
Alchemy System: The Ancient One's True Descendant

Nick was a loser. Born as a farmer's son where he learned to cultivate crops and herbs. At age 10, his father died and his mother shortly took her life in depression. Without any family, friends, or source of income, Nick had to venture out on his own. His first stop was the main city, Valeria, where he tried to join the Adventurer's Guild, however, the guild rejected him since he didn't know any combat skills and only knew how to farm. Depressed, Nick was sitting in front of the adventurers guild, when an alchemist offered to take the young boy in. Read on to see how Nick gets his alchemy system and advances to becoming the most powerful and influential mortal in the world.

N_D_L · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Evaluation Star Mage

In the back room there was a door which led to a spatial warehouse, it had training dummies, targets, crystal affinity balls... you name it and it was probably there.

He first measured me then took some notes. He put the paper into a magical sewing machine, and instantly the sewing machine went to work.

He walked me over to the crystal balls, the first one was a giant orb, he told me to rest both my hands on it and relax.

I put my hands on the crystal ball and took a big exhale. Slowly the ball went from clear to getting brighter, brighter, brighter, then the whole warehouse was lit up.

"Kid take your hands off!"

I immediately took my hands off and looked over at Dan.

"Good grief! you have some crazy mana there son. I cant give you an actual number, but based on the color I'd say you have the mana of a S class mage or just below it. Why don't we test out your affinities next..."

There were 5 affinities, [Water], [Wind], [Fire], [Earth], and [Lightning] the strongest solo elements were [lightning] and [Fire]. However, dual element cases [lighting] and [wind] or [fire] and [wind] would be naturally one of the strongest. The other mixture of elements were good for support, but as far as front loaded damage it wasn't the best.

I tested each of my affinities and found out I didn't hav e a single affinity. Dan looked super puzzled given that I had so much mana at such a young age. He then went to a box in the corner of the room and picked up a pitch black crystal.

He placed it right in front of me and told me to put my hand on the crystal like the others.

Before doing so, I asked him, "What element is this? I haven't seen a black element."

He nodded and said, "neither have I, but this crystal was here when we built the academy and when we tested it by infusing tons of mana into it, a black hole was formed sucking in everything."

I gulped and place my hands on the black crystal. Right away the crystal reacted, within a few seconds the whole room went pitch black. Then as if I was sucking in the black aura, the room regain light. When we both looked at the black crystal it was no longer black, but rather it was clear now.

"Huh?" I said...

"Well... that was certainly interesting. You sure you don't know your bloodline, because this is some spooky shit young man."

I nodded no, but opened my [status] to see if anything was different after that:

[Status] (noble)

Nick Lortin

Title(s): Holder of the 100% Alchemy System, Son of Master Alchemist Terri, Ancestor of the Star (Soul multiplier X 10) ****NEW****

Job: Alchemist Master+

Class: Star Mage

HP: 5

MP: 101,100

SP: 10,110 (10,110% increase in damage for spells)

STR: 2

P-DEF: 1

M-DEF: 10,110

Power: 1

Soul: 10,110


[Guidance of Master Alchemist] - Produce double the amount of any concoction you make. If you use 1 set of materials you get double the output, so on etc...

[Photographic Memory] - Do I really need to explain this?

[100% Success Rate] - When preforming Alchemy you will always have 100% of succeeding. Others don't... Lower Relms [Tier 1 Alchemist: 5% of success Tier 2: 7%], Mid Relms (break through required by normal people) [Tier 3: 22%, Tier 4: 30%, Tier 5: 40%], High Relms [Tier 6: 50%, Tier 7: 55%], and finally the Master Relm (top of the top alchemists) [Tier 8: 70%]

[Ancestor's Pill Body] - The ability to consume pills at an alarming rate without any lash back. 'The one who does not know the term moderation' Pills for breakfast, pills for snacks, pills, pills, pills. Affects from pills are increase 2-folds!!!


[Immortal Undying Flame] - The perfect flame for Alchemy, you do not need to worry about temperature, all you need to do is throw your ingredients into the fire and let the fire do the rest. Never need to roll your own pills, the fire does everything! The Black ancestral flames have many enemies, to strike them down use the Immortal undying flame to burn them all to ashes! With the intent to kill the flame will become violent, with no intent to kill the flame is an alchemy flame that does relatively no to low damage.

Damage: 420 dps, Mana: 10/sec, cooldown: 0


[Blackhole] - The ability to absorb any and all magical attacks coming your way. The Ability is always active for defense, however, for an attack ability it must be pointed and casted. When using this as an attack, it transfers the person or people being attacked into a black dimension. While in the black dimension the targets face their deepest fears, after 10 seconds they are ejected out and an unavoidable or block-able status effect of paralyzed sets in. The Target will be in this state till caster nullifies it or 1 hour pass.

Damage: 0, Status effect: Paralyze, Mana: for defense 100 MP per blocked attack, for attacking 2,000MP per entity being sucked in, cooldown 2 hours

[Nova Beam] - When stars go into supernova they become a massive explosion becoming the hottest temperature ever recorded. This skill produces that heat in form of a beam, it disintegrates anything it touches reaching a max temperature of 2,556,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 degrees Fahrenheit. Holding two fingers out pointing in the direction you want the beam to go and visualizing the spell will activate it.

