
Alex Vs The World(BL)

Having a two-faced bitch of a family isn’t scary… what’s scary is that Alex has allowed them to have the upper hand for so long. Due to his siblings jealousy, his startup was snatched away, his parents disowned him without a word, and on top of all that, he was arrested and thrown into prison for a murder he didn’t commit. On the day of his release from prison, and borrowing a bed for the night from the overly friendly stranger, Jasper McNeil, Alex takes off to set his plans for revenge in motion. But he certainly never expected to have to learn to deal with new emotions, new people and of course, new rivals.

Sakakibara9300 · LGBT+
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174 Chs

Emily’s Rage

Outside of the club, neon lights illuminated the entrance, casting a vibrant glow onto the bustling street below. The thumping bass of the music inside reverberated through the air, drawing in crowds of eager partygoers. Bouncers stood guard at the entrance, their imposing presence a stark contrast to the colorful chaos of the surrounding nightlife.

We were let right in as Travis said.

Inside, the club pulsated with energy as bodies moved and gyrated to the beat of the music. Multicolored strobe lights danced across the dimly lit space, creating an electric atmosphere that enveloped the crowd. The air was thick with the scent of sweat and alcohol, mingling with the heady aroma of perfume and cologne. In one corner, a DJ manned the turntables, expertly mixing tracks to keep the partygoers energized and engaged.

Towards the back of the club, cozy booths and plush seating offered a respite from the chaos of the dance floor. Groups of friends huddled together, laughing and chatting animatedly as they sipped on colorful cocktails and shots.

In a secluded corner, I spotted my sister surrounded by a gaggle of similarly styled girls. They seemed to be enjoying themselves, their laughter ringing out above the din of the crowd. It was weird to see.

It was almost like they didn't actually like each other.

As I called the bartender over, Travis sprang into action, discreetly slipping him an a folded napkin containing $6000 in cash and explaining his expectation to spike the drink and hand it to my sister. The bartender accepted the bribe without hesitation, his expression remaining impassive as he pocketed the money. With a subtle nod, he acknowledged our arrangement.

We watched intently as the bartender expertly concocted a fruity cocktail, his movements swift and precise. It was almost impossible to see, but I caught the moment when he discreetly sprinkled the caffeine powder over the drink, blending it in seamlessly with the other ingredients.

As he handed the finished cocktail to my sister, a surge of anticipation coursed through me. This small act had the potential to unravel everything, exposing the truth behind Emily's carefully constructed facade.

With baited breath, Travis and I exchanged a glance of triumph as we witnessed my sister eagerly take the tainted cocktail from the bartender without a second thought. As she raised the glass to her lips and began to sip, a rush of adrenaline surged through me, mingled with a sense of satisfaction knowing that our plan was in motion.

I reached for Travis's phone and started the livestream, my fingers moving swiftly to broadcast the unfolding events in real time. Within moments, the stream was flooded with eager viewers, the numbers rapidly climbing as thousands tuned in to witness the drama unfolding before their eyes.

As my sister's mood shifted from cheerful to visibly irritated, a sense of anticipation filled the air, tangible and electric. The atmosphere around her table grew tense as she furrowed her brow, her smile replaced by a scowl of annoyance. It was as though a dark cloud had descended upon her, casting a shadow over the previously jovial scene.

Then, it happened. In a moment of drunken carelessness, someone at the table accidentally knocked over my sister's drink, sending it cascading onto her dress. The table seemed to hold their breath as the liquid stained the fabric, a vivid symbol of the unraveling chaos.

With a sudden and startling force, my sister slammed the girls glass against the table. The shock was palpable as the other patrons turned to stare, their expressions a mixture of disbelief and horror.

Her facade of composure shattered along with the glass, revealing the volatile anger that simmered beneath the surface. With venomous words and pointed gestures, she lashed out at the poor girl who had inadvertently caused the mishap, her tirade cutting through the once-lively chatter like a knife.

As the room grew increasingly quiet, all eyes were fixed on my sister, their whispers rising in a chorus of speculation and judgment.

As the chaos erupted around us, my heart pounded with a mixture of horror and disbelief. My sister's once composed facade had completely shattered, replaced by a frenzied rage that seemed to consume her every thought and action.

With a violent sweep of her arm, she flipped the table over, sending glasses and bottles crashing to the ground in a cacophony of destruction. The room recoiled in shock as the scene unfolded before their eyes, the air thick with tension and fear.

Without a moment's hesitation, my sister lunged at the sobbing, terrified girl, her fingers curling around her hair with a cruel grip. The sound of her cries echoed through the room, a desperate plea for mercy that fell on deaf ears.

In a flurry of motion, my sister began to rain down blows upon her helpless victim, her fists striking with a brutal force that left no room for mercy. Each impact was accompanied by a sickening thud, the sound of flesh meeting flesh reverberating through the air like a grim symphony of violence.

The girl's sobs grew louder, her cries of pain drowned out by the sounds of chaos and confusion. Blood trickled from her broken nose, mingling with tears as she lay defenseless beneath my sister's onslaught.

It was a scene of pure brutality, a stark reminder of the darkness that lurked beneath the surface of my sister's carefully crafted image. And as a few brave souls finally managed to pull her off of the battered girl, I couldn't help but feel a profound sense of shame.

As the pandemonium unfolded, a new figure entered the fray, casting a shadow of disbelief and horror over the scene. It was Jared, my sister's fiancé, his expression a mask of shock and dismay as he beheld the chaos unfolding before him.

