

In the morning when three woke up, they went out of the hospital. They immediately went to the car to go home. When they were home, Zechariah took everything important, including a necklace. He gave the necklace to Alder

Zechariah:" That necklace is your mother's, I saw it in your house 13 years ago and took it for yoi I think it's time for yoi to wear it".

Alder:" It's magnificent uncle".

Zechariah:" I know, protect it with all cost boy".

Zephyr:"No more drama boys, Dark Shadows are on their way here. We better move as soon as possible".

Zechariah:" All right, by the way, what is the nearest way to the world of magic?"

Zephyr:" I can use my lance for recalling but the light might just trigger the humans, so the closest way is the nearby lake".

Zechariah:" Oh, I Don't like swimming".

Zephyr:" Well you have no other choice" he said while laughing

Then three went to the nearby lake using the car. And when they were there, suddenly the sky turned dark.

Zechariah:" Damn it, The bastards are already here".

Zephyr:" Looks like we have to fight our way back home".

Then a dozens of black smoke went down and it all turned into men in black mask. One of them was Mansoor the same man Zechariah fought when they were going to the World of humans.

Zechariah:" What do you want huhhh? Damn you Mansoor, do you have a crush on me? Why keep following me ay?"

Mansoor:" We came here to take the boy, Zechariah. Would you mind stepping aside? We have no business with you?"

Zechariah:" I don't take any order from any idiot"

Mansoor:" Say that when you're gone Ryker, It's 36 against two, we clearly have the advantage" laughingly he said

Zephyr:" So that means that each one of us have to kill 18 right brother?"

Zechariah:" Ya right HAHAHAHA"

Mansoor:" You arrogant bastards. ATTACK THEM"

The Dark Shadows rushed to attack them but suddenly the earth shaked and three sandstorms came in front of the Dark Shadows. And the sandstorm turned into three men. Then a group of men in brown robe and straw hat was seen running towards the battlefield.

Zechariah:" Guerreros are here".

Zephyr:" Guerreros? Who are those?"

Zechariah:" Magic folks who chose to live in the World of Humans, they are group of Dark creatures hunter. It is said that they also recruits some humans with them".

Alder:" Oh great someone to help you two, now we have the advantage. LET'S GET THEM".

Then the leaders of Guerreros present himself to them. He is Peter Hernandez, he is from the Philippines.

Peter:" My name is Peter Hernandez, I came from Philippines. The Black lotus has sent me here to help you and at the same time beat these Dark Shadows".

Zechariah:" So the Black lotus is on the move ay, That's great, Now let's go we have no time to waste".

Mansoor:" Get out of the way Guerreros, you have no business in here"

Peter:" Actually we do" then he speaked in different language

"Mga Guerrero, HANDA, SUGOD!!!" ( Guerreros, GET READY, ATTACK)

Then the Guerreros pull off their bolos ( long heavy knife with one edge) and charge against the Dark Shadows. Then Mansoor pull the handle of his cane and it was a sword inside and shout

Mansoor:" Freaky idiots are they, Dark Shadows ATTACK them, while I take the boy"

Then the Dark Shadowns pull of their swords and wands and battle against the Guerreros. While Zephyr, Zechariah, and Alder dived into the lake. Mansoor tried to shoot them with Dark magic but he missed so he followed them and he dived into the lake. After diving deep inside they get in the Void realm. The world between the world of humans and world of magic. They all kept falling.

Alder:" Why are we falling uncle? I'M GONNA DIE" the boy screams.

Zechariah:" No you're not gonna die, this is the Void realm. No one has ever died here yet".

Alder:" Then maybe I'm the first one"

Zechariah:" Just hold onto Zephyr, you'll be safe"

Then a dark magic suddenly shots Zechariah's left arm. Then they look up, and they saw Mansoor following them. After a minute of falling they sprang up out of the water and swim in the nearest land. After few seconds Mansoor also sprang up and chase the three but Zechariah fought him one handedly. Until the King's Army approached led by Captain Milfer Grim and they shoot Mansoor with White magic and got him unconscious. Then they took Mansoor to imprison him.

Capt. Grim:"Take that Dark Shadow to Vaijan Prison and make sure he'll pay for all of his evil actions".

Zechariah:" Capt. Grim thank yoi for coming, ya saved our lives".

Capt. Grim:" No need to mention it, after all it's our responsibility. It's Zephyr that send us a letter that you'll be coming back home through this lake. And we really want to see the son of Commander Marcus and Princess Aleina".

Alder:" Princess? My mother is a princess? Why didn't you told me uncle?"

Zechariah:" It'll just make things complicated ya boy"

Capt. Grim:" It's better if we talk about this in the Palace, it's dangerous here especially now that the Dark King is back in power".

Zechariah:" Ya right, let's go ay"