
Aldridge: Book of Knight

In a world consumed by chaos, war, and corruption, where factions, criminal syndicates, countries, and religious groups battle endlessly for power, an unlikely hero emerges - Rushia, an innocent child with grand dreams of becoming a knight. Rushia's journey begins as a naive girl living in a small border town, obsessed with the romanticized tales of chivalry and heroism from her bedtime stories. While the world around her descends into darkness, her perspective remains pure and bright, driven by the simple desire to experience the adventurous life of a knight like the ones she admires. Unbeknownst to herself, Rushia's acts of kindness, selflessness, and bravery begin to shift the delicate balance of power in human society. Though she holds no noble intentions of protecting others, her name becomes legendary, inspiring awe and adoration in many, while instilling fear in her enemies. Despite the immense impact she has on the world stage, Rushia remains blissfully unaware of the weight she carries. In her mind, she is simply living out a grand and exciting quest, reveling in the thrill of adventure and the "coolness" of being a knight. As her renown grows and the chaos of the world rages on, Rushia's perspective never wavers from that of a wide-eyed child lost in a world of fantasy and innocence. She inadvertently becomes a beacon of hope and a symbol of courage, while maintaining a childlike glee in her perceived role as a storybook hero.

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8 Chs

The Seen and The Unseen

The morning sun filtered down through the leafy branches overhead as Rushia strolled along the forest path, humming cheerfully to herself. Using Berry's magical map as guidance, they were on a new route in hopes of finding their way home.

"What a lovely day for an adventure!" Rushia declared brightly, twirling around with her arms outstretched. "I do hope this path leads us home."

"New capabilities detected," Berry's voice chimed flatly in her mind. "I can now perceive an unseen world layered behind this one."

Rushia stopped short, eyes widening. "An unseen world, you say? How thrilling!" She clapped her hands eagerly. "Oh please tell me more, Sir Berry!"

"Affirmative. I shall provide an explanation," Berry replied. "Consider reality as a tapestry, with our existence the threads on the front. Behind it are further layers - hidden worlds and realms stacked upon each other."

Rushia's brow furrowed in concentration as Berry continued. "My sensory range now encompasses the tapestry's reverse side - the first layer of unseen world adjacent to ours."

Rushia stroked her chin contemplatively. "Fascinating. It seems our world has many hidden aspects, ripe for adventure!"

As Berry delved further into explanations of a hidden world, Rushia's head spun trying to grasp such esoteric concepts. Sensing her confusion, Berry suggested, "Perhaps direct observation would enlighten you further."

Rushia's eyes lit up. "You can let me see the unseen world? How delightful! Please show me, Sir Berry!"

Her vision flickered, and then a subtle shift occurred in her surroundings. The verdant forest remained, yet now ghostly outlines and odd shapes drifted at the edges.

"Whoa..." Rushia breathed. The first hidden layer was revealed, mingling with her reality in a bewildering mosaic. Smoky wisps obscured the distance, and alien entities hovered strangely.

Some haunted the earth, morphing in disturbing ways no natural beast should. Others drifted across the sky independent of wings or form. All were ignorant of Rushia's presence, continuing their unknowable duties.

One nearby creature resembled a muscular wolf and bear, yet had a reptilian tail curled with spiny bristles. As it paced, the transient shape rippled, flashing briefly to a horned beast before resuming its original state.

Rushia watched the menagerie in wide-eyed wonder, heedless of the repulsive, almost maddening aspects due to Berry's fear resistance. Without fear to constrain her emotion, she saw only mystery and excitement in this glimpse beyond the veil.

"Incredible..." she whispered. "It's all so weird, isn't it Sir Berry?"

She gestured dramatically with her wooden stick. "Onward, Sir Berry! Let us explore the mysteries of this unseen world together!"

And with that enthusiastic declaration, Rushia marched forth into the dappled forest, heedless of uncharted dangers.


The administrative hall of the border town's knights' order blended old and new - medieval stone architecture with modern rune technology and organized documents showing managerial efficiencies.

