
Alchemist Of Dead

The Alchemist of Dead returns after 2000 years of imprisonment. He a finds very peculiar path ahead of him which consists of Drama, Romance, Adventure, Action and others. The man whose past is nothing but Pain and Suffering. The mission in front of him to end his suffering might cause his death but still he moves forward and fights with all he has.

Pledis_Prime · Fantasy
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107 Chs

Ch-66 Setting Fire

In Silverslain city

Team Ariah was successfully able to sneak into Silverslain city

They start scanning the city and finding the Malicious Mercenary

They gather as much intel as they can and meet up in a abandoned house

David-"So what did you guys find?"

Rose-"Nothing much"

Jon-"Same here"

Jaime-"Well I heard that there is a mysterious man living in the penthouse of Heinz building and was granted special status by the king"


Jaime-"Yeah the King of Silverslain Kingdom"

David-"Ok this is some serious stuff"

Jon-"You thought its just about beating a few guys like back then about Kaiser"

David-"No but this is getting very complicated"

Rose-"Yeah we are dealing with the most wanted criminal in the world here"

David-"You are right be sharp and take care of yourselves that's it for today dismiss"

All the members leave and go back into the city so that they can gather more info

A crow that was sitting in the tree near the house fly's

It fly's to the top of the Heinz building

The crow sits on the Malicious Mercenary's Shoulder

Malicious Mercenary-"I see, that's bad"

In the night

Jaime walks in a lonely street

She senses some danger around her

Some unknown men follow her

Jaime starts running

one of the man uses split step and get in front of her

Jaime-"Who are you?"

Man1-"You dont need to know"

Man2-"You are gonna die tonight"

Man1 rushes Jaime

She dodges him and both the men crash with eachother

Jaime starts running

Jaime-"Oh no"

The men recover and chase after her again

Jaime runs as hard as she can

She reaches an abandoned factory

Jaime goes and hides behind some containers

Man1-"You go that side i will go this side"

Man1 goes the right side and man2 goes left

Jaime who is in the middle enters the container

Both of them search each side and end up in front of Jaime's container'

Man1 hears a hiccup

He opens the container

Man2 enters

As soon as he enters Jaime hits him with a metal rod

The man shouts in pain

Man1 comes inside and Jaime hits him too

She runs away again

This time Man 1 throws a fire ball at her

Jaime gets hit and falls down

Jaime heals herself with her healing magic

Man2 comes and grabs Jaime by her hair

Man2-"No more running around"

He kicks Jaime in the stomach

The man induces her with lightning

Jaime shouts in pain

The man throws her to a wall

Jaime hits the wall

Man2 keeps hitting her in the head again and again

She starts bleeding from the head

slowly she loses her ability to talk

Man2-"Where is your knight in shining armor now?"

Man1-"finish her off"


Man2 gathers lightning in his hand

He is about to finish her off and suddenly

Jon stops him

Jon covers himself in Elemental Aura and hits man 2

David immediately runs behind the men and hits one of them with his hand covered by rock

Rose takes Jaime into her Hands

Rose try's to wake Jaime up but Jaime doesn't wake up

A crow comes and caws

The men fall back

Man1-"know that the Malicious Mercenary is Warning you this time"