
Alex Vs The World(BL)

Having a two-faced bitch of a family isn’t scary… what’s scary is that Alex has allowed them to have the upper hand for so long. Due to his siblings jealousy, his startup was snatched away, his parents disowned him without a word, and on top of all that, he was arrested and thrown into prison for a murder he didn’t commit. On the day of his release from prison, and borrowing a bed for the night from the overly friendly stranger, Jasper McNeil, Alex takes off to set his plans for revenge in motion. But he certainly never expected to have to learn to deal with new emotions, new people and of course, new rivals.

Sakakibara9300 · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
174 Chs


The press conference was held in a spacious conference room, with rows of chairs set up to accommodate the gathered journalists and reporters. At the front of the room, a podium stood, flanked by microphones and adorned with the company's logo.

Jasper and I took our places behind the podium, facing the assembled crowd with a sense of determination. Cameras flashed and reporters jostled for position, eager to capture every moment of the event.

Mr. Chambers, stood beside us, exuding an air of authority as he prepared to address the media. He began by offering a brief introduction, outlining the purpose of the press conference and emphasizing the importance of transparency and honesty in all company matters.

As the questions began to fly, Jasper and I fielded them with grace and composure. We spoke candidly about the circumstances surrounding our marriage, addressing any doubts or concerns raised by the journalists. We emphasized the genuine nature of our relationship and our unwavering commitment to each other and the company.

"Can you confirm the rumors about your recent marriage?" The first question hit me like a bolt of lightning.

I exchanged a glance with Jasper before responding, "Yes, it's true. Jasper and I got married recently."

The room erupted into a frenzy of follow-up questions, each more probing than the last. "What prompted you to get married so suddenly and in Las Vegas of all places?" Another journalist chimed in, curiosity evident in their voice.

I took a deep breath, gathering my thoughts before replying, "Well, it was a spur-of-the-moment decision. We were in Vegas, caught up in the excitement of the moment."

"How do you plan to balance your personal and professional lives now that you're married?" The questions kept coming, relentless in their pursuit of answers.

Jasper stepped in, his voice steady as he addressed the crowd. "We're committed to maintaining a healthy balance between our personal and professional lives. Our marriage doesn't change our dedication to his role within the company."

But the inquiries didn't stop there. "Are there any concerns about conflicts of interest or favoritism within the company?" The probing questions continued, each one probing deeper into our personal and professional lives.

"Work and personal life are different," I said.

"Given the suddenness of your marriage, do you foresee any challenges arising in your professional relationship?"

"While every relationship has its challenges, Jasper and I are committed to maintaining a professional environment within the company. We have a strong foundation of trust and communication, which we believe will help us navigate any potential difficulties." I said.

"Have there been any discussions within the company about potential changes in leadership now that you're married?"

"As of now, there have been no discussions about changing leadership within the company. Our focus remains on driving the success of the business and delivering value to our shareholders."

"How do you plan to navigate any conflicts of interest that may arise from your personal relationship with Jasper?"

"Transparency and integrity are paramount to us. In the event that any conflicts of interest arise, we will address them openly and take appropriate measures to ensure that the best interests of the company are always prioritized."

"Can you assure shareholders that your marriage won't impact decision-making within the company?"

"Absolutely. Our commitment to the company and its stakeholders remains unwavering. Our personal relationship will not influence our decision-making processes, and we will continue to act in the best interests of the company at all times."

"Do you have any regrets about getting married so suddenly, considering the potential implications for the company?"

"While our marriage may have been unexpected, we are confident in our ability to manage any challenges that may arise. We believe that our relationship will only strengthen our partnership and contribute positively to the company's success." Jasper explained.

As the press conference wore on, Jasper and I navigated the sea of inquiries with grace and composure, addressing each question with honesty and transparency. Despite the scrutiny, we remained steadfast in our commitment to each other and to the company we both held dear.

As the last question from the press echoed through the room, I breathed a sigh of relief, feeling the weight of the intense scrutiny lift from my shoulders. Mr. Chambers, our mentor and guiding force, approached us with a look of profound satisfaction.

"Bravo, both of you," he exclaimed, his voice carrying a note of pride. "You handled those inquiries with remarkable poise and clarity."

"Thank you, Mr. Chambers," Jasper replied, his posture relaxing visibly.

"I must say, I had some reservations initially, especially considering your background, Jasper," Mr. Chambers admitted, his gaze fixed on Jasper.

Jasper nodded, understanding the unspoken concern. "I assure you, Mr. Chambers, my commitment to this company is unwavering. My past experiences as a police officer have only strengthened my resolve to uphold the standard in every aspect of my life."

