
Alex Vs The World(BL)

Having a two-faced bitch of a family isn’t scary… what’s scary is that Alex has allowed them to have the upper hand for so long. Due to his siblings jealousy, his startup was snatched away, his parents disowned him without a word, and on top of all that, he was arrested and thrown into prison for a murder he didn’t commit. On the day of his release from prison, and borrowing a bed for the night from the overly friendly stranger, Jasper McNeil, Alex takes off to set his plans for revenge in motion. But he certainly never expected to have to learn to deal with new emotions, new people and of course, new rivals.

Sakakibara9300 · LGBT+
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174 Chs


As I carefully folded my clothes and packed my suitcase in Jasper's cozy apartment, the excitement bubbling within me was palpable. This wasn't just any trip; it was our long-awaited honeymoon to Bora Bora.

I meticulously arranged each item, from swimsuits to sunscreen and I couldn't help but steal glances at Jasper, who was engrossed in a video game on his Xbox One.

"Jasper, are you ready?" I called out, trying to hide my amusement as he furrowed his brows in concentration, completely absorbed in his game.

"Yeah, In a minute, Sugar!" he replied, his attention still fixed on the screen.

Chuckling softly to myself, I continued to pack, relishing in the anticipation of the adventures that awaited us.

After what felt like an eternity, Jasper finally emerged from his gaming trance, flashing me a sheepish grin. "Ready for our first trip as a married couple?" he asked, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

When we arrived at the bustling airport, I quickly settled the fare with the cab driver while Jasper effortlessly hoisted our suitcases from the trunk. "Here, let me help," I offered, reaching out for one of the bags.

Jasper flashed me a charming smile, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Don't worry, Alex. I've got this," he reassured me, his confidence unwavering. "Besides, I've got super strength," he added with a playful wink, earning a chuckle from me.

Throughout our time at the airport, I surreptitiously ensured that Jasper remained in the dark about our destination. With each diversion and distraction, I managed to maintain the element of surprise, eager to see the look of delight on his face when we finally arrived at our tropical paradise.

As we boarded the plane, the thrill of the unknown filled the air, promising endless possibilities and unforgettable memories awaiting us in Bora Bora.

This honeymoon wasn't just about us having a break; it was a chance to solidify our bond, to create memories that would last a lifetime.

With a deep breath, I turned to Jasper, his expression a mirror of my own mixed emotions. His eyes sparkled with excitement and anticipation, his hand reaching out to grasp mine in a reassuring gesture.

As we settled into our seats on the plane, the anticipation bubbling between us was palpable. Jasper's curiosity finally got the better of him, and he couldn't resist pressing me for details about our destination. "Come on! Tell me."

With a mischievous twinkle in my eye, I leaned in close, savoring the moment before revealing my secret. "Well, since we're married, our honeymoon should reflect our financial status," I teased, relishing the playful banter between us. "I'm taking us to Bora Bora."

"Where's that?"

"French Polynesia."

As the hours stretched on, conversation flowed freely between us, punctuated by moments of comfortable silence. Eventually, exhaustion caught up with me, and I drifted off to sleep, my head resting against Jasper's shoulder.

When I awoke to the gentle caress of Jasper's hand on my cheek, the warmth of his touch chased away the remnants of sleep. I blinked groggily, struggling to orient myself as Jasper gently roused me from my slumber. "It's been 19 hours, Alex. We're finally here."

As we stepped onto foreign soil, hand in hand, I felt a surge of excitement coursing through my veins, eager to explore the wonders that awaited us in this new and unfamiliar land.

"Can you believe it? I have you all to myself for ten days," Jasper says, his eyes sparkling with anticipation and a hint of mischief.

I can't help but grin in response. Ten whole days with him, without a care in the world. Travis had sent us to a resort on the beach, and I can already imagine the sight of Jasper's sculpted, hard body glistening in the saltwater. My pulse quickens just thinking about it.

"What are you going to do with me?" I ask, my voice laced with playful curiosity as I trace my finger down the buttons of his shirt. I've found it impossible to keep my hands off him in this moment. "Do you have anything special planned for the room?"

Jasper chuckles, his laughter contagious. "I have a few tricks up my sleeve," he admits, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "But honestly, I thought we could just go with the flow. I can't remember the last time I've been to the beach. Must have been back in middle school."

"Well, we'll just have to make up for lost time, won't we?" I tease, a playful smirk playing on my lips. "I haven't been on the beach since before my stint in prison, so anything we end up doing will be perfect."

If I weren't so shy, I would have whisked Jasper into the airplane bathroom and joined the Mile-High Club. But instead, I settled for indulging in wild fantasies while pretending to listen to an audiobook about management.

"What are you thinking about, beautiful?" Jasper's voice pulls me from my thoughts, and I feel my cheeks flush as I meet his gaze.

"I was just thinking about tonight," I confess, feeling a flutter of excitement in my chest as I take his hand in mine.

"Hmm, is that so? That's funny because I was thinking about the exact same thing," he responds with a playful wink, sending a shiver down my spine.

We make our way to the car rental place on the edge of the airport, and I watch our belongings while Jasper handles the paperwork. As he fills out the forms, I noticed the attention he attracted from other women nearby. Their eyes lingered on him for too long, captivated by his rugged charm and easy confidence. It's almost comical how oblivious he is to the effect he has on others, but to me, it's a constant reminder of just how lucky I am to have him like only me.

