
Alex Vs The World(BL)

Having a two-faced bitch of a family isn’t scary… what’s scary is that Alex has allowed them to have the upper hand for so long. Due to his siblings jealousy, his startup was snatched away, his parents disowned him without a word, and on top of all that, he was arrested and thrown into prison for a murder he didn’t commit. On the day of his release from prison, and borrowing a bed for the night from the overly friendly stranger, Jasper McNeil, Alex takes off to set his plans for revenge in motion. But he certainly never expected to have to learn to deal with new emotions, new people and of course, new rivals.

Sakakibara9300 · LGBT+
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174 Chs

I’ll Give You A Million

The shady warehouse loomed ominously against the backdrop of the city's skyline, its weathered exterior adorned with graffiti tags and faded signage. As twilight descended, the building seemed to sink deeper into the shadows, concealing its secrets within its dilapidated walls.

Broken windows glinted in the faint light, casting fractured reflections onto the cracked pavement below. Rusty metal doors creaked on their hinges, hinting at the passage of unseen figures slipping in and out under the cover of darkness.

Inside, the air hung heavy with the scent of must and decay, mingling with the faint whiff of something more sinister lurking just beyond the reach of perception. The flickering glow of dim overhead lights struggled to penetrate the gloom, casting eerie shadows that danced along the cavernous space.

Stacks of crates and barrels cluttered the floor, their contents shrouded in mystery, while tattered tarps draped over forgotten machinery whispered of long-abandoned endeavors. The distant echoes of dripping water and scurrying rodents added to the unsettling ambiance, creating an atmosphere fraught with tension and uncertainty.

In the heart of this desolate sanctuary, secrets lay dormant, waiting to be unearthed by those daring enough to venture into its depths. Yet, for all its foreboding allure, the warehouse remained a haunting reminder of the darkness that lurked within the city's underbelly, a place where danger and intrigue intertwined in a sinister dance beneath the cloak of night.

Jasper's voice carried a steely resolve as he laid out the terms for the driver, emphasizing the gravity of the situation for him and the necessity of his cooperation in luring my sister to the warehouse. With practiced efficiency, he outfitted the man with surveillance equipment, ensuring that every moment would be captured and scrutinized for evidence of intent.

The driver, visibly unsettled by Jasper's unwavering demeanor, appeared to weigh his options before reluctantly acquiescing to the demands laid before him. It was clear that he understood the stakes of his involvement and the consequences of any failure to comply with Jasper's directives.

As Jasper concluded his instructions, a tense silence settled over the warehouse, punctuated only by the hum of the surveillance equipment and the muffled sounds of distant activity.

Travis, Jasper, and I stood in the dimly lit warehouse, strategically positioned to remain unseen yet vigilant in our surveillance of the man who had perpetrated the hit-and-run. Despite his awareness of our presence, he maintained an uneasy composure, evidently cautious not to arouse suspicion or provoke any untoward actions.

The tension in the warehouse escalated as the driver initiated contact with my sister, employing a mix of coercion and intimidation to compel her compliance. With each threat uttered over the phone, the weight of the situation grew more palpable, a testament to the stakes involved and the urgency of our mission.

As the conversation unfolded, it became evident that my sister was initially hesitant to acquiesce to the driver's demands, her reluctance evident in the strained timbre of her voice. However, his ultimatum—to expose her treachery and incriminate her to the authorities—proved to be the tipping point, prompting her to begrudgingly agree to the clandestine meeting.

My sister made her entrance, clad in an inconspicuous off-brand tracksuit and sporting a face mask to conceal her identity. Her arrival, though seemingly unassuming, carried with it an air of apprehension, a palpable tension that hung thick in the stale warehouse air.

With Jasper meticulously recording the exchange, every movement and word uttered was captured with precision, ensuring that no detail escaped scrutiny.

The bags she carried, bulging with undisclosed contents, served as a stark reminder of the stakes at hand, their significance shrouded in mystery yet poised to alter the course of our collective fate. With each step she took, the anticipation mounted, a silent countdown to the moment of reckoning that awaited us all.

The tension in the air crackled with palpable animosity as Emily's voice cut through the silence, dripping with contempt and indignation.

"There's the money you asked for. You can count it on your own!" Emily's words rang out, laden with simmering resentment and thinly veiled hostility. The implication was clear – she had fulfilled her end of the bargain, and now it was his turn to uphold his part of the deal.

The man's response was swift and cutting, his contemptuous sneer betraying his disdain. "Looks a bit light for half a million," he retorted, his tone laced with skepticism and derision. With a casual kick, he sent the bag tumbling, a dismissive gesture that spoke volumes of his disdain.

But Emily was not one to back down, her fury unbridled as she lashed out in defiance. "Don't you have any shame? I just asked you to teach that little tranny a lesson! Not kill him!" Her words dripped with venom, each syllable dripping with disdain and contempt. It was clear that her patience was wearing thin, and she had no qualms about making her displeasure known.

