
Alchemy among gods

After the goddess of souls performed a deadly magic that put humanity at risk, the seven gods of the skies stepped up and put an end to the goddess. But instead of dying, she found herself reincarnated into the body of a mere servant, working for the people who once put an end to her life. Join me on this journey as we watch the once powerful goddess now living the life of a slave, trying to rekindle her magic and uncover more about the secrets that lie within the palace."

Quiet_max · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Weak son

After the goddess of souls was defeated by the seven gods, her Energy Zen couldn't be found in her chest.

Some said the arrow that pierced her chest must have destroyed the Zen, while some said the Zen was being hidden by someone.

No one knew what to believe, until the village began to encounter Soul monsters here and there.

Since the Zen has the power to shift one's soul into a new body, and also create Soul monsters, the people concluded that truly the Zen was not destroyed but was being hidden by someone.

But who?

After that discovery, the mages' leaders around the country have been searching everywhere for the Zen, claiming the power was too dangerous for mortals to use.

But deep down, they only needed it for their selfish reasons.

Everyone needed an eternal life, and the Zen could grant their wish.


Several mages dressed in white attire with swords in their hands could be seen standing in an open area.

A raised platform was in front of them where the leader of the country sat with other higher-ups.

Among the mages stood Chang Feng, and standing by the sideline was Saebyeok.

The leader of the country, Master Kang, ordered every single mage in Sato Country to gather in the announcement ground concerning the case of the Soul monster that was found yesterday.

"As we are all informed, a soul monster broke into these walls yesterday," Master Kang spoke up.

"If there was a Soul monster here, meaning the goddess Energy Zen is in someone's possession and the person is using the Zen to perform the transfiguration of souls!"

"We all know the Energy Zen is a dangerous thing and needs to be destroyed just like the goddess herself was destroyed!"

Saying those words, Chang shifted his gaze to Saebyeok and was surprised to see her facial expression still calm.

He had expected Saebyeok to go bright red in anger after the leader spoke ill of her.

But instead, she remained calm.

Saebyeok on the other hand had a smirk internally. The leader just confirmed to her that her Zen was still intact and not destroyed.

If her Zen was still intact, then there's hope of recovering her magic.

"I need a few mages to head to the royal palace and retrieve the goddess's body," Master Kang voiced out.

"I fear that whoever has possession of the Zen might be trying to resurrect the goddess. And we can't let that happen."

"Ho-Jun, Jun-Woo, take three other mages along to the palace and retrieve the body. Do well to explain to his highness the reason for our action," Master Kang beckoned on the two powerful mages to carry out the job.

Jun-Woo had already passed the fourth stage of spell casting which was the Jallen Stage.

The Jallen stage is a stage where the mage won't require his sword to cast spells.

Most mages around Sato country found it hard to go past that stage.

It required a high level of energy Zen for a mage to cast spells without their weapons.

Only those who get past Jallen are able to gather energy from the skies and perform wonders.

"I am also going with them!" Chang spoke up, causing everyone present there to shift their gazes to him.

"You are going nowhere!" Chang's father, who's also seated on the raised platform, countered immediately.

"Okay, but why?" Chang questioned.

"It's not like we are going out for battle. It's just to retrieve the body."

"Jun-Woo, remind Chang here the number one rule of Sato country." Chang's father, Hyun-Woo, remarked.

"Only mages are allowed to leave the country freely. Others need to seek the permissions from the leaders first. Anyone who goes against this rule would be flogged drastically and locked up in the dark dungeon with no food or water for two days."

Jun-Woo explained.

"Since you don't know how to cast spells, meaning you are not a mage, Chang." Chang's father, Hyun-Wol, replied. "So just go back to what you were doing and enjoy your life as an affluent young master."

"Why? Why are you doing this?" Chang questioned. "Why have you been keeping me locked up ever since I was born?!"

"You are weak, Chang. I am just protecting you." Hyun-Wol replied.

"I don't need your protection!" Chang snapped. "I guess you are just ashamed that you gave birth to such a poor loser like me? Don't worry, soon my destiny would change."

Chang turned around and began to exit the announcement ground.

Saebyeok also joined him and they both walked out.

Ho-Jun and Jun-Woo felt pity for Chang. Even if this usually happens consistently, they couldn't get used to the fact that a father hated his son just because he was weak.

It wasn't his fault he was weak. He was born this way.

His body cells were not strong enough to hold spells.

No matter how hard he trained, he couldn't change it.

"Head to the palace now and retrieve the body," Master Kang ordered.

The duo bowed their heads before exiting the place with three other mages.


Leaving the announcement ground, Saebyeok expected Chang to return back to his room and cry himself to sleep, instead, he seemed to be heading somewhere else entirely.

"Where are you going?" Saebyeok whispered with a confused expression. "I thought you were going to your room to cry yourself to sleep."

The direction Chang was heading to was the same direction as Master Kang's office.

"I am used to that already,It doesn't bother me anymore. Well, the mages are going to retrieve your body from the king," Chang whispered back.

"But what they don't know is that the body isn't in the palace anymore."

"So what do you plan on doing? You know you are not allowed to go outside these walls." Saebyeok inquired.

"They will only figure out if they notice I'm gone." Chang replied, entering Master Kang's office and picking up a small glowing key. "This key is only granted to the leaders and mages. It's the only key that unlocks the door to exit Sato country."

Chang slipped the glowing key into his pocket and was about to step out, but was held back by Saebyeok.

"You know the consequences for doing this, right? And besides, you said the body isn't in the palace anymore, why then are you going there?" Saebyeok asked.

"The body might not be there, but the person who has possession of it would be there." Chang replied. "And if I get caught, I won't mind the pain, because I know it's only a matter of time before it ends as far as I have you by my side."