

Alessia a very clear and beautiful girl who lost her parents on their way to Kenya after being left with her aunt.Despite the pain of being an orphan, she has to face alot of challenges with her ruthless cousin and uncle who rapes her in the presence of the maid ..... *Incase you are interested in knowing more please keep in touch with me to the end*

Bernard_Edema · Teen
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11 Chs

CHAPTER THREE: Alessia's humiliation.


Monday mornings were always bright,sunny and warm but today's morning was so foggy and cold.Ever since my parents died. l had less friends which made me feel a bit lonely despite all that l was still happy like l was before since my mom once told me that a friend to all is a friend to none.l mostly hanged out with Ariel coz she was such a blubber mouth.

But today,was so unique.l wasn't moving with Ariel.So it didn't move out well for me .l accidentally knocked Nicole and her friend Vanessa because l was absent minded as l was moving making her books fall on the floor.

' What the f* ck ,how dare you.' Nicole shouted creating a scene.

' Oh Nicole,am so sorry.ldidnt do it intentionally .It was an accident ' l tried to explain but she interrupted.

' So what if you were absent minded.Just see where my favorite books have landed .Any way what else can you possibly do, you ate just an orphan nothing more than an orphan your work is to depend on other people's parents. '

There was a sudden up roar in the crowd.l didn't know what to do after the humiliation l was getting.l didn't utter a word for l knew l was in deed desperate and l also didn't what to look like a fool so it was best l kept quiet.

Nicole Continued.....

' Oh ,l now see it wasn't your intention to knock but you were under the possession of your mom's rotten corpse. Alessia l understand that you are going through a hard time but l have had enough of this drama . First,you stole my mom's love a way from me and now you are trying to steal away my happiness! No no no Alessia, l won't allow this to happen.'

'Nicole l know l have annoyed you but please don't include my parents into this matter.l beg of and l not surprised about what you said but so disappointed in you despite that fact that we are cousins,you still went a head and insulted me even after l had apologized to yo..' before l could complete,she interrupted once

' So, what? So what if we are cousins Alessia Us being cousins doesn't change my mind set over the hatred l have for you'

' Enough!' some one shouted behind the huge crowd.A path was created between the crowd .At the end if the path stood Raphael. Raphael moved to the center where the scene was created.He caught Nicole by the hand .He apologized to me on behalf of Nicole and pulled her out the crowd.Of coz those words were too heavy for me to hold my tears any longer.l run to the girls washroom.l was crying, Ariel rushed into the washroom she didn't know that l was there . l think she wanted pee so bad .she entered into one of the rooms.l think she hadn't seen me.l rushed to clean up my tears. After some minutes she came out to wash her hands that's when she saw me.'Ahh Alessia, have you been here for long coz when I was in side ,l heard as if some one was sobbing. '

Ariel,s POV

Even if Alessia didn't what to tell me what was wrong with her l would clearly see that she was well.Even though l knew about the fight between her and Nicole l had to pretend as if l didn't know anything. Coz l didn't want to interfere.


' Nicole, you shouldn't have said all those words to Alessia,you know very well that Mom will not be happy if she finds out about what you didn't to Alessia. You are also aware that she is going through a hard time but you still went ahead and insulted her'

' So what, did you really want me to say to her after knocking down my books.What do you expect me to tell my class teacher please tell me'

' Nicole l don't know what you will tell your class teacher but you will have to apologize to her.

' Hi guys, thanks alot for reading my first chapters.Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!'

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