
Alchemy God

In the vast world of cultivation, Tang Yun earned the title "God of Alchemy," wielding skills that elevated him to one of the most formidable cultivators in the primordial realm. His alchemical prowess was coveted by all, even the revered Sage Emperor, God of Cultivation himself. Yet, when Tang Yun declined the emperor's plea, it triggered a wrathful response, leading to Tang Yun's eternal imprisonment. Once a neutral figure, Tang Yun, now shackled, unveils a daring escape plan using a miraculous creation—the Pill of Rebirth. With his soul reborn into a new vessel, Tang Yun embarks on a relentless quest to reclaim his power and vows to dismantle everything the Sage Emperor holds dear.

Spectat0r · Eastern
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17 Chs

Perfect Body

Arriving at his new residence, a modest wooden home with three rooms designated for three outer disciples.

As he approached his room's entrance, before he could step inside, two separate doors behind him swung open.

"Huh? How are you still alive?" Wei Bao, the leader of the residence, expressed surprise at Tang Yun's unexpected presence, considering Tao Shun's declaration of hunting him down.

"Perhaps Tao Shun couldn't locate this trash. If that's the case, we can beat him up and bring him to Tao Shun, getting on good terms with him," suggested Shao Dong, Wei Bao's lackey, leaning against Tang Yun's door and blocking his entry.

Wei Bao remained silent for a moment, scrutinizing the bruises and cuts on Tang Yun's body and face. If he had indeed encountered Tao Shun, walking would be impossible.

Seizing the opportunity, Wei Bao grinned, "That's a perfect plan. Aligning ourselves with Tao Shun can make us stronger."

Tang Yun sighed inwardly, reminiscing about his time in the Primordial Realm. Before his name became renowned, he would often reveal his cultivation base to intimidate those who dared to challenge him.

In the Primordial Realm, engaging in a senseless conflict with a weaker cultivator yielded no benefits for a powerful one like Tang Yun. Usually, the mere revelation of his cultivation base was enough to dissuade challengers. If, by some chance, they remained undeterred, he would then consider engaging in combat.

In this situation, however, his cultivation base was merely at the first stage of the Fundamental Qi Realm, whereas Wei Bao and Shao Dong were at the 4th and 3rd stages.

With his trash cultivation base, they wouldn't feel any pressure. In fact, they might even mock him with laughter.

"How about this: you let me go and stop bothering me, and in return, I'll assist you in advancing your cultivation base?" Tang Yun proposed, well aware of the likely responses. Despite his lower cultivation base, he was stronger due to his techniques and experience.

As anticipated, both of them erupted in laughter. "You can't even help yourself, yet you want to help us?" Wei Bao remarked, wiping away tears from his eyes caused by his laughter.

After Wei Bao's laughter subsided, Shao Dong, positioned directly to the right of Tang Yun, launched a powerful punch at him. Yet, in an instant, Tang Yun vanished as if he had never been there.

"Behind you!" Wei Bao urgently warned Shao Dong as Tang Yun's figure materialized right behind him.

Realizing he wouldn't turn around in time, Shao Dong employed his elbows to strike behind him. However, Tang Yun skillfully ducked underneath, tapping his stomach and causing Shao Dong to collapse.

The movement technique he used was named The Shadow God Step, crafted by the Shadow God Clan and provided to him in exchange for one of his pills.

The Shadow God Step, granted him almost instantaneous teleportation to shadows. While effective for surprise attacks and catching opponents off guard, it became easily counterable once its workings were understood.

A significant advantage of being the Alchemy God was that powerful techniques came to him in return for his pills, sparing him the need to search for them actively.

Defeating one of them within seconds, Tang Yun turned to face the terrified and shocked Wei Bao. "I didn't kill him, if that's what you're wondering. I only put him to sleep," he calmly stated.

"I-I'll take your d-deal!" Wei Bao stuttered, backing away nervously from Tang Yun.

Tang Yun shook his head, expressing disdain. "That ship has long sailed, and you didn't board it on time. Now, you'll have to deal with the consequences," he remarked before utilizing the Shadow God Step to materialize behind Wei Bao. A swift strike to the neck rendered him unconscious.

Nonchalant about the incident, Tang Yun proceeded to his room without further confrontation. He refrained from making threats because he knew that the mere knowledge of being defeated by the supposedly inferior Tang Yun would tarnish their reputation within the outer core.

Tang Yun acknowledged their fortune that it was he who had rebirthed into this body and not another powerful cultivator. Despite the provocation, Tang Yun considered himself a reasonable individual. With millions of years of experience, he recognized their immaturity and unfamiliarity with the workings of the cultivation world. As their senior, he deemed it fitting to impose a modest punishment. Any other individual from the primordial realm might have swiftly opted for a deadly response.

One positive aspect Tang Yun found in his rebirth was the opportunity to start anew and meticulously build his cultivation base.

Being self taught in everything, Tang Yun lacked a proper foundation when initially building his cultivation. With the knowledge that the foundation of a cultivation base is crucial, he understood that a strong foundation contributes to the strength of the entire structure.

He seated himself on his tiny bed, assuming a lotus position.

The tips of his index and middle fingers emitted a red glow. Using these fingers, he pressed specific points on both his shoulders, forehead, stomach, knees, and feet.

A searing heat enveloped his entire body, akin to being inside a volcano. His bones cracked and reformed hundreds of times, while black liquid oozed out from the areas he touched with his fingers.

This process lasted ten minutes of continuous pain which Tang Yun managed to hold back from shouting.

Upon completion, an immense surge of Qi permeated his body, propelling him through three stages of the Fundamental Qi Realm and attaining the 4th Stage of the Fundamental Qi Realm.

Tang Yun couldn't help but smile at the results. Despite ascending only a few stages, the increase in power was remarkable, and his body felt nearly indestructible.

'This is just the first part of the process, and it's already this powerful!' Tang Yun contemplated to himself, clenching his fists and marveling at his perfectly sculpted body, resembling one who had been exercising for decades.

His evenly perfected body would even evoke envy from dedicated body refiners.

Tang Yun's surprise at the results stemmed from the fact that he had never utilized the acupuncture technique during his time in the Primordial Realm.

The crucial aspect of the acupuncture technique was its only usable during the initial stages of the Fundamental Qi Realm. However, being self-taught and lacking guidance, Tang Yun missed the opportunity to use this technique during his time in the Fundamental Qi Realm.

For cultivators, failing to utilize the acupuncture technique during the Fundamental Qi Realm stage causes cultivators incapable of using the subsequent stages of the technique or the technique itself later on.