I shoot the women a few pointed glances, unable to resist a touch of possessiveness, before pulling out my phone to text Travis about our arrival.

"Sugar, you ok?" Jasper's voice draws me out of my reverie, and I glance up to see him approaching with a warm smile. With a grin of my own, I gathered our belongings, eager to embark on our adventure together. Jasper took charge of the rest of the luggage, effortlessly balancing it as he leads the way to our rental car.

When we reach our sleek black sports car, Jasper opens the passenger door for me with a gallant flourish, and I can't help but smile at his chivalry. I offer him a quick kiss in gratitude, though part of me longs to make it linger to make the women watching us more jealous.

"This is great, right?" Jasper's voice was filled with excitement as he started the car, the engine purring to life beneath us.

"Of course," I replied, unable to contain my own excitement as I gazed out at the city lights twinkling in the night sky. But my attention quickly returned to Jasper as I watched the way his hands confidently grip the steering wheel, his focus solely on the road ahead.

I can feel the anticipation building within me with each passing moment. The thought of finally reaching our hotel room sent a thrill coursing through my veins, and I can hardly wait to be alone with Jasper, to feel his touch and lose myself in his embrace. It's clear that patience will be a virtue tonight, but I'm not sure how much longer I can wait.

"I have to go to the bathroom," I abruptly announce, pointing toward the exit for the rest stop.

Jasper raises an eyebrow, clearly amused. "Um... okay. Why didn't you say anything a few minutes ago before we left the airport?"

I offer a weak shrug. "I didn't know I had to go then." As Jasper complies and veers off the main road into the rest area, I can sense his concern as he surveys the rundown surroundings.

"Do you want me to walk with you up to the bathroom and wait for you? I don't feel comfortable letting you go alo—"

I cut him off by unbuckling my seatbelt and climbing onto his lap. Thankfully, I opted for loose clothing, so slipping out of my shorts and underwear was effortless. Jasper looked surprised, but any protest was silenced as I press my lips against his. He tasted sweet, and his touch sends shivers down my spine. His hands roam my bare thighs, igniting a fire within me. I moan into his mouth as his fingers find their way beneath my underwear, and I couldn't help but lose myself in the moment.

"Are you sure you want to do this here?" Jasper's voice was strained with desire, his restraint crumbling before my eyes.

I straddled him enthusiastically. When our bodies were joined again, he sighed happily and I moaned. Hitching my hips slightly back and forth I was able to get on him as he slipped his fingers in and out of me without having to risk losing the feel of his mouth on my neck.

"Ah, still good from yesterday," he smiled, his hands gripping mine tightly as he fought his own natural instinct.

Wanting it as much as he did, I planted my feet flat on the seat and lifted myself up, grunting when gravity took over and fell back into his lap. Throwing his head back, he moved his hands to my hips. Untouched, my throbbing erection bounced and swung as I bobbed my body up and down on him.

"Damn," he said through gritted teeth, digging his fingertips into my flesh.

His reaction made me twitch all over, so I did it again, feeling the power I held over him shoot through me with every needy sound I forced from him. Before long, he was rising up to meet me, twisting his hips just the right way to hit my gland, making me gasp and shudder powerfully.

It was fucking amazing and altering and so much more than I could have ever imagined, even with Jasper's descriptive words. Feeling him move under me, feeling his body want and need mine with an intensity that neither of us could control, made me come undone in just about every way. I forced my eyes open to watch him, every lick of his lips, ever twist of his mouth and shake of his head. When his eyes met mine, I showed him everything, all that I had wanted and needed from him. Letting go of my hip with one hand, he reached up to my face and brushed the back of his fingers along my heated skin.

"Jasper, I-"

"Me too, beautiful," he whispered.

"Jasper, I'm coming," I cried, slamming my body down onto him one last time before every muscle tensed and locked in place. Without either of our hands on myself, it pulsed and erupted.

"Fuck, yes," Jasper growled when my first load landed on the napkin he quickly pressed to me.

Jerking involuntarily, my back arched further, the coil in my belly slowly loosening as my powerful orgasm washed over me, leaving nothing untouched. Before the last bit of pleasure rolled through me, I heard Jasper growl and thrust up into me quickly three times before I felt his erection jerk deep inside me as he finally came. Pulling me down, our teeth mashed together as I kissed him through his orgasm, swallowing his moans of completion. Gradually, our bodies returned from utopia while our lips were still pressed together.

Breathing heavily, I rolled back into my seat and pulled my shorts up, neither of us bothered by the fact that we were covered in sweat. Resting my head on his shoulder as the tension left my muscles slowly leaving me utterly stated. The only movement was Jasper pulling the filled condom off his softening member and tossing it out of the car window.

"Well, that was certainly a surprise," Jasper comments with a sly smile as he started to clean himself up with the tissues in the car.

"I couldn't wait," I reply with a shrug, feeling refreshed and exhilarated by our spontaneous moment of intimacy.

"I'm not complaining. But this is a nice start," the bastard was literally glowing. "Next stop for you is pound town!"

"Shut up! If you play that song I'll kill you!" I blushed.

Jasper started up the car again, and we resumed our journey toward our destination.