

BOOK1 During the day, she's Mae Kazimi, a quiet girl living in the richest part of New York. But during the night, she's Shadow, a well-known and dangerous assassin working for whoever dangles money under her nose. And her latest mission? Kill Alek Russo, the heir to the most ruthless Italian mafia, aka the man who stole her two million dollars from right under her nose. How hard could it possibly be? Alek Russo has been watching Mae Kazimi from the shadows ever since she stepped foot into his domain. And he only has one thing in mind; revenge for killing his brother. Alek Russo wants Mae Kazimi dead. And he wants to kill her himself. As the stars shine brightly in the night and the monsters hidden in the dark finally awaken, a mystery arises. In this tedious game of friend or foe in the dangerous world of blood and violence, which one of them will win? Welcome to the Mafia. Who will make it out alive?

wheresmymafiaman · Urban
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16 Chs

Chapter 5: Mae Kazimi

Alek Russo glares at me over the brim of his cup, black demon eyes piercing mine.

Last night, when I got home, I had a small red fancy envelope waiting for me at my doorstep. I had known who it belonged to before I even had the chance to open it.

Dear Mae Kazimi,

I, Tommasso Russo, invite you to my private party I am hosting tomorrow night to thank you for saving my son's life. I would be immensely pleased to see you there.



In other words, it was an order calling for my presence.

And I could not say no.

And so, here I am, sitting amongst some of the richest men and women in the house of the most dangerous Italian mobster to ever live.

So much fun!

I've been dining with the Russo family and their friends for a while now, sitting under a large golden chandelier in their huge dining room. Its black walls seem to stretch upwards for miles and the polished black floors glint with sparkle. The table is long with Tomasso, Alek's father sitting at the head and Alek's step mother sitting across.

The room is full of chatter.

But I have not spoken all night.

"Excuse me," I murmur, forcing a smile towards Tomasso. "I need to use the washroom."

Tomasso looks up, his face spreading in a wide smile before he gestures to Alek, "Show our guest the way, will you son?"

Alek sets down his utensils and gets to his feet without a reply. From the tension on his face, I can tell he doesn't like his fathers request.

I follow Alek down the hall, straightening my black blazer that I wear on top of my black sleeveless top. I've painted my nails black and worn my jewelry, two silver necklaces and 2 rings on each hand. I've learned that silver suits my brown skin the best.

I've made sure I've dressed to impress.

The hallways of the Russo mansion are horribly long, polished and clean, not a speck of dirt in sight. It's like the cleaners never leave this place and spend nights cleaning everyday.

"How are you enjoying this fine dinner, Alek?" I ask, a hint of sarcasm in my voice as we stop outside the washroom door.

He turns to me, eyes burning, "Get out of my house."

I raise my eyebrows and gasp, pretending to be immensely hurt, "Woah! Such hatred is not good for the heart, Russo!"

He scoffs, sharp jaw clenching before he begins to make his way back. But I grab his left arm before he walks past me.

"Alek," I say, flicking my eyes upwards. He's tall. Very tall. "It's not kind to be rude to your esteemed guest who also saved your life. Twice."

"What do you want," He shoves my hand away as if my touch has burnt him.

"Nothing," I smile cheerfully. "It's just been so long since we've seen each other. I really really missed you."

Alek's lips twitch in annoyance as he glares down at me, leaning against the opposite wall as if he knows I'm not going to let him just walk away.

"The feeling isn't mutual," he says, crossing his arms. "You're like a fly that keeps buzzing in my ear. It's getting quite annoying."

I try not to feel insulted, but it's hard. It's not everyday I get compared to a fly.

"You're just always so grumpy whenever we're talking," I continue, pretending I didn't hear what he'd just said. "It's starting to upset me."

"You're fucking insane," he mutters, looking at me in disgust. "What do you want, Kazimi. Spit it out."

I let out a loud sigh.

What do I want? I know Alek thinks he owes me for saving his life twice, but honestly, I could care less. I want to know why his father has invited me to this party.

Something is not right.

"Why has your father invited me to this party?"

Alek shrugs, "Why the fuck would I know. Go ask him yourself."

"You're horribly rude, you know that? Did your mother never teach you any manners?"

"She died before she got the chance to."


I awkwardly clear my throat, "Well, if it makes you feel any better, my parents left me in a big garbage can the moment I was born."

"I know," he suddenly smirks, as if the idea of a baby version of me in a large garbage can surrounded by germs and disgusting garbage amuses him. "Mae Kazimi, abandoned by her own parents. It was all over the newspapers."

"I'm sure you have the newspapers framed in your bedroom."

His mean smirk grows bigger, and he shakes his hair out of his face, "I guess you'll never know."

"And why is that?"

"Because you're leaving," all humour suddenly leaves his face, replaced with those same angry and hateful eyes. "Now."

I straighten immediately, "And what will I tell your father? 'Oh, sorry I left early! You're son kicked me out'?"

"I don't care what you tell him," he hisses, grabbing me by my shoulder and forcefully leading me down the hallway. "You're leaving, and I don't want to see you in my house again."

"Your father's house," I snap, reminding him. I shove him off myself and into the wall. "Don't you dare touch me, Russo."

