
Alchemy’s Rebirth: The Saviour of Humanity

The novel follows the journey of Ye Tian, an alchemy emperor reincarnated 10,000 years into the past when the human race faces extinction. With his second chance, Ye Tian uses his knowledge and alchemical skills to save humanity. He forms the Vanguard team, led by the formidable Fist King, to combat the threats from outer territories. As Ye Tian develops revolutionary alchemical techniques and refines arrays to strengthen human bodies, tensions rise with outer territory races. The Vanguard becomes feared as "human demons" for their prowess in battle. Meanwhile, Ye Tian's development of the Holy Ascension Pill and refining techniques transforms low-level humans into formidable warriors. Surprises arise when the refining array strengthens Chu Zheng and transforms Devine Fist into an Emperor-level powerhouse. Recognizing the danger of revealing such power, Ye Tian keeps it secret to avoid attracting Emperor-level enemies. As the human race grows stronger, they face challenges from the outer territories and the dangers of hidden enemies. But with Ye Tian's leadership and the strength of the Vanguard, humanity stands united against all threats, determined to secure their survival and future.

Malvellida · Fantasy
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89 Chs

chapter 28

Chapter 27: The Alchemy of Ancestor Ye Tian

As the Fist King lay gravely injured from his battle with the Holy Level warriors, humanity's last hope seemed to dim. Yet, amidst the despair, Ancestor Ye Tian, the master alchemist, stepped forward, his unwavering determination and boundless skill offering a glimmer of hope in the darkness.

With his vast knowledge and mastery of alchemy, Ye Tian began to craft a miraculous solution—a holy level rejuvenation pill that could heal even the most grievous of wounds. Drawing upon his ancestral memories and the wisdom of ages past, he poured his heart and soul into the creation of this life-saving elixir, working tirelessly day and night to ensure its success.

Though the task was daunting, Ye Tian's foundation of previous life and his innate talent for alchemy allowed him to overcome even the most formidable of obstacles. With each precise movement of his hands and each delicate balance of ingredients, he brought the pill to life, infusing it with the power to restore life and vitality to the dying.

And finally, after days of tireless effort, the holy level rejuvenation pill was complete—a shimmering beacon of hope in the darkness, capable of restoring even the most shattered of bodies to full health. With a solemn determination, Ye Tian presented the pill to the Fist King, knowing that it held the key to his salvation.

With the holy level rejuvenation pill in hand, the Fist King retreated into seclusion, his body wracked with pain but his spirit unbroken. And as he consumed the pill, its potent energy coursed through his veins, repairing his injuries and revitalizing his spirit with each passing moment.

Though the road to recovery would be long and arduous, the Fist King knew that with the aid of the holy level rejuvenation pill and the unwavering support of his comrades, he would emerge from his seclusion stronger than ever before. And as he closed his eyes and surrendered to the healing embrace of the pill, he knew that his journey was far from over—that his destiny as the champion of humanity would endure for generations to come.