Damage: Infinite (nothing found yet to block the destruction) Mana: Users full MP, Cooldown: due to how powerful the spell is, 15 minutes after activation the user falls unconscious for 12 hours.


{Basic Soul Pill (ungraded to basic)(Market price: 5G/1 pill): Soul Water, Spirit Grass. Burn the Spirit Grass till the grass becomes ash add Soul Water, mix the two together and while it cools form them into balls.}

{Soul Water made of High Elf Blood (Rare~tier 6)(market cost: 100,000-200,000G or 1,000 - 2,000 Soul Stones) : Mix fresh blood of a High Elf with Soul Water}

{HighTier Recovery Elixir Grade 6 (market cost: 500-700G or 5-7 Soul Stones (SS) ) : Firemoss, gillyweed, 20 year old ginseng, juice from the tree of life. Burn the Firemoss and gillyweed at 370 degrees F, maintain the heat and slowly add in the ginseng creating an ashy mush. Bring the juice from the tree of life to a boil and slowly add the ash mush in, stir till solution becomes ruby red and take off heat.}

{Legendary Soul Dew (upgradable-Myth)(market cost: ???G or 999,999,999,999 SS): Soul Water made of High Elf Blood, Golden Spirit Grass, Diamond powder, Blood of a virgin, SSS tier monster core, Ear of an High Elf, Crushed stick of yggdrasill, holy water of the church, 1,000 year old crimson gold ginseng, powder orchium. Can only be made with the immortal undying flame}


"Holy Shit!" I said out loud...

Dan turned to look at me... "You ok kid?"

Yeah just a little socked I replied back

"Ok, now let's test your strength, then magic attack, and lastly you can decide on your class." Dan said

"Well... that's great and all... but I think I already have a class."

I wasn't going to revel my system, so I lied...

"Say what now kid?"

"When I touched that black crystal and absorbed the darkness from it, images in my head appeared.. maybe an awakening of some sort? The class...ermm.. star mage came to my mind. Have you ever heard of that class?" I said

"No... this is really strange, let me call the director here and we can test out any abilities you might have gotten."

I nodded and we proceeded the physical test.

However... unlike magic, I did not have a body suitable for physical attacks and got pity points and was told my physical strength measurement was F rank... but in reality it would be lower than F rank.

Terri came running in asking if everything was alright.

Dan and Terri walked off to the side and talked... presumably about Star mage class.

They both walked up to me and then asked do you think you have any new abilities we can see. We want to believe you, but since no one has ever strayed from the typical elemental mage, it is hard to comprehend.

I nodded and said "I know of two new abilities..."

I didn't want to lie to my new mom and only family so I spoke the truth.

"One ability is called [Blackhole] and the other is called [Nova Beam], although I kinda know what each ability does I like yourself am just learning about it."

Terri then said, "ok, let's try out [Blackhole] first, how do you activate it?"

I looked at Terri and walked over whispering something in her ear. She nodded in agreement to what I said and I walked a few meters away from them.

Terri used [Lighting Spear] and shot it at me, when the spear was a few centimeters away from hitting me a [Blackhole] formed in front of me and sucked in the spear. She then shot [Lightning needles] at me which is a giant AOE attack shooting over 1,000 needles made of lightning at me. Just like the spear it absorbed all of the needles. Crazy enough I had 1,000 more mana left from my 101,100 mana.

I then shouted, "STOP! I am running low on mana..." I then said, "It feels a good chunk of mana gets taken away for every projectile absorbed."

I knew full well how much gets taken away, however, in order to not say anything about my system I made a truthful claim that wasn't exactly the whole truth.

After resting for a few minutes my mana already regened to about 50%. I then looked over at professor Dan and asked, "The [Blackhole] skill still has one more sub ability can I use it on you? I promise it won't hurt you physically."

I have him a puppy dog look

Dan sighed, then walked to the middle of the room. "Go ahead kid, just don't kill me."

I look at Terri and snicker a little knowing what's going to happen... I point and activate [Blackhole].

Professor Dan went wide eyed and gulped before getting sucked in. 10 seconds later he was shot out of the blackhole and landed on his back looking straight up at the ceiling with both his legs in the air. The look on his face was sheer horror almost like he was being chased my something then knocked in the air.

I touch his head and released him and he was hyperventilating... "NEVER, NEVER EVER EVVVVER! use that ability on a friendly!!!!" Yelled Dan

Seeing how distraught Dan was Terri didn't have the heart to ask what happened.

Terri then said, "So that beam ability next?"

I looked at her and said, "ERRRM... well I can... but two things, how much heat can this place hold? and secondly I will need you to pick me up and bring me back home as I will be incapacitated for 12 hours after using this ability."

They both looked at me, then looked at the storage warehouse full of expensive gear.

Terri then said, "hmm let's do this outside" then we all proceeded to walk out to the academy outer grounds.