
Alex Vs The World(BL)

Having a two-faced bitch of a family isn’t scary… what’s scary is that Alex has allowed them to have the upper hand for so long. Due to his siblings jealousy, his startup was snatched away, his parents disowned him without a word, and on top of all that, he was arrested and thrown into prison for a murder he didn’t commit. On the day of his release from prison, and borrowing a bed for the night from the overly friendly stranger, Jasper McNeil, Alex takes off to set his plans for revenge in motion. But he certainly never expected to have to learn to deal with new emotions, new people and of course, new rivals.

Sakakibara9300 · LGBT+
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174 Chs

Birthday Party(Part 5)

Jasper held out his hand to me and elegantly bowed his head. "Not this again."

"I know but Mrs Azure and her friend practically ordered me to ask you," he said back. "They're watching our interaction as we speak."

To give him face, I took his hand and let him lead me to the dance floor. "You seriously suck for this."

"It wasn't my idea, I was cornered. Plus you said not to leave you alone, but you've been leaving me alone all night so just deal with it like I am," Jasper lifted me so I was standing on his feet. I guess he was showing how sorry he was by taking the lead.

"Okay, it's not like I could help it. These people are good at splitting us up," I said. "It's not like I wanted to leave you alone, you know that. What's bothering you?"

"Fuck, it's nothing big, you're just really beautiful and cool tonight and it sounds like you'll just be getting more popular now that everyone knows you're Mr Azure's son. That's why it can't be helped that everyone is admiring you, I understand that," Jasper said.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"A lot of people looked at you tonight, and I heard the whispers about you. I thought among them someone must've fallen for your charms. I wanted to tell everyone to stop looking at you but I also wanted to brag that my partner is the best.... I don't even understand most of this stuff these people are talking about. I'm just upset that they can all see how stunning you are," Jasper sighed. "I thought someone might take you from me. I was worried beyond belief."

"You know I can't be stolen," I said. His thoughts kind of echoed mine in a way, not that I'd let him know about the extent of my growing insecurities. He still had no idea how worried I get when people look at him for too long and how I want to slap anyone who's too nice to him, even at work. I don't want anyone to have Jasper either.

"I know, you can't be stolen and you're above it all," Jasper said. "But I won't let anyone else have you."

I think this was meant to be a warning, but it just felt really... nice. "No one can influence me in a way I don't already want to go."

"Is that your roundabout way of saying you aren't interested in anyone here?" Jasper asked.

"This is all business, I don't care about these people," I said. "Why are you so good at formal dance anyway?"

"I learned it in high school with Mike, he said we were sure to get laid after learning it," Jasper admitted. "It didn't work but the skill stays with you."

His steps were confident and graceful, leading me effortlessly through the crowd. The dance was formal, with intricate footwork and elegant spins. Jasper's hand was firm yet gentle as he guided me, his movements matching the rhythm of the music perfectly.

The crowd around us seemed to fade away as we danced, lost in the moment. All that mattered was the connection between us, the way we moved as one. The room was alive with energy, the music filling every corner with its melody.

As the song reached its climax, Jasper spun me out and then pulled me back in, our bodies close together. The applause that followed was thunderous, breaking the spell of the dance. We both looked around, slightly disoriented by the attention.

"Are we supposed to bow?" I asked him urgently.

"I don't remember, we didn't actually pay much attention to the class after getting the basics down. We were really just trying to get laid," Jasper said. Well, that would've been nice to know a few seconds ago.

As things calmed down and the music resumed, we were again swarmed with compliments by women, especially Jasper for his elegance.

By the time the next song had finished, my time had been booked up for at least the next sixteen weeks. From lucrative partnerships to large endorsements and even a modeling contract for Jasper which he wholeheartedly declined.

As I mingled among the guests at the party, a familiar voice called out my name. It was Jared, standing there with a drink in his hand, offering birthday wishes. I shook his hand, feeling Jasper's grip on mine tighten at the sight of him.