The man's voice trembled with frustration and desperation as he defended his actions, his words laden with bitterness and resentment. "You said you wanted him gone and out of the picture!" he argued, his tone tinged with desperation and frustration. "I did this for you, and now not only is the Lombardi family after my head, but so are the police! The damage to my mental health is worth more than $50,000!"

Emily's expression darkened with incredulity and anger as she processed the man's words, her features contorted with rage and disbelief. "Why didn't the news say you killed him?" she demanded, her voice dripping with scorn and contempt.

The man's response was hesitant, his words laced with uncertainty and unease. "He might not be dead, but disabled. This matter was suppressed by some cop that's his friend," he explained, his voice tinged with anxiety and apprehension.

Emily's eyes narrowed with suspicion, a flicker of realization dawning in her gaze as she connected the dots. "You mean Jas...why is he so concerned?" she questioned, her voice thick with anger and frustration. It was clear that she was growing increasingly incensed by the revelations unfolding before her, her patience wearing thin as she grappled with the implications of the situation.

The man's words dripped with sarcasm and contempt as he probed Emily with his questions, his voice thick with disdain and frustration. Each syllable carried a sense of hostility and resentment, as he lashed out in frustration at the situation unfolding before him. "If you cripple someone's sweetheart, can you not expect retaliation? You seem to know them personally. Did that cop or that Tranny offend you?" he challenged, his tone laced with bitterness and anger.

Emily's gaze hardened with determination as she voiced her ultimatum, her words laced with resolve and determination. "I want to know if Jasper had gotten tired of that crippled tranny by now," she demanded, her voice thick with disdain and contempt.

The man's voice carried a tone of curiosity and skepticism as he responded to Emily's inquiry, his words laced with a hint of suspicion. "How would I know? I've only heard around town that Jasper spends all his time nursing the guy back to health himself. He has been all week. Why do you care? Holding a grudge with him?" His voice dripped with disdain and bitterness, revealing his underlying animosity towards Jasper and his companion.

Emily's face twisted into a scowl at the mention of Jasper, her resentment towards him evident in her tense demeanor. "Yeah, Jasper did provoke me by not answering or returning my calls for a month so it's a great achievement that his sweetheart is crippled now," she spat out bitterly, her words tinged with vindictiveness and malice. With a sudden burst of determination, she tossed the backpack she was carrying to the man.

The man's expression remained unreadable as he inspected the contents of the bags, his demeanor guarded and wary. "I don't work with people who try to stiff me," he declared firmly, his voice tinged with a hint of warning.

The man's face was tinged with disbelief and apprehension as he processed Emily's chilling next words, his expression darkening with unease. "Since half a million would get him crippled, a million should be enough for his life," Emily's smile sent shivers down his spine, her words dripping with cold calculation and ruthless intent.

Her target was indeed Travis.

For a brief moment, a flicker of hesitation crossed the man's face as he grappled with the weight of Emily's request. "I'll do it, but you have to tell me why you want me to kill a civilian so badly," he demanded, his voice laced with a mixture of curiosity and trepidation.

Emily's response was chilling in its simplicity, her words carrying a sense of entitlement and possessiveness that sent a shiver down my spine. "Because if I like something, no one else can touch it," she stated matter-of-factly, her tone devoid of remorse or empathy. With that final declaration, she turned on her heel and left the warehouse, leaving behind an atmosphere thick with tension and foreboding.

Five minutes stretched on agonizingly slowly, each passing moment filled with apprehension and uncertainty. We remained vigilant, scanning our surroundings for any signs of danger, our nerves on edge as we braced ourselves for whatever might come next. It felt like an eternity, the silence broken only by the faint rustle of movement and the sound of our own breathing echoing in the empty space.

"I've done what you told me. Can you let my wife and children go now?" The man's voice quivered with a mixture of fear and desperation as he pleaded into the button of his sleeve, his words tinged with a palpable sense of relief at having completed the task he had been coerced into. His body trembled with the weight of his actions, the enormity of his desperation laid bare in the vulnerability of his voice.

"I'll keep my word! Take the money and disappear! You have more than enough to start over comfortably. Don't come back to this city and let me see you again!" Travis's voice rang out with authority, a command laced with both compassion and urgency as he granted the man a reprieve from his harrowing ordeal. His words echoed through the empty expanse of the warehouse, a beacon of mercy in the darkness of uncertainty. With a sense of finality, the man seized the opportunity presented to him, snatching up the bags of money, ripping off the wires and body cam and fleeing from the warehouse with a fervor born of desperation. As he disappeared into the night, his footsteps echoing faintly against the concrete floor, a heavy silence settled over the space, punctuated only by the soft rustle of fabric and the distant hum of city life outside. We exchanged solemn nods, silently acknowledging the gravity of what had transpired and the weight of the choices we had made. In that fleeting moment, amidst the shadows and the uncertainty, there was a sense of closure, of resolution, of a chapter coming to an end.

We did it!