
Alex Vs The World(BL)

Having a two-faced bitch of a family isn’t scary… what’s scary is that Alex has allowed them to have the upper hand for so long. Due to his siblings jealousy, his startup was snatched away, his parents disowned him without a word, and on top of all that, he was arrested and thrown into prison for a murder he didn’t commit. On the day of his release from prison, and borrowing a bed for the night from the overly friendly stranger, Jasper McNeil, Alex takes off to set his plans for revenge in motion. But he certainly never expected to have to learn to deal with new emotions, new people and of course, new rivals.

Sakakibara9300 · LGBT+
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174 Chs

Birthday Party

As Travis finished his styling adjustments on Jasper, his sparkling gown reflected the light from the vanity, making him look every bit the pageant queen he loved to emulate. I sighed at the sight, slightly overwhelmed by the glamour. "Ugh, Travis, do you have to wear that?" I couldn't help but comment on his extravagant outfit.

"You're lucky I'm wearing this. You have no idea how many eligible bachelors were dying to accompany me," Travis retorted with a playful flip of his wrist, making the sequins on his gown shimmer even more.

"Then go find one—OW!" Jasper yelped as Travis, not missing a beat, held up his flat iron threateningly.

"You shit, here I am making you look like a prince and you dare talk back to me? I'm doing you a favor!" Travis declared, brandishing the flat iron like a weapon of high fashion.

"Travis!" Jasper protested, trying to dodge another potential assault by the styling tool.

"What favor?" I interjected, curious about Travis's rationale.

"Jasper knows how much you hate attention, so I'm going to steal some," Travis replied, a twinkle of mischief in his eye. I didn't bother to argue, suspecting this was more about Travis's ongoing battle for the spotlight than my discomfort with attention.

"Whatever, just don't make a scene," I dismissed, rolling my eyes but secretly appreciating his intentions.

Turning to Jasper, I couldn't help but notice the transformation. His black hair was slicked back, showcasing his strong jawline and piercing eyes, his designer three-piece suit mirroring the elegance of Travis's attire but in a more understated, masculine way. "How's he look?" Travis asked, clearly proud of his handiwork.

"He looks great," I responded sincerely, giving two enthusiastic thumbs up. Jasper did look exceptional, and it was a style I definitely appreciated.

"I know that, silly!" Travis laughed, delighted with the acknowledgment, his grin as wide as the room. The evening was setting up to be memorable, with or without the high drama that usually followed Travis's fashion statements.

As we approached the grand entrance of the mansion, I felt the familiar twinge of social apprehension mixed with the odd excitement of celebrating my birthday in such lavish surroundings. The house was bigger than mine and Travis's combined, which was saying something, and I had to admit, the setting was impressive.

"Whose house is this?" I asked, scanning the well-lit facade that seemed to glow with anticipation of the night's festivities. "Are we at the right party?"

"The party is definitely for you. And no, this is not Mr. Azure's house. I've never been here before, but I believe it belongs to a personal friend of his. The name of the host was on the invitation, but I don't remember who it was," Travis explained as he adjusted his gown, making sure he looked perfect.

"Oh. I assumed this was just a work party," Jasper murmured, somewhat relieved there might be less business maneuvering than I'd anticipated.

"Well, it's not like there will only be businessmen here. Other associates and clients of mine will be here too. And besides, I rather like the idea of celebrating. Even if this was purely for socializing, it wouldn't kill me to do so for one evening," I added, trying to convince myself as much as Jasper and Travis.

Travis gasped dramatically and feigned shock, placing a hand on my forehead as if checking for a fever. "Do you mean to tell me that the almighty, uptight Mr. Alexander Todd doesn't have as much of a stick up his ass as he appears after all?"

I couldn't help but laugh softly, the tension easing slightly. "Are you ready to go inside?" Jasper interjected, always keen to get moving.

"Yeah, just... promise me something?" I hesitated, feeling suddenly vulnerable.

"What?" Jasper's expression softened, his curiosity piqued.

"Just promise not to leave me by myself. I mean, unless you have to go to the bathroom or something. It's just that I know I'm not really going to fit in, so I just don't want you to wander off with somebody else and leave me wandering around aimlessly all night," I confessed, feeling a bit foolish.

Jasper laughed, his eyes crinkling at the corners in genuine amusement. "You're a piece of work, Sugar. You know that? One minute you're going on about how you can handle yourself, and the next you're asking me not to leave your side all night."

