

Aleezeh, a beautiful girl, is constantly in trouble. She tries to escape from difficulties, but is unsuccessful each time. She is tired of avoiding them. Let's see if she will have a good life again.

Amna_Salman_35310 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

House Owner

On a bright, sunny morning, a beautiful girl named Aleezeh wakes up to the alarm. A sweet voice came from down the stairs: "Aleezeh, come on, you are late for school." Aeezeh replied, "Mama, I am coming." She cleans her room side by side, preparing for school.

A bell rings continuously. Aleezeh opens the door. A fat, weird guy standing with an angry face tries to say something, but Aleezeh cuts his talk short by saying that we will give you the rent today, and she shuts the door. Aleezeh is a nice girl, but her only bad habit is that when she is angry, she forgets to whom she is talking.

Aleezeh's mother became angry and told her not to do this again. Although her mother has a disease called coronary heart disease (CHD), she has to go to school so she can fulfill her mother's dream of becoming a lawyer. Her mother is a teacher, but now she can't go. Aleezeh is planning to do some online work so she can help her mother financially.

Aleezeh's friend Noor arrived to pick her up for school. Noor is an intelligent girl who cares about others feelings. She is the house owner's daughter. They go to school by foot. Noor asked, "How are you, Aleezeh?" She told Noor that nothing was good because of her father. "Don't be sad; Allah is with you; he will surely help you. As Allah says in the Quran, Verily, with hardship comes ease." Aleezeh thanked her for her consolation in her reply. Noor said, "Now we are moving fast; we are late for school."

Aleezeh made a bad face and said," It's my bad day; it's physics class; he will kill us." They both entered the class by hiding from a weird teacher who made every child's life miserable. The physics teacher caught them and physically tortured them by bending their skin, which made them cry. They went back home by backbiting the physics teacher.

Aleezeh was worried about her mother.When she walked to her house, she saw a big lock on her house. She inquired about her mother, but no one was aware. She was screaming, but no one responded to her. Everyone was standing quietly and watching her. She went to her friend for help, but his father didn't let her enter his house. She was alone in the dark, asking Allah to help her. Bad boys are catching her with bad eyes. A house owner's son named Arslan made fun of her, but she slapped him on the face and ran away from them. She was afraid of every guy there. She bumped into the handsome young boy, but she didn't pay attention to him.

She knows that Allah will surely help him. She remembers her friend's words: Don't be sad; Allah is with you; he will surely help you. She searched the entire area but didn't find her mother. She sat down and started crying. She called his cousin for help, but he didn't pick up.

"What our life wants from us

Is there any debt we are not paying?"



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