In his office, the Knight-Commander of this border town, Cyrus, reviewed the paperwork in the sleek uniform of the empire's knighthood. In this era, there were no more the clunky steel plates and chainmail of antiquity. In their place, knights now wore sturdy fabrics layered with arcane runes and durable monster fibers, combining protection and flexibility.

It was a radical departure from the iconic armor of legend. But innovations in rune-crafting and materials had rendered thick metal plates obsolete. Knights could now move unencumbered while impervious to fatal blows.

Before Cyrus stood two newly appointed knights in simpler versions of the uniforms. Their keenness and discipline showed they had embraced the rigor of training in the capital.

Cyrus met their eyes. "There seems to be an unnatural creature roaming around in the forest safe zones."

Shaking his head, he continued, "The aftermath was unnatural - mutilated bodies, withered plants, mutation on plans and animals."

He handed the female knights a mission order. "Investigate thoroughly and document anything unusual. I'm sending you hastily, but we need more data about this creature."

"We understood!" the male knight vowed firmly. His companion nodded in ready agreement.

Cyrus clasped their shoulders. "Be vigilant. I have a bad feeling about this beast."

After they departed, chill silence filled the hall. Exiting, they walked around the border town, footsteps loud in the unnatural silence.

Pausing, the woman knight glanced at the forest in the distance. A cold wind stirred the leaves in whispers before subsiding.


Rushia skipped merrily along the forest trail, delighting in the mingled scenes of reality and the unseen realm now unveiled to her vision. Everything seemed touched with new wonder - trees, and stones taking on spectral aspects while bizarre entities drifted through in smoky silhouettes.

One wispy creature fluttered by on diaphanous wings. As Rushia reached out curiously, her fingers passed through its moth-like form without resistance. She giggled in delight.

"How curious! It seems we observe their realm, but cannot fully interact," Rushia remarked. Unperturbed, she waved enthusiastically at other ephemeral beings, though they ignored her presence completely.

Examining a small fruit still clinging to an overlaid ghostly branch, Rushia tried plucking it. Once again her grasp was stymied, unable to gain purchase on objects originating from the unseen.

Rushia laughed with innocent joy. "This is all quite marvelous! Being here yet not fully here reminds me of a dream."

As Rushia explored the blended forest, a strange sight made her pause - a lone tree with bark and leaves gleaming pure white. Unlike the ghostly entities, no smoke-like essence emerged from it. Instead, the smoke-like essence seemed drawn in, leaving the space around the tree strangely clear.

"How curious!" Rushia exclaimed, skipping toward it. But mid-stride, her foot caught on an exposed tangle of white roots from the tree, making her stumble.

"Oof! How rude of you," Rushia chided playfully as she regained her balance. Running her hands over the gnarled base, her eyes widened in surprise.

"Wait, I can actually touch this white tree!" She experimentally grasped one of the twisting roots protruding from the earth. Unlike the insubstantial fruit and creatures, this entity's form was solid in her hands.

Rushia's brow furrowed in thought. Then a grin spread across her face as an idea struck. "You are mine now!"

Placing both hands on the woody root, Rushia braced herself and pulled with all her might. But despite her childlike enthusiasm, she barely budged the white root. After a few fruitless tugs, Rushia stood back, puffing and rubbing her sore arms.

"My, you are quite stubbornly buried, aren't you?" Rushia cocked her head.

After her initial failed attempts to dislodge the white tree's roots, Rushia readied herself for another stubborn tug. But this time, with surprising ease, the root came free in her hands, causing her to fall back in surprise.

"Whoa!" Rushia exclaimed, sitting up and examining the length of white wood. "Well, that was much easier than expected."

She glanced down at the roughly hewn wooden stick she had carried so far, now lying discarded on the forest dirt. With a shrug, Rushia tossed it aside and stood, holding the new white wooden stick aloft like a sword.

"This is a clear upgrade," she declared. "A valiant knight should bear only the finest of blades."

Rushia swung her new white 'sword' dramatically, testing its balance. The pale wood almost seemed to glow in the dappled light.

"I hereby dub this noble weapon 'Murakan II' to carry on the legacy of its predecessor," she announced.