He turns to me, breathing hard. I can tell he's hardly controlling himself, and it makes me pause.

What the hell have I ever done to this man that makes him hate me this much?

He opens his mouth, no doubt to cuss me out, when one of the Russo's many butlers appears from out of thin air. The young man lowers his head as he speaks.

"Signorina (miss) Kazimi, Signore (Mister) Tomasso requests your presence in his office and has requested me to take you there immediately."

I let out a long breath. I'm about to find out why I am really here.

Alek slowly turns his attention back to me, and I can feel his hatred pouring out in waves, but I pretend to ignore it.

"Goodbye Russo," I smile.

He tilts his head ever so slightly, eyes burning into mine, "Goodbye Kazimi. I hope he shoots you in the head the moment you walk in."

"Maybe he will."

"If I see you here again, maybe I will."

We do not break eye contact for a moment, before I finally turn around, his black demon eyes so full of hatred it's too hard to keep looking. The butler looks horrified as he slowly turns around, shakily walking down the hall, further and further away from Alek as if he is trying to get away from him as fast as he can.

As soon as Alek is out of sight, I turn to the butler, "Tell me about Alek."

The butler pauses, swallowing thickly.

I slide money out of my back pocket and slap it onto his hands.

"Some nights, he stays in the basement. Those nights are the worst," the young boy says, quickly pocketing the money. "All we hear is never ending screams of pain. Sometimes they beg for mercy, other times they beg for death."

I say nothing. Alek is no better than I am.

The butler takes this as a sign to continue, "When he finally emerges from the basement, he's covered in blood, almost as if he's bathed in it. He-" He pauses, voice shaking. "His eyes….they are so dark. He is not human, Signorina."

"What happens when he comes from the basement?" I ask as we pause in the center of an unknown hallway in front of the elevators.

"He disappears into his room. And when he emerges in the morning, it's like the night never happened. He's his usual self….but lately…."

"Lately?" I urge him to go on, impatiently.

"Something or someone has put him on an edge. I haven't seen him so angry since his….since his brothers death."

The elevators dings open and before the butler can continue to speak, a voice interrupts our conversation.

"Mae Kazimi," it's Tomasso Russo, leaning against the wall of the elevator like a king. "I was wondering what was taking you so long."

The butler slowly bows before quickly disappearing from sight. I ignore the boy, keeping my eyes on the mafia boss.

He's going to be a messy opponent, I think. But fun, nevertheless.

This makes me smile.

"Fancy seeing you here, Tomasso," I say, joining him in the elevator, standing a little too close to him. He does not move back.

He lazily presses the floor button, his old fingers bent with years of dirty work, "We have a lot to talk about, Shadow. A lot to talk about, indeed."

My entire body stills.

What the hell did he just say?

"Oh my dear," I force a burst of laughter from my mouth and flick my eyes up to his. "The secrets out, what will I ever do now?"

"You could kill me," Tomasso grins, his teeth pearly white and straighter than Kai. "But then of course, that would put you in a rather dangerous position, no?"

My fingers curl into fists. This is not fun.

"What do you want," all humour leaves my voice as the elevator dings open. Tomasso walks out first, flicking his hand to tell me to follow him.

I obey.

The halls are empty, almost as if no one other than him ever steps onto this floor.

"I need you for a job, Shadow. I'm even willing to pay you if you get it done in less than a month."

In less than a month? Was this man insane?

Whatever job he was about to give me would definitely take me longer than a month. But then again, he knows I am anticipating this.

"What's the job," I ask through clenched teeth as he leads me into his office and shuts the door.

"I need you to work with my elder son and find a rather annoying mole in my gang," He settles down onto his chair and I sit down across from him. I'm so angry that I realize my fingers are shaking. "They've been….rather destructive."

How the hell did he know I was Shadow?

"Why don't you find the mole yourself?" I ask, forcing my voice to stay even. "I'm sure you're better at it then I am."

"There are some things that are better left not said."

Like I said, compliments get you nowhere in the mafia.

I know what Tomasso is doing. He's asserting power. He wants to control me. He wants me in the center of his palm and he wants to close his fingers in on me, caging who I am and what I can do. He wants to corner me so I have no other choice but to work with him.

"How did you know I was Shadow?"

Tomasso regards me with cool eyes that remind me of Alek, "That's a story for another day. I need your answer."

"Fine," I say with a shrug, leaning back, a perfect picture of calmness. "But at the end of this one month, I want whatever evidence you have. I want it gone, deleted and never brought up again. Do we have a deal?"

Tomasso's grin grows wider, "You really are Denez's daughter, aren't you?"

"Do we have a deal or not?" I snap.


I get to my feet. Before I can leave, Tomasso quickly adds, "I'll have one of the butlers prepare a room for you here. The closer you are, the better, yes?"

I say nothing, cold eyes taking in the mafia boss one more time before making my way towards the door.

"It was nice doing business with you, Mae Kazimi."

I say nothing as I open the door and slam it behind me.

And as I walk down the hall, I can't help but swear into the empty hallway.

Looks like I'm stuck with Alek Russo. And the worst part? I can't help it. I'm stuck. So, so, utterly stuck.

And the most dangerous Italian mafia boss has me exactly where he wants me.

In the center of his palm.