
Alex no demon volume 4(War arc)

Bossuzumaki0 · Action
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60 Chs

Alex no demon volume 4 chapter 6

While kojin was fighting the shadow puppet, the shadow puppet kept flying around while sending beams and slashes at kojin. Kojin on the other hand was only flying and dodging the monsters attacks as he proceeded to use a move called "destroyers core: Chaotic destroyers blade:" in which he uses his immense destructive energy to form a sword and then blasts it at the monster which ended up causing a huge explosion as it sent to monster flying. After the smoke clears, kojin lands to the ground and then realizes that his technique didn't have effect on the shadow puppet. Kojin was abit shocked as he wonders to himself how his attack didn't work on it. Kojin monologues saying "I dont want to go all out in order to minimize casualties, but this thing... isn't something that I can defeat while holding back". Kojin then smirks as he yells in excitement "You're a lively one, you know that! Ya know what, fuck this... so what if I dont want to cause casualties! I never even knew what that meant in the first place". Kojin then charges up a huge amount of destructive energy with a grin on his face and with his eyes glowing red, the shadow puppet felt excited seeing kojin taking the fight seriously, so it let out a load roar and charges towards him. Kojin and the monster begin to trade blows while flying and chasing each other as they destroying the entire city while fighting. As kojin was fighting, he says to himself "I trust that alex and the rest of the solid would have taken the people to a safe place. Diablo isn't here to transport the people to another dimension to protect them. So in that case.... I can go all out" kojin then charges up a huge amount of destructive energy as he began to punch the monster around buildings and skyscrapers without giving it a chance to fight. As the monster was about to release a beam at him, its hand cuts of and then it see's kojin flying towards it with the most devious smile as it get blasted to the ground with an insane amount of destructive energy which literally obliterated literally a huge part of the city. Meanwhile as sorata was watching this fight from a distance with his spikey purple hair flowing with the wind, he begins to chuckle with a grin on his face as he monologues to himself "Now now, no need to hold back old man. Let it all out! Let me see what the beast of destruction is capable off! Takahama kojin!" Meanwhile as alex, son and kazuki were watching this fight from a distance, with the citizens of the city being covered around kazuki's forcefield in which he expanded to protect everybody, alex was in amusement saying "I knew kojin was strong but goddamn!" Kazuki then says "If you look closely, you'd notice he has a grin on his face showing he's enjoying this, he truly is a beast!" Son was abit in shock seeing his dad fight for the very first time as he monologues to himself saying "Dad! Please dont die. I'm begging you.". While kojin was causing explosions in the sky with crazy gusts of wind blowing buildings away while fighting the shadow puppet, he starts to blast destructive energy in the shape of giant blades at it, but the shadow puppet was just flying and dodging them as fast as it could and then when it got close enough to kojin, it powers up a huge amount of energy on its hand and as it punches kojin, kojin realized that the monster just used destructive energy to punch him. As kojin flies to the ground on his feet due to the punch of the shadow puppet, he yells in excitement saying "Yes! Yes! Yeesss."and charges up a huge amount of destructive energy which starts to to go berserk as it was blasting beams all over the place and starts to take the shape of a giant tiger. He yells in excitement as he says "You can see it can you?! Well say something! This is what I am capable off. This is why I was labelled as the beast of destruction! This is why I am "HIM"! Working in that damn office really got me tired and cramped up, I nearly forgot who I was, until I met you". The shadow puppet seeing that kojin is becoming unhinged is beyond shocked that all it can do is just watch kojin go mad, with his overwhelming power of destruction. Kojin with his insane destructive energy forming a tiger, which was strong enough to level an entire country, rushes at the monster and kicks it up into the air. As the monster was sent flying into the air, it see's kojin above it charges up an attack. But kojin being at the advantage uses his ultimate move "Beast of destruction" as he launches himself at the monster with an intense speed and destructive energy forming a tiger, as he was able to not only destroy and completely incinerate the monster, but destroyed the wasteland connecting the city and the country of raijin. Shouya(The lord of the country of raijin) felt the impact of the explosion, and was shocked as she turned back and asks herself what just happened. After kojin had completly destroyed the place and killed the shadow puppet with not even a single trace of it, he was left on his knees breathing heavily as he then grins and says "I still got it!". He then hears sorata's voice coming from the smoke saying "Well, well. You really outdid yourself old man. Honestly, I wasn't expecting that, although I knew you could pull off a decent fight" Kojin who was abit shocked seeing his eldest son, asks him "Were you the one that brought that monster here saito? Alot of people would have died if not for my intervention! Please, stop this, I'm beging you. I dont want to fight my own son!". Sorata then gets a crazy smile on his face as he begins to laugh and cackle as he mockes kojin and yells at him saying "Are you feeling compassion?! But that's not the beast of destruction I know. The one I know despised weakness and embrace power and might! The one I know will literally destroy anything and anyone in his way! The kojin I know will literally go all the way to beat up his own son and call him a failure just because he was weak. And you are saying you are sorry?!?! What happened to that beast that hates people, the beast who would literally kill just so he can rule?". Levi and Tomoa then fly out of nowhere ready to fight for kojin as Tomoa had prepared a magic circle to attack, while Levi had his arm transformed into a blaster as he was prepared to shoot at sorata. Sorata who didn't care about their presence kept on yelling with a smile on his face saying "I tried my best to make you proud of me as a son but all you cared about was power, your lust of power is going to be the death of you. As a kid I didn't know why I existed, which was what pushed me to become stronger! My hatred for you and how you made me suffer made me like this!." Sorata then gets an even crazier grin on his face as he yells "Which is why I will kill you. Why dont we truly destroy each other to the very end?! Well.... speak up father!" he then powers up a huge amount of purple destructive energy as he zooms of with an incredible speed making him zoom past levi and Tomoa without them being able to react. Sorata had a very pleasant smile on his face as he was about kill kojin as he yells out "Special technique: Beast of destruction" which leaves kojin, Levi and Tomoa in shock.