With childlike fickleness, her former companion was quickly forgotten and abandoned. The straight, smooth white root simply looked more majestic to Rushia's eyes.

Gripping her Murakan II tightly, Rushia continued on her way through the blended forest. In her mind, the pale blade was a kingly gift from the white tree that she was now destined to wield in her adventures.

"Onward to glory!" Rushia cried joyfully, cutting swaths through smoke wisps with the wooden stick as she quested forth into the forest.


Earlier that day in the administrative hall, Knight-Commander Cyrus had given newly assigned knights Nora and Cedric an investigation mission to the forest. A mysterious creature with an unknown power was looming in the forest outside Twilight's Gate, the border town they were assigned with.

As knights only recently transferred from the capital to this backwater region, their first task was to investigate and document anything unusual about the aftermath.

Now in the rustic tavern of Twilight's Gate, as evening fell, Nora and Cedric felt utterly out of place. The border town, Twilight's Gate remained quaintly old-fashioned despite the Empire's industrial revolution in Rune technology.

While neat formal uniforms marked Cedric and Nora as knights, the tavern was filled with rough frontier folk. Hearty laughter echoed as hardened hunters and trappers drank and shared tales from the deep forest.

Nora shifted uncomfortably on the creaky wooden bench in her prim attire. The oil lamps lining the stone walls gave off a warm amber glow but did little to ease her unease. She longed for the fashionable capital's brightly lit cafes and comfortable booths.

Beside her, Cedric seemed to share her disorientation. His polished shoes and pressed suit stood out starkly amidst muddy boots and earthy plaids. But the hunters paid them no mind, lost in their conversation.

"Ugh, I can't stand another minute in this dreadful rural town," Nora finally let out her complaint. "There's absolutely nothing to enjoy here!"

Cedric sighed, having heard Nora's gripes about their assignment to this town many times already. "I know you miss the comforts of the big city. But we're stationed out here for the next few years, so try to make the best of it."

Nora huffed. "The best of it? Look at this backward place - creaky wooden benches, muddy floors, not a decent cafe for miles!" She waved a hand in disgust at the rough-hewn surroundings.

Though Cedric shared some of Nora's frustrations, her theatrics were wearing on him. "The capital did spoil you too much. But what can we do anyway."

Nora rolled her eyes. "Oh yes, investigating monster attacks in this middle of nowhere!" Her voice dripped with sarcasm.

Cedric noticed other customers glancing their way, put off by Nora's loud complaints. "Keep your voice down," he urged. "We're representing the knights'."

But Nora only grew more animated, either oblivious or indifferent to the attention. "I can't believe they exiled us here for years! There must be some mistake!"

"Nora please, you're causing a scene..." Cedric said through gritted teeth. A few of the gruff hunters were chuckling at the flustered pair of out-of-place knights.

Finally noticing the stares aimed their way, Nora shrank back, blushing furiously. An awkward hush fell over their corner.


Deep within the misty woods, Rushia continued her aimless journey, cheerfully swinging her Murakan II. While on her walk, ghostly entities drifted between the trees, the sky, and the land, drawn by her.

"Look, Mr. Berry! More misty friends have come to join us," Rushia exclaimed as Berry alerted her to the lurking unseen creature. Oblivious to any danger, she greeted the grotesque gathering crowd with a smile.

More ephemeral beings emerged, blotting out the light. Smoky tendrils extended, focusing hollow gazes upon Rushia's body. But she showed no unease, completely alien to the concept of fear.

"Oh my, pardon me, I don't mean to be rude," Rushia said as she strode boldly up to the giant wraith-like entity which looks like the more powerful among them. It loomed overhead, pale smoke flickering within its dark misty form.

Rushia waved her wooden sword scoldingly. "Ho ho! Are you perhaps challenging me? Where are your manners?"

In response, the wraith lunged forth with a bone-chilling shriek. But as it enveloped Rushia, her weak swing of Murakan II struck the creature.

The entity was pushed back and exploded spectacularly. Before Rushia's astonished eyes, the remnants of the creature funneled down into her Murakan II.