With a mixture of horror and disbelief, Jared watched as Emily continued to thrash and struggle like a wild animal, her attempts to reach the terrified girl growing more frenzied with each passing moment. It was a sight that seemed to chill him to the core, shattering any illusions he may have harbored about the woman he thought he knew.

Despite Emily's desperate efforts, it became painfully clear that she was fighting a losing battle. The realization seemed to wash over her like a wave, extinguishing the flames of rage that had consumed her moments before. With a defeated sigh, she ceased her struggles, the bottle slipping from her fingers as she met Jared's eyes.

And as Jared turned away from her, his expression one of disgust and disappointment, it was as though the final thread connecting them had been severed.

Jared made his way towards the exit, his footsteps covered up by the blaring music.

Emily sprinted after Jared, her desperation palpable in every hurried step, Travis and I followed closely behind, our hearts pounding with a mixture of apprehension and determination. The live comments on Travis's phone were going absolutely insane, a chaotic flurry of reactions and speculation from thousands of viewers captivated by the unfolding drama.

We trailed them into the dimly lit staircase, our footsteps echoing softly against the concrete walls as we ascended to the floor above. Emily and Jared seemed oblivious to our presence, their focus consumed by the turmoil of their shattered relationship.

As we reached the landing, we paused, peering down at them from the shadows, our breath held in anticipation. Emily's voice echoed faintly in the confined space, her words tinged with desperation as she pleaded with Jared to listen, to understand. But he remained unmoved, his expression hardened with resolve as he turned away from her, his footsteps echoing softly as he continued his retreat.

"Wait! Jared, wait!" Emily's voice echoed desperately through the stairway, her words tinged with desperation.

"Emily, you liar! You ask me out here just to show me this crap?!" Jared's voice rang out with accusation, his tone laced with betrayal and anger.

"I didn't ask you out tonight!"

"It's in my phone!"

"Just listen to me! This is a misunderstanding! Let's just sit down and talk about it!" Emily pleaded, her voice cracking with emotion as she grasped at the last shreds of hope.

"You beat up that poor girl!"

"She had it coming!"

But Jared was unfazed, his resolve unwavering. "No! I thought you were just like me and hated violence! You preach being a pacifist like no one else! But that's all crap! You're just as violent as a street thug!" His words cut through the air like a knife, each syllable dripping with disappointment and disillusionment.

"Jared, calm down!"

"Do you eat meat too?"



In a moment of desperation, Emily's facade cracked, revealing the raw intensity of her emotions. "I'm warning you, Jameson! If you tell anyone about this, I'll kill you!" Her voice rose to a screech, filled with a primal fury born of fear and desperation.

But Jared's response was swift and decisive. "Just try it!" he retorted, his tone daring and defiant, as though he had finally found the courage to stand up to the woman he proposed too.

In that moment, the tension between them was palpable, a silent battle of wills waged in the dimly lit stairwell. And as Travis and I watched from the shadows above, we knew that whatever happened next would change the course of their lives forever now that they were driven into a corner.

As the camera focused on them, capturing every moment of the violent altercation, Emily's pent-up rage exploded into a flurry of brutal blows. Her fists flew with a savage intensity, raining down upon Jared with a ferocity that seemed to know no bounds.

With each impact, the sound of flesh meeting flesh reverberated through the stairwell, echoing like a grim percussion of pain. Emily's movements were frenzied and unrelenting, fueled by a primal fury that seemed to consume her every thought and action.

Jared's attempts to defend himself were feeble in comparison, his arms raised in a futile attempt to shield himself from the onslaught. But it was no use; Emily's rage was relentless, her blows finding their mark with unerring accuracy.

Then, with a sickening crack, Emily landed a devastating punch that sent Jared's head snapping to the side, the force of the blow sending him reeling backwards. With a groan of pain, he tumbled down the stairs, his body bouncing and rolling with each impact.

"You piece of shit! I'm going to end you!" Emily's enraged voice reverberated through the stairwell, a chilling promise of retribution as she seized Jared's unconscious body.

With a strength born of desperation, Emily dragged Jared's limp form towards the door, her movements fueled by a potent mix of anger and fear. Her grip on him was vice-like, her knuckles white with exertion as she pulled him across the threshold and into the darkness beyond.

With a heavy heart, I reached for Travis's phone and swiftly ended the broadcast, the screen fading to black as the sound of Emily's footsteps echoed into the distance.

Together, Travis and I sprinted back to his car, the adrenaline coursing through our veins propelling us forward. As we reached the vehicle, I could hear the distant sound of Emily's car passing by us erratically.

Without hesitation, I grabbed Travis's phone and quickly captured a clip of Emily's reckless driving, making sure to tag her handle in the stories before we embarked on the pursuit. It was a risky move, but one that felt necessary in the heat of the moment.

"How long will we follow them for?" Travis asked, his voice tense with concern.

"Until the interesting part happens," I replied, my tone grim as I kept my eyes trained on Emily's car ahead of us.

As Emily continued to drive erratically, narrowly avoiding a collision with an oncoming truck, a surge of adrenaline coursed through me.

"That was close!" Travis gasped, his voice trembling with shock as he maintained a safe distance behind Emily's car. "We'll have to call some of the guards to help poor Jared."

I nodded in agreement, my mind racing with thoughts of the chaos that lay ahead. With each passing moment, the situation grew more dire, and it was clear that we needed to act fast to prevent further harm.

Then, without warning, my sister seemed to lose control of the car entirely. My heart lurched in my chest as she crashed through the guardrail, the sound of metal twisting and bending echoing through the night.

The car finally came to a stop, its mangled wreckage sprawled across the roadside like a twisted sculpture of destruction. For a moment, there was nothing but stunned silence as we processed the gravity of what had just occurred.