
Alchemist Of Dead

The Alchemist of Dead returns after 2000 years of imprisonment. He a finds very peculiar path ahead of him which consists of Drama, Romance, Adventure, Action and others. The man whose past is nothing but Pain and Suffering. The mission in front of him to end his suffering might cause his death but still he moves forward and fights with all he has.

Pledis_Prime · Fantasy
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107 Chs

Ch-83 Conductor

They take Jake to a room and lie him down on the bed

Mark takes a look at Jake

And while he does that the others wait outside

After a while Mark comes out of the room

Mark-"He has a power that is so strong that he can't hold it"

Sen-"What do you mean by that?"

Kazuha-"The power of Life!"

Sen-"The power of Life?"

Kazuha-"When he absorbed the power of Life he didn't feel anything because it was getting stored but when it realised his body can't store it it's trying to break out of his body"

Sen-"How do we stop it?"

Kazuha-"Only a body of an Angel can stop this"

Rose-"Why and Angel?"

Kazuha-"An angel can store the power because of their strong bodies!"

Sen-"And Jake is a human?"


David-"What do we do?"

Emily-"Well i know a person who can give you body enhancers"


Emily-" We call her the Black Surfer! Cuz all she sells is what she steals!"

Mark-"If you can get the enhancer maybe we can stop the power from trying to break out till we find a permanent solution"

Sen-"So when are we meeting her?"

Emily-"Even if we meet her we don't have money to purchase the items!"

Sen pulls out a gold bar from his pocket and throws it to Emily

Sen-"Will that be enough?"

Emily-"Give me one more and I will sell you this base!"

Sen pulls another one out of his pocket and gives it to her

Sen-"This is what I owe Dracula so you better use it wisely"

Emily-"Yes sir!"

Emily sells the gold bars and gets the cash

Her and Sen head to Meet the Black Surfer

Emily heads in first and then sen follows her

They meet the surfer in the club

Sen sits down at the bar

Emily meets with the surfer

Emily talks to him about the enchancers

He asks for a huge price for them

Emily-"How about i give you one grand and spare your life!"

Surfer-"How about you go back alive?"

Emily-"Hmn well what can I do a person i dear needs it so how about 8k?"

Surfer-"I want 25k!"

Emily-"Hmn well what can I do?"

Suddenly one of the gaurds comes and tells the surfer that all the gaurds of the ground floor were taken down

Surfer-"You bought someone with you?"


Surfer-"Search for him!"

Suddenly Emily gets a call from sen and she puts it on speaker

Sen-"Remove 1 Grand and make it 7"


Emily-"Right i didn't tell you who it was?"

Surfer-"I don't care he is dying!'

Emily-"Even if it's the Alchemist of dead?"

Surfer-"How did you get him on your side?"

Emily-"Give me the stuff fast!"

Surfer gets scared and packs it and gives it to her

Immediately sen breaks the wall of his room

Surfer gets scared and pissed his pants

Sen goes to his face bends and tells him

"You are still ten thousand years early to killing me"

Sen and Emily head back to the Base of Vald Impaler

They give Jake the Enchancers which help him

Rose-"How about we ask him to do a surgery?"


Rose-"You know the guy who we arrested for turning ppl into superhumans?"

David-"No not him!"

Sen-"Who are you talking about?"

Rose-"There was a man who turned people into super humans !"

Sen-"Do you think he can help?"

David-"No we are not asking him for help!"

Rose-"He is our only chance!"

Sen-"Who is he?"

Emily-"Wait super humans?"

Mark-"Like that guy right!"

Sen-"Who is he?"

Emily-"The Previous leader of the Vald Impaler

The Surgeon of Death LÉO FERNANDES!"