
Alex no demon volume 4(War arc)

Bossuzumaki0 · Action
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60 Chs

Alex no demon volume 4 chapter 54

In the battlefield, kazuki was shooting giant purple lightning bolts at zodia, which were causing great and destructive impact. Kazuki is creating giant lightning arrows and firing them at zodia, zodia on the other hand was running around the battlefield at top speed in order to avoid them. While zodia was doing so, he says "As I am right now, I don't really have the energy to fly right now. I had too much fun with that demon boy and now that I think of it, I actually drained myself. The best i can do is just run." He continued to run across the battlefield in order to dodge the giant lightning bolts that were fired at him, kazuki's lightning were so powerful that they were obliterating huge parts of the war zone and created huge explosions of lightning. As kazuki noticed that zodia was completely able to dodge his attacks, it makes him annoyed as he says "Damn, this guy is fast. He's been able to dodge my lightning bolts without being hit at all. Who is this guy?" Kazuki then starts to charge up a huge amount of purple lightning, and starts to move like a lightning bolt. Zodia noticed a purple lightning bolt flying towards him and proceeds to block it by stretching his hand out. He realizes that the purple lightning bolt was kazuki, kazuki smirks and then kicks zodia accros a mountain, accompanied by two giant bolts of lightning headed towards him. Zodia just smirks and says "You're a lively one kazuki, but that wont work on me." He stretches out his hand and says "Reflect" as he was able to reflect the lightning bolts back at kazuki's direction, causing an explosion. Zodia then says "Now now, is that all you have for me?" He then see's kazuki in air with countless giant purple balls of flames falling towards him, accompanied with an evil grin on kazuki's facd. This leaves zodia impressed as he says "Hmmm? Are those purple flames I see? Not bad." He stretches out his hands as he says "Since you're giving it your all, I too shall respond with full power! I'll show you how insignificant you are to me." He calls out "God technique:Beam of death", suddenly, a bunch of magic circles start to appear around zodia and begin to blast powerful beams at kazuki's giant fire balls. The attacks clash and a huge explosion occurs, causing lightning to blast everywhere around the continent. While lightning was falling around the entire place, kazuki and zodia are clashing swords. Kazuki was using his lightning sword, while zodia was using just a regular sword to clash with him. While lightning was still falling around the entire place, kazuki and zodia continued to clash swords relentlessly while showing great skills in their swordmanship. While they were still fighting, kazuki realizes that zodia is using just a regular sword too fight with him. Zodia commends kazuki by saying "I'm honestly impressed, you are far one of the most skilled and powerful swordsmen I've ever faced. You can even use purple lightning and purple flames as well, you really make me glad... kazuki takanoguro!" Kazuki tries go make an attempt to deliver the final slash, but zodia slaps away his lightning sword, and proceeds to punch him accross the battlefield. While kazuki was sent flying, he see's zodia desending down on him, with an insane smile, along with his eyes glowing red. Kazuki then launches a huge amount of lighting at zodia, which covered the sky above them, but zodia flies out of the attack with a crazy smile accompanied with a menacing laugh and punches kazuki to the ground while he yells "Fucking be a good boy, and stay down!" He proceeds to land another punch, but then kazuki managed to block it. Zodia, impressed by kazuki then tells him "I might have to break every bone in your body for you to stay down. But don't worry I won't kill you...not yet." Kazuki and zodia begin to go blow for blow, causing huge gusts of wind to fly around the planet, which caused everyone to panic as buildings and cities were crumbling to the ground. While they kept on fighting, kazuki was having extreme difficulty keeping up with zodia, he realizes that he cant compete with him in straight combat. Just when kazuki prepares his purple flame technique and want to blast it at him, zodia slaps it of his hand, and proceeds to land barrage of blows at kazuki. As kazuki tries to fight back, zodia who seemed to be enjoying the fight, lands the final blow on kazuki, making the ground explode. Kazuki was on the floor with his lightning armour starting to faid away, zodia then steps on him and says "This was fun while it lasted, but I got bored and decided to knock you out." Kazuki with a smirk on his face then tells him "Sorry, but your forgetting one major factor here!" Zodia is abit confused, only for him to turn around and see Alex with his demon arm, ready to punch him. Alex lands a clean blow on zodia, causing him to fly around but ends up landing on his two feet. Zodia just smiles as his nose starts to bleed. Kazuki asks Alex if he's regained all his strength, alex enters his demonic form stage 2(Red energy cloack and a white clothing made of white light), kazuki's spirit mark (A star with circles around it) starts to glow as it bursts out purple lightning, causing it to form an armour around kazuki. Alex responded to him "You gave me enough time to regenerate and charge up, thanks.", kazuki just smiles as tells him "Quit thanking me and let's finish this." Zodia starts to float in air and tells them "You boys are really impressive, but I'm tired of you. I'll show you what chaos is!" He stretches his hand up and calls out his sword of calamity, a huge amount of energy bursts out from the sky and starts to take the shape of a sword his hand. Zodia point his sword to them and tells them to bring it on, alex and kazuki with a grin on their faces charges towards him as they both yell "We're the hell's duo, and we will end your sorry ass. Get ready to die motherfucker!"