

Stiles: "This is my cousin Alex and he is a were-tiger" Then he quickly tried to change the topic by saying: "So I was about to order a pizza anyone want some."

As the pack was trying to process what was going on Alex asked: "So I was about to make something hope you guys don't have a problem with it." Just as he said that Scott shouted

Scott: "Wait what did you say? What are you? A were-tiger?" Asked Scott and realized that's why he smelt different and had a weird heartbeat.

Alex: "I guess so and I suppose it is nice to meet you all."

Alex: "Well you guys know I once ate a whole pack of wolves and they were delicious, so Scott I wanted to ask if I can have an arm or something." said Alex trying to break the ice and it worked.

"NO!!" exclaimed Scott

Alex: "Yeah you are right an arm is too much so what do you think about a hand"

Scott: "Still no"

Alex: "Just a finger, what do you think. I am pretty sure you can do without a finger or two."

Scott: "Don't even think about it."

Alex: "Well your loss"

Lydia: "If you guys are done why don't you let the Were-tiger here tell us more about himself."

Stiles: "Yeah I got a whole bunch of questions to ask you like were you born like this or were you bitten? Do you have a problem with the moon? Is catnip like a drug to you? When did you first transform? What type of tiger are you?"

Alex: "No, No, I don't know, 8 and I'm an extinct species of white sabre tooth tiger."

Stiles: "That's soo cool."

Alex: "Well nice to meet you all Stiles here told me a little about all of you."

Lydia: "Hope all good things." Said Lydia scanning Alex from head to toe.

Alex immediately recognized her and asked: "Lydia the Banshee right?"

Lydia: "That's a correct were-tiger boy. Hmm, that sounded better in my head."

Then spoke Kira saying: "Hi I'm Kira a Kitsune which is a nine...." she was cut off by Alex who said: "A nine-tailed fox. Although I didn't know for sure if I was the only supernatural or not I have a lot of knowledge about the supernatural as I have done a lot of research on it."

Then he looked at Scott and said: "And you a are were-wolf right?"

"I am" Scott nodded but continued staring at Alex.

Stiles: "Great so now that we are all acquainted haw about some lunch."

Scott: "Wait how do we know that we can trust you? I mean like you just show up in town out of nowhere."

Although Lydia and Kira were quiet they were wondering the same thing that how could they trust him as the only people that have suddenly shown up out of nowhere in the town and were related to the supernatural were all killers or something related to this."

Stiles: "Come on give him the benefit of doubt and I know him he is a great guy."

Alex placed a comforting hand on Stiles's shoulder and said that: "I won't pretend to know what you have all been through so I am gonna be in the Kitchen and you guys can discuss here while I fix us something to eat."

Everyone waited as you could see Alex exiting the room and going into the kitchen.

Just as Alex was out of sight Lydia bluntly said: "He is pretty hot." and asked Stiles: "How are you related again, Stiles"

"I know," unconsciously said Kira before blushing when she looked at Scott who had his mouth open. Then she tried to correct herself by saying: "I mean no he's bland and very unattractive."

"That's painful I mean we are not blood-related he is my aunts adopted son but we look kind of same right," said Stiles as he looked around for support but everyone tried to avoid eye contact with him so he asked again: "Right?"

This time again the same happened and he slumped down so Malia started to pat his head for emotional support.

"I saw him naked he can also turn into a big white sabre-tooth tiger and he told us he can change into different sizes the smallest being 6 feet tall while the largest being 8 feet tall," said Malia

Lydia instantly tried to ask for information: "Really how was..." but was interrupted by Stiles who said: " Can we get back to the topic people."

Although he knew that his cousin was oddly hot and muscular he didn't want to hear it from them.

He reprimanded Malia by saying that: "Normal people don't talk about seeing each other naked."

Lydia: "Talk about yourself."

Seeing everyone more or less agree Scott asked the major question: "Can we trust him?"

Stiles immediately said "yes" although they rarely hung out together he knew Alex quite well.

Stiles also added: "I know the guy he is like a big teddy bear."

Lydia: "A big teddy bear with six-packs."

Scott: "So are you getting any vibes from him"

Lydia: "Just cause I am a banshee doesn't mean that I get vibes from everyone around."

Scott: "Is that a no."

Lydia: "Yes I don't get any vibes from him about being a psychotic killer."

Lydia: "And I vote yes as anything related to Stiles can't be dangerous."

Kira: "I think we can trust him" although Kira wasn't sure she had a feeling that she could trust him.

Stiles: "I vote yes for Malia."

Malia: "Wait can't he hear us." At this comment, everyone remembered that Alex also had a supernatural hearing.

Alex: "Well you guys need to work on your secret meeting and stuff as I am pretty sure I would have heard that even without super hearing." Alex was right they were talking pretty loud and anyone could hear them.

Scott: "Well we have decided to trust you hope you will not betray it."

Alex: "I will try my best."

Scott: "What is that smell"

Alex: "I was making us something to eat."

Lydia:" What else can you do," asked Lydia as she was very intrigued by what a were-tiger can do.

But Alex misinterpreted it and thought she was asking what else can he do as a person so he answered: "I can draw and play the guitar."

Stiles corrected him and asked: "What else can you do as a were-tiger?"

Alex: "Well I can transform into a tiger, I have super strength, super speed, super healing, I can take peoples pain away, I can heal people ,I have some kind of control over the elements and I can talk to animals."