"Happy birthday," Jared greeted me, trying to lighten the mood with a joke directed at Jasper. "Hope I won't be escorted out by you again," he said with a smirk.

"You should just move on," Jasper grumbled, clearly not in the mood for banter.

Ignoring Jasper's coldness, Jared continued, "Not really a joker, huh? Well, I just came to get my minute to talk to the birthday boy, then I have to get back to work."

"Whatever, make it quick," Jasper said, his tone curt.

Jared then proceeded to update me on the progress of the recent merger and the upcoming tech conferences. He seemed thrilled about the opportunity to speak at the conferences.

"It'll be my first one speaking! Are you sure you're ok with it?" Jared asked, his eyes shining with excitement.

"Prepare it well, Mr. Wallace is there for evaluation if you need a second opinion and if you need extra help I can certainly set that up," I replied, acknowledging his efforts.

"Thank you for the opportunity. My dad never gave me the chance to do this!" Jared exclaimed, clearly grateful for the opportunity. "Truthfully, I broke away from my father's company and joined yours because there was no more room for me to grow there. I've been cut off since I came to you."

I inquired about his position in the company, and Jared explained that despite being next in line, the company was passed to his brother due to personal reasons. He expressed his commitment to proving his worth and bringing in profits for the company.

"Does it have anything to do with you breaking the engagement to Emily?"

"Pretty much," he confirmed. That means that it was because of me that he couldn't take over his company. In a sense, I owed him this opportunity.

"So far you've only proven that you're easy to work with and have your own ideas. You better prove your worth to the company by bringing in a profit at the conference," I reminded him, setting the expectations high. "If you can't, there's no other way to gain favor."

"Of course. I'll make sure to show you a worth you won't be able to deny," Jared vowed before shaking my hand again and joining the crowd.

As Jared walked away, Jasper made a sarcastic remark, "Just making all his dreams come true. Why don't you just change your name to Walt Disney while you're at it. Or better yet, become the wizard of Oz."

I chuckled at Jasper's comment. "I kind of get where he's coming from. I know what it's like to be suppressed when you just want to grow," I said, reflecting on my own experiences.

"Now you're being sympathetic?" Jasper teased, noticing my change in demeanor.

"It's not that, I just understand why he's so happy. I pity him," I replied, shrugging off any sentimental feelings.

Jasper then voiced his discomfort with the way Jared had been looking at me. I reassured him that it was all business and that I wasn't interested in anyone else at the party.

"You know I still didn't get exactly what I wanted for my birthday," I poured in an attempt to take his mind off of Jared.

"What is it, sugar? I'll go get it," jasper said nervously.

"When we get home you'll know," I wiggled my eyebrows.

"Oh? Oh! I can do that!" Jasper smiled.

"That was a wonderful display, you two looked absolutely flawless out there! Alex, you've given me a child I can finally brag about to all those stuck up bitches. They all wish you were their kid," Mrs. Azure squealed, hugging us both. "Oh, by the way, happy birthday, son."

She put a pair of keys in my hand and led Jasper and me outside to the driveway. A few people followed to see our reaction as we reached the warm night air.

Sat in the middle of the driveway was a nice-looking car with a bow on top of it. Just as I was about to tell her Jasper wouldn't allow me to drive without a proper license, Jasper yelped excitedly.

"A G-wagon?" He gasped. I guess he liked it.

"Yes, I thought Alex should have a cruising vehicle for his birthday," Mrs. Azure said smugly.

"Thank you... mom," I said. Yeah, that's going to take some getting used to. I handed the keys to Jasper, who looked awestruck.

"Sugar, this is-"

"You have to drive it, I only have a learners permit," I reminded him.

"Sugar, it's your birthday, I can look the other way," Jasper argued.

"Seeing you happy is good for me, so you'll be driving it until I get a license," I insisted.

In front of everyone, I saw Jasper come undone as he grabbed my face and planted an excited kiss on me, much to the amusement of everyone watching us.

Now this felt like a party.