man, Mr. Thompson, sat with a demeanor of quiet authority, his steely gaze betraying a shrewd intelligence beneath his composed exterior. He exuded an air of confidence, his every movement deliberate and calculated as he absorbed the scene before him.

Next to him sat Mr. Reynolds, a portly figure with a jovial smile that seemed incongruous with the seriousness of the situation. Despite his genial appearance, there was a sharpness in his eyes that hinted at a keen business acumen hidden behind his affable facade.

Mr. Chambers, the third man, cut a striking figure with his sharp features and piercing gaze. His expression was unreadable, his lips pressed into a thin line as he observed the proceedings with a sense of detached curiosity.

Opposite him sat Mr. Wallace, a rather sketchy-looking individual whose disheveled appearance didn't represent the sharpness of his mind. His eyes darted around the room with a calculating intensity, his fingers tapping nervously against the polished surface of the table as he weighed his options.

Finally, there was Mr. Carter, the youngest of the group but no less formidable. His confident posture and unwavering gaze suggested a man who was unafraid to seize opportunities when they presented themselves. His face was a mask of inscrutability, revealing nothing of his thoughts as he watched the drama unfold before him.

As I observed the five old men, I could see the wheels turning in their heads, each one contemplating the opportunity I had just presented them with to rid themselves of a troublesome element within the company. It was clear that they were calculating their next move, eager to capitalize on the chaos unfolding before them to further their own agendas.

"The scandals are intolerable," Mr. Wallace declared firmly. "I won't continue here unless Chairman Todd steps aside."

Chambers nodded in agreement. "I can't stomach any more of this. I'll stay if the chairman steps down."

"Replace him! The numbers at Lombardi's don't lie!" Mr. Reynolds chimed in eagerly.

My dad's reaction was visceral. "Even if these people give you all their shares, you can't beat me!"

"It's no wonder Grandpa didn't give you the company until he died," I interjected, unable to resist the opportunity to twist the knife. "You have zero business acumen. If your brain didn't get too big for your skull and you paid attention, things would've never gotten to this point."

"You brat!" My dad snapped, his anger palpable.

"Do you really think I'm stupid enough to let you ruin things more than you two already have?" I countered, my voice dripping with disdain. "Personally, you're just bad for business and need to go. All this was supposed to be mine anyway. How could you shamelessly act like such a fool?"

"What?" My dad's eyes widened, a flicker of anxiety betraying his composed facade. He knew that I knew something, and the realization seemed to upset him.

"Grandpa's will," I declared loudly, my voice cutting through the tension like a knife. In an instant, the atmosphere in the room shifted, and the reactions around me transformed into a mixture of shock, confusion, and anger.

Yes, my older brother had indeed given me the correct location of literally everything I needed to take Emily and my dad down. I hadn't forgiven him for his past actions, but this newfound knowledge fueled my fire to fix whatever my dad and sister had ruined.

Each of the shareholders now wore expressions ranging from bewilderment to outright fury, their reactions a testament to the bombshell I had just dropped.

"The Elder Todd had a will?!" Mr. Carter bellowed in anger, his face turning red with indignation.

"What happened?! We have a right to know about the distribution of the company's equity!" Mr. Thompson added, his voice filled with frustration and urgency.

"The old man made it clear in his will that the child who performed best would inherit things when he died. As the owner of Lombardi's, I'd say your most successful and eligible child is me," I asserted confidently, motioning for Jasper to produce copies of the documents for everyone present. "If it wasn't for Tony, I would've never found it and turned it into the lawyers to get it notarized. According to the will, I not only have Emily's 20%, but all the rights to Grandpa's 53%, making me the majority shareholder. I officially outrank you, old man. You should be more respectful to me now that I've become the King of the castle."

"We still have to elect! Do you think anyone will vote you in after seeing how you take down your entire family?!" Emily screamed from the floor, her voice trembling with anger and disbelief.

"He also handed me the evidence of you framing me for murder and setting up a hit to have me killed in prison, Emily. Don't tell me you can dish it but can't take it!" I confronted Emily, my voice firm and unwavering. Emily went silent, her face drained of color.

"Guess you should make your speech," Jasper interjected, breaking the tense silence.

"If there are no objections, I'll be taking over like my grandfather intended me to do, starting with debts, and no one will be dragged down unless they cross me," I declared confidently, my gaze sweeping across the room. "If you want to withdraw because of this, say so, and you'll be paid back your investment in full."

The old men stared at me, their expressions a mix of awe and admiration. I could sense their approval, knowing they appreciated the manner in which I had just humiliated my father. It was clear that they had been waiting for an opportunity like this, and now they finally had it through me.

As I stood there, basking in the attention of the old men, I could sense their admiration, but beneath it lurked something more calculating. It was as if they were sizing me up, each considering how they could leverage my newfound power for their own interests. The atmosphere in the room felt charged, electric, like I was the chosen prey being circled by a pack of hungry lions.

But rather than feeling intimidated, I felt exhilarated by the prospect of wielding such influence. I knew that each of them was eager to see how I would wield my newfound power, and I relished the thought of humbling them one by one. After all, as long as they stood to make money, they wouldn't care what I did.

"I have no objections," Mr. Chambers said, his tone measured but with a glimmer of hope. "I won't withdraw, but I at least need a trial period to assess your skills."

The other men nodded in agreement, their expressions a mix of skepticism and interest. This was my chance to prove myself, to demonstrate that I was not only capable but also formidable. With Lombardi's success as my first exhibit, I was ready to showcase my skills in equity financing and business management.

"Fair enough," I responded confidently, locking eyes with each of the men in turn. "You've seen part of what I'm capable of. Now, tell me the problems you're facing, and I'll do whatever it takes to fix them. By the way, Ms. Todd, Mr. Todd Sr, you're fired."

As Jasper escorted my stunned father and Emily from the room, I focused on the remaining men. They seemed unfazed by the dramatic turn of events, but I knew their acceptance was merely a facade. They were waiting to see if I would deliver on my promises, and I was determined to exceed their expectations.