

BOOK1 During the day, she's Mae Kazimi, a quiet girl living in the richest part of New York. But during the night, she's Shadow, a well-known and dangerous assassin working for whoever dangles money under her nose. And her latest mission? Kill Alek Russo, the heir to the most ruthless Italian mafia, aka the man who stole her two million dollars from right under her nose. How hard could it possibly be? Alek Russo has been watching Mae Kazimi from the shadows ever since she stepped foot into his domain. And he only has one thing in mind; revenge for killing his brother. Alek Russo wants Mae Kazimi dead. And he wants to kill her himself. As the stars shine brightly in the night and the monsters hidden in the dark finally awaken, a mystery arises. In this tedious game of friend or foe in the dangerous world of blood and violence, which one of them will win? Welcome to the Mafia. Who will make it out alive?

wheresmymafiaman · Urban
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16 Chs

Chapter 14: Alek Russo

Chapter 14: Alek Russo

Three years ago:

I am rushing down the streets of New York, heart beating loud in my chest as I make my way to the alleyway my elder brother Matteo is waiting for me at.

Five minutes ago I hacked into a phone I'd found in a small cafe and found their account balance. It had been a horribly large number, so I slipped a good two million out of it before texting my brother to meet up.

After all, I'd stolen the money for him.

A week ago, he'd asked me to help him get a hold of some money and there was no way I was going to let him down. And so, I stole two million dollars from a spoiled girl by the name Mary Karls which I doubt was her real name. I still remembered her bright red phone and the small charm that hung from the top and by the looks of it, the girl was probably no older than fifteen.

Now, I am rushing as fast as I can past cars dressed up in a ridiculous disguise to hide my Russo identity. This is Kazimi territory and I am not welcome here but both gangs must keep an appearance to let our friendship between each other last.

Last as long as possible at least.

There is only one thing I can think of as I turn left and into a long and abandoned road, the wet streets soaking into my shoes and making my socks wet.

My brother is depending on me.

I don't know what this money is for, but if Matteo wants it, it must be something important. It has to be. He promised me it was for the best, for both of us and by the look in his eyes I could tell he was telling the truth.

But what could possibly be so important?

"Watch yourself," a homeless man grunts loudly, a cigarette between his lips before murmuring in a low breath, "stupid fucking boys."

I say nothing as I hurry down the road, hands in my pockets and head down.

"Ayo, got any bucks on you?" the same man yells after me. "You! Boy! I'm speaking to you!"

I stop in my tracks. Should I turn around? Should I answer? Or should I keep walking?

"I'm talking to you, young man," the man stops before me, a snarl in his mouth. "You stupid deaf little piece of-"

I look up, my black eyes meeting his and he steps back, horror settling in his eyes.

"M-m-my apologies, s-s-sir-"

I pull my hand out of my pocket and watch the man flinch. Instead, I hand him the hundred bucks I'd found in my coat and said, "Don't tell anyone I was here."

The man nods so hard I think his head might fall off. And then, I turn and quickly make my way towards the alleyway where my brother awaits me.

"Alek?" It's Matteo's voice, calling to me. "Alek, fratello!"

I turn quickly as I notice Matteo rushing down the sidewalk behind me. He looks tired, eye bags under his eyes. He's only twenty and works twice as hard as he should, trying to please papa, and I can only stare.

"Matteo?" I whisper.

He grabs my shoulders, leading me into the safety of an abandoned alleyway and shakes me slightly. "Are you okay? Are you hurt? Did someone touch you?"

I shake my head, brushing his hand away, a small grin appearing on my face, "I got the money you wanted."

"What?" Matteo's eyes narrow. "You did?"

I unlock my phone and show my brother my account balance. "Two million dollars Matteo. For you."

"Where did you get this from?" Matteo asks, stern eyes making me swallow. "Don't you dare tell me you-"

"I didn't!" I scowl. I'm eighteen, not a child and I'm not fucking stupid. "I would never handle drugs."

"Good, then where did you get this from?"

"Some things are better left unsaid."

"Don't quote papa to me, Alek."

It's annoying how Matteo is suddenly scolding me for the money he literally asked for. And so, I snap, "You asked for this money Matteo, and I got it for you. Do you not want it anymore?"

"I do," Matteo sighs loudly, and wraps his arms around me. I blink in surprise but then I slowly wrap my arms around him too. "Promise me that whatever happens, you won't forget me. No matter where you are or where you go."

"What do you mean?" I frown, chin on his shoulder.

He is silent for a moment, and I break our hug to look him in the eyes, waiting for a response.

"Alek, not everything is as it seems," he says, eyes dropping to the floor. "And I'm sorry things can't be different."

"What the fuck are you taking about?" I ask, grabbing his shoulders and shaking him. "Matteo, don't give me these bullshit responses!"


"Hey! You!"

We both turn around at the same time, eyes landing on a young girl who holds a gun straight in our direction. And she looks angry.

"Who the hell are you?" I snap, hands already reaching for the gun I keep and can feel Matteo doing the same.

"Mae Kazimi, motherfuckers," she hisses, walking closer. "How dare you. How dare you come to my home and act like you own it."

"What?" Matteo frowns, confused. "I think you've got the wrong-"


I jump, the phone dropping from my hands and I reach for Matteo at the same time.

But it's too late.

My elder brother drops to the floor and I fall to my knees beside him, pleas lodged in my throat.

There's a bullet in his head.

And there's blood everywhere.

"Fratello," I'm whispering, hands shaking his body. "Fratello, my brother, get up."

Matteo does not move.

"Matteo," I choke, shaking fingers reaching for his face as blood gushes onto his open eyes that stare into nothing. "Matteo, you promised to stay with me after mama died, Matteo, please."

Matteo does not breathe.

"Fratello," My voice cracks, and hot angry tears slip down my cheeks. "Please, God, take my life instead of his! Please, give him another chance. Matteo, please open your eyes!"


And when I look up, the girl is gone and no one is in sight and the phone I dropped is gone.

I let out an angry yell, fingers gripping my brother's jacket. I drop my head into his chest and let the tears slip down my cheeks.

And as I hold my dead brother in my arms, all of New York is silent.

Because tonight, a murder has been committed.

A murder I will not forgive for as long as I live.