
Another Day

Takeuchi feels sorry for his new assistant, but she looks fine after she gets kidnapped by Kobolds.

In the morning light, Takeuchi found her sleeping on the floor, making him regret not mind her condition.

Rubbing his eyes, Takeuchi goes to wake her up from her slumber.

She was just groaning but still peacefully sleeping.

Feeling bad for her, Takeuchi just lets her be.

He goes toward the bathroom, bathing to prepare for a meeting with his arc magis.

He goes out after wearing his usual black robe, shirt, and loose white pants.

The academy was just like usual. It was packed with pupils' busting activities.

Takeuchi goes toward Ivy Lab's underground to meet her.

That reminds him that he needs to pay per topic.

"May as well I pay for Ivy today," murmured Takeuchi as he walked.

Knocking on the door, Ivy's motherly voice let him in.

And surprisingly, it seemed he wasn't alone as Yuri was there, and there was a male he didn't know.