As it absorbed the vanquished essence, a strange pattern faintly glowed along its length before fading back to ivory smoothness.

Rushia was so surprised by the spectacle that she took a step back a bit. But Rushia being Rushia, soon accepted it like everything else that has happened until now. She then raises her wooden stick proudly. "Well, how stupid of you! Challenging me while knowing how strong I am!"

With childlike obliviousness, she happily continued on her way. Rushia remained blind to the astonishing feat she had unconsciously performed.


In the cozy confines of the tavern, Cedric and Nora sat together, sipping their drinks and engaging in lively conversation. Their words flowed effortlessly as they reminisced about their days at the academy. 

"Well...I suppose we should talk about the mission now," Nora mumbled.

Suddenly, the lively chatter in the tavern was muted as Nora and Cedric started to talk about the forest's unusual phenomenon. Details of a horrific phenomenon in the woods resonate with the hunter which also experiencing it.

"The mutations are the most unsettling part," Nora said, tapping the paper. "Animal carcasses warped into twisted forms, vegetation blackened and putrid."

Cedric nodded grimly. Around them, hunters listened intently, familiar with the description.

Nora's brow furrowed as she analyzed the gruesome details. "It's as if this creature only corrupts living things somehow." The drawings show deer antlers branching and twisting into fractal, bizarre shapes.

She traced a crude sketch. "And this stunted tree has warped into spirals, its sap running dark and foul." Nora jerked at the implications.

Cedric studied the warped patterns intently. "A corruption spreading through the forest, turning life to abominations..." He shook his head. "I've never heard of such a thing."

"There must be some unique arcane cause behind it," Nora mused. "This arcane even the scholars back in the capital would be astonished to look at." A shadow crossed her face.

Cedric placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "We'll figure this out. I remember even back in the academy, your brain always finds the best solution in any situation."

Nora smiled weakly at Cedric's comment. She turned back to the grotesque sketches laid out on the worn table, mind racing. "There had to be an answer somewhere in these disturbing clues."


After Rushia's Murakan II absorbed the wraith-like entity, the other entities recoiled in fear. Wispy tendrils pulled back as the horde retreated swiftly into the trees.

"Haha, that's right! Run away, you cowardly monster!" Rushia declared, waving her wooden stick triumphantly. "None can stand against the mighty Rushia!"

Berry intoned flatly. "Further combat is inadvisable until we understand this phenomenon."

But Rushia was too caught up in her victory to heed caution. "Did you see how I vanquished that monster, Sir Berry? With a single swing! Why, because I unleashed my hidden power!"

"Incorrect. You have no hidden power within," Berry responded in his usual monotone. "I could not find any other forces inside you."

Rushia laughed cheerfully. "No no no, silly Berry, it's because I always keep it hidden! Don't you remember the time I defeated the dreadful dragon too?"

"Negative. We have not encountered any dragons. You appear to have a brain malfunction."

"Oh Berry, your memory must be getting faulty in your old age," Rushia said, skipping along without a care. "But fear not, for I shall remind you of our past heroic deeds!"

And so Rushia engaged the impassive Berry with increasingly grandiose tales of adventures they had never experienced as she ventured into the forest. Slaying horrific monsters, surviving deadly traps, conquering demonic warlords - Rushia's stories grew ever more nonsensical and exaggerated.

Occasionally, more ephemeral creatures emerged, attacking Rushia. But with each challenger, her white wooden stick blew them all brilliantly and absorbed their vanquished essence.

"You see, Sir Berry? This is how we defeat the deadly serpent from hell!" Rushia declared after each victory, adopting more ridiculously heroic tales.

"I do not find any brain damage nor psychological damage," Berry said after her latest boastful monologue. "Perhaps your spirit requires examination. Initiating spirit capacity is in progress..."

Berry's words could not dampen Rushia's exuberance. Though his responses remained flat, Rushia carried on her one-sided conversations with undiminished enthusiasm. Victory after victory only buoyed her childlike innocence and wonder.

And so the valiant knight Sir Rushia marched on through the wood, heedless of the catastrophic danger she was in. With her sword Murakan II, she was undefeatable in the unseen world.