
Alchemist Knight: Under a Shadow of Moonlight

Takeuchi was suddenly enveloped in darkness, leaving him confused and disoriented about what was happening. It wasn't until he felt the presence of his classmate that he realized they were being transported to an unknown room. As he tried to make sense of their situation, he stumbled upon something that surpassed his wildest imagination. What kind of adventure waiting for him? And what sort of dangerous situation lurks around him? WARNING! ALL CHARACTERS IN THIS BOOK ARE FICTIONAL CHARACTERS THAT DON'T RELATE IN ANY SHAPE OR FORM TO REAL-LIFE EVENTS OR PERSONS. ALL SIMILARITIES WERE JUST COINCIDENT. Additional Tags: #ACTION #ROMANCE #ADVENTURE #MAGIC #MYSTERY #SLICEOFLIFE #TRAGEDY #ISEKAI #SURVIVAL #MULTIPLELEADS #R18 #SMUT #YURI #LABYRINTH

OrbitAround · Fantasy
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115 Chs

Rest Assure

As Takeuchi released her hug he can saw how pale Asaka face is, seeing it somehow make his heart ache.

Sigh, If only I was strong enough, maybe the outcome will be different... Takeuchi thought, regret because he can't protected Asaka.

"Takeuchi, rest by my side," Asaka said, almost in a low voice.

"Sure, Asaka," Takeuchi replied as he sat down next to her.

And after a while, as she leaning her head to his shoulder she fell asleep again.

Poor her, I mean she watched me get torn to pieces and then get the same experience... Takeuchi thought as he looked at her sleeping face.

I must be strong, whatever we encountered, it seems it wasn't an animal from our world... he thought.