Mr. Chambers nodded, seemingly reassured by Jasper's earnest response. "I have no doubt about that, Jasper. Your dedication to our cause has never been in question."

Turning to me, Mr. Chambers offered a warm smile. "And as for you, Alex, you continue to impress me with your resilience and leadership. This unexpected turn of events may have caught us off guard, but I believe it will only serve to strengthen our position in the long run."

"Thank you, Mr. Chambers," I said, feeling a swell of gratitude for his unwavering support.

Mr. Chambers patted my shoulder with a glint of admiration in his eyes, his voice carrying a tone of genuine appreciation. "Alex, I must commend you on the success of the roadshow and the unprecedented profits you've brought in with this... unexpected development."

"Thank you, Mr. Chambers," I replied, feeling a surge of pride at his acknowledgment. "It was a team effort, and I couldn't have done it without Jasper's support."

Mr. Chambers nodded, acknowledging Jasper hesitantly with a nod of approval. "Indeed, Jasper, your role in all of this has been crucial. Your dedication to Alex and the company has not gone unnoticed."

Jasper nodded in gratitude, his expression reflecting a mix of pride and humility. "Thank you, Mr. Chambers. I'm committed to contributing in any way I can to the success of the company."

"Jasper will be around more," As I mentioned that Jasper was now my permanent bodyguard, I couldn't help but notice a subtle shift in Mr. Chambers' usually stoic demeanor. His expression softened slightly, a flicker of surprise crossing his features before he quickly composed himself.

"Is that so?" Mr. Chambers responded, his tone carefully neutral.

"Yes, sir," I confirmed, a sense of satisfaction bubbling within me at the reaction my announcement had elicited. "Jasper has proven himself to be not only a loyal companion but also can be an invaluable asset to the company's security efforts. We've also been dating for a while so the value is there."

Mr. Chambers nodded thoughtfully, his gaze flicking briefly to Jasper before returning to me. "I trust your judgment, Alex. If you believe Jasper is the right person for the job, then I have every confidence in your decision."

"Thank you, Mr. Chambers," I replied, feeling a surge of gratitude for his trust in me. "I assure you, Jasper's appointment will only serve to enhance our security measures and contribute to the safety of our operations."

As Jasper and I stepped into Lombardi's later on that day, the energy in the room shifted palpably. My staff, caught up in the excitement of the moment, bombarded us with congratulations and expressions of appreciation. They seemed genuinely pleased to have been among the first to know about our marriage before it became public knowledge.

Mario, however, greeted us with a hint of skepticism in his expression. He had always been the voice of reason among us, never one to let sentiment cloud his judgment.

"Congratulations, Alex," Mario said, his tone neutral as he glanced between Jasper and me. "Quite the surprise, isn't it?"

I chuckled, understanding Mario's reservations. "Yes, it certainly was unexpected, but we're both very happy about it."

Jasper nodded in agreement, his easy smile conveying his genuine happiness. "Absolutely. It's been quite the whirlwind, but we're looking forward to this new chapter together."

"If you want to ask something just ask it, Mario," I said.

"How did you get married so suddenly? What on earth were you thinking?" Mario's scolding tone cut through the celebratory atmosphere, bringing a moment of sobriety to our conversation.

"I can't remember, I was really drunk Mario," I admitted, my voice tinged with regret.

Mario's brow furrowed in disbelief. "Drunk? You got married while you were drunk?" he exclaimed, his tone incredulous.

Jasper placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder, silently offering his support as I tried to explain. "It was a spontaneous decision, Mario. We were caught up in the moment."

Mario sighed, his expression softening as he looked at us both. "Do you love him?" he asked, his voice gentler now, tinged with genuine concern.

I hesitated, unsure of how to put my feelings into words. "I feel a lot for him," I finally admitted, my voice quiet. "He's definitely loyal. I had to threaten him to take a salary from me for being my bodyguard full time," I added with a small chuckle, trying to lighten the mood. Jasper nodded in agreement, his gaze meeting mine with unwavering sincerity. "I like being around him the most though," I confessed, a hint of vulnerability creeping into my tone.

Mario studied us for a moment, his eyes searching ours for any sign of doubt or hesitation. Finally, he smiled, a warm and understanding expression spreading across his face. "That's all that matters, I guess," he said softly. "Have a happy marriage, just don't let it distract you too much from running this place. Travis isn't a very hands on boss," he added, his words carrying a genuine sense of warmth and well-wishes.

Mario's approval meant more to me than I could express. Over the time I'd known him, he had become like a surrogate older brother, always there to offer guidance, support, and occasionally, a well-deserved scolding. His opinion carried weight, not just because of his position in my life, but because I respected his judgment and valued his insight.

If he blessed us, I'd definitely make it work.