I rolled my eyes but couldn't hide the small smile that tugged at my lips. "I am not doe-eyed and innocent."

"You're either severely bipolar or really fucking adorable," Jasper teased, a playful edge to his voice.

"Whatever. Let's get this over with. Just don't fucking leave me alone," I grumbled, stepping out of the car.

I didn't wait for his response. I just needed him by my side, tonight of all nights. Jasper quickly caught up to me, slipping his arm around my waist as we ascended the stone steps, murmuring about my impatience. Travis, ever the orchestrator, thanked the driver and arranged for our pick-up later in the evening.

"Ready?" Jasper asked, his voice a mix of encouragement and amusement.

"As ready as I'll ever be," I responded, the weight of the evening settling on my shoulders.

"You were pretty convincing the other night at the staff dinner. Just act like you did then and we should be fine," Travis added with a reassuring smile.

"Yeah, yeah, I've got it covered. Don't worry," I affirmed.

When we got to the door Jasper reached out to ring the doorbell while keeping his other arm around my waist. The door was immediately opened by an old butler who ushered us inside and then closed the massive piece of wood behind us again.

"May I take your coat for you, sir?" he asked Jasper, gesturing towards his suit jacket.

"No, thank you. I'll keep it on me."

We couldn't have been in the house more than sixty seconds, not even long enough to make it through the foyer, before we approached by another butler who was holding a tray of champagne filled glasses. He offered it to us and Jasper took two, handing me one.

"Hors d'oeuvres and cocktails are being served in the main dining room, straight here to your left." The butler informed us.

"Thank you." Jasper said, giving him a slight nod.

Upon entering the opulent dining room, our presence was almost immediately noticed. The atmosphere was one of subtle scrutiny hidden behind polite smiles and carefully measured words. Jasper and I barely had a moment to take in the surroundings when I heard a familiar voice call out my name with an enthusiasm that drew the attention of the entire room.

"Alex!" Elizabeth, Mr. Azure's daughter, exclaimed as she approached us with a bright smile, her voice echoing slightly in the grand space. She quickly closed the distance and greeted me with kisses on both cheeks, "So sorry about Bora Bora, I was so drunk that I had no idea what I was doing. Big sis won't do it again! I've learned to control my drinking again!"

I managed a strained smile, responding diplomatically, "No problem, just don't let it happen again." Meanwhile, Travis couldn't hide his admiration for Elizabeth's attire, his eyes lighting up as he complimented her, leading into their own lively conversation about fashion and performances.

Jasper and I exchanged a glance, both surprised by Elizabeth's overt cheerfulness. "Why's she so happy?" I murmured under my breath.

"Didn't Mr. Azure not want to pass things onto her? She's probably grateful." Jasper replied.

As Elizabeth and Travis chatted away, Jasper and I found ourselves momentarily forgotten, giving us a chance to observe the crowd. "Should we find Mr. Azure?" I suggested, feeling somewhat out of my element.

"I don't know what to do," Jasper admitted, his voice low. "This is your domain."

I scoffed lightly, "What's my domain? I haven't been to a party like this in years."

Jasper inquired, "What'd you do then?"

I shrugged, "I stood by the exit until it was time to leave and I stayed out of the way." It was true; these events had never been my scene, even less so now that I was here under such unusual circumstances.

"It's literally your birthday," Jasper reminded me, a hint of encouragement in his tone. He suggested, "Should we just wait for people to come to us?"

"Guess so," I said, taking a sip of my champagne, feeling the awkwardness as I scanned the room of mingling guests.

Jasper then confessed, "I'm kind of hungry, but I'm scared to eat in front of these rich people. I might accidentally embarrass you."

"Why didn't you eat before we left?" I asked, slightly amused by his concern.

"Travis said I had to fast to make the suit look better," he complained.

Our conversation was interrupted by a familiar, elegant voice calling out, "Alexander!" Mrs. Azure approached us with a grace that belied her years, her presence commanding the attention of those nearby. "So glad you've made it! Why are you just standing here? Come mingle with mommy!"

I grimaced inwardly at her endearment but managed to respond with a forced, "Ok....mom," the word feeling unnatural and unwelcome on my tongue.

Her reaction, however, was a delighted smile as she pinched my cheek affectionately and exclaimed, "Why are you so cute?"

Despite the lavish setting and the high spirits of some, the evening was shaping up to be a long one, filled with forced interactions and reminders of a family dynamic I was still struggling to understand or embrace.