
Alchemist from Another World

In the long tunnel of time, due to an unexpected experiment, a young scientist traveled to the distant past - that was the legendary glorious era of ancient India 800,000 years ago. There, the mysterious fusion of magic and advanced technology creates a strange world that far exceeds modern earth technology. Its exquisiteness and progress make people can't help but redefine the limits of human beings. What kind of mysterious force brought him to the end of this time and space? In this confusing world, he not only unexpectedly mastered the secrets of advanced magic, but also skillfully combined his scientific knowledge with the long-lost technology of ancient India. It was this unique fusion that started an unprecedented and strange journey for him. With the help of his wisdom and newly learned magic, he explores the mysteries of this mysterious era and while searching for a path back to the present day, he leaves his own footprints and becomes a bridge connecting the two worlds. During this strange journey through time and space and exploring the unknown, he not only witnessed the brilliant combination of technology and magic, but also experienced the spark of infinite creativity and wisdom of mankind.

Tsai_wen_hsi · Fantasy
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89 Chs

Chapter 88 New Balance

Ebert sat in the center of the magic academy hall, surrounded by all the elders and senior magicians. There was an atmosphere of tension and anticipation in the air, and everyone held their breath, waiting for the young magician to share his adventures in the source of chaos.

Elder Blishhan cleared his throat and broke the silence: "Ebert, please tell us what you saw there and what you experienced."

Abbott took a deep breath and began to speak. He described visions of the source of chaos, of flowing energy and flickering points of light. He told how he used the technique of "void gazing" to stay awake in that strange space. Finally, he shared what the mysterious voice told him.

"The source of Chaos is not only the source of magic, but also the collection of all possibilities," Ebott explained. "When we draw too much from the power of Chaos, we will break the balance. And the recent chaos is the result of Chaos." The result of the source trying to restore balance.

Elder Vishwanath frowned and asked, "Then, should we stop using magic?"

Ebert shook his head: "No, Elder. The key is understanding and respect. We must learn to live in harmony with chaos rather than trying to conquer it."

"It sounds very abstract," Elder Anand said. "Can you explain it more concretely?"

Ebert thought for a while and then said: "Imagine that the source of chaos is like a huge lake, and our magic is to draw water from this lake. In the past, we have been constantly drawing water without thinking about it. To add. Now, we need to learn how to take water and also give something back to the lake."

"Give back?" Elder Savitri asked curiously, "What can we give back?"

"I think," Ebert said slowly, "it could be our creativity, our emotions, or even our dreams. The Source of Chaos isn't just the source of magic, it's the collection of all possibilities. When we use magic, we should also contribute our imagination and creativity."

Elder Blishhan nodded thoughtfully: "This is indeed a new perspective. But, how should we practice it?"

Ebert stood up and walked to a magic circle in the center of the hall. "Let me demonstrate," he said.

He began to cast a simple lighting magic, but this time, he did not simply extract magic power. On the contrary, while casting spells, he infused his understanding of light and feeling of beauty into the magic.

To everyone's surprise, the light produced was not only brighter, but also presented an unprecedentedly beautiful color, as if it contained all of Ebert's beautiful imagination of the world.

"It's amazing!" exclaimed a young magician.

Ebert withdrew his magic and turned to everyone: "This is just a small example. I believe that if we can do this every time we cast a spell, we will not only reduce the negative impact on the source of chaos, but also create a more powerful And wonderful magic."

Elder Blishhan's eyes flashed with excitement: "Ebert, your discovery may completely change our understanding and use of magic. I propose that we immediately set up a special research team to study this in depth. New ways to use magic."

Other elders agreed. Elder Anand said, "I would like to lead this study group. Ebert, will you join?"

Abbott readily agreed: "Of course, I'd love to."

At this moment, a guard hurried into the hall with a panicked expression on his face: "Great Elder, it's bad! Several more chaotic vortexes have appeared outside the city, and they are bigger and stronger than the previous ones!"

Blishhan's expression immediately became serious: "It seems that the influence of the source of chaos is still continuing. Ebert, are you willing to deal with this problem with us?"

Ebert nodded firmly: "Of course, this is a good opportunity to practice new methods."

The group of people quickly rushed to the outskirts of the city. Sure enough, several huge black vortexes were spinning in the air, emitting disturbing energy fluctuations. The surrounding plants began to twist and deform, as if they were being assimilated by this force.

Great Elder Blishhan was about to use sealing magic, but Ebert stopped him: "Wait a moment, Great Elder. Let's try a new method."

Ebert stepped forward, took a deep breath, and began to cast the spell. But this time, he didn't try to seal or resist the vortexes. Instead, he began channeling energy into the vortex, energy that contained his desire for peace, his understanding of balance, and his love for the world.

Gradually, the rotation speed of those vortices began to slow down. Their color also changes from a deep black to a soft gray, and even a few colorful flashes appear at the end.

Seeing this, the other elders began to follow Ebert's lead. Each of them brings their own understanding and emotion to the magic, sending energy into those vortexes.

A miracle happened. The vortices no longer seemed threatening, but began to emanate a harmonious energy. The twisted plants around him slowly returned to normal, and even grew more lush than before.

Finally, those whirlpools completely disappeared, replaced by a few small light spots, suspended in the air, emitting a gentle light.

Elder Blishhan looked at all this in amazement: "It's unbelievable! Ebert, your method not only resolved the crisis, but also brought new vitality to our world."

Ebert smiled and said, "This is not my fault alone. It is all of us, using our understanding and emotions, to reach a new balance with the source of chaos."

Elder Savitri said thoughtfully: "It seems that we need to re-examine our magic education system. We must not only teach students how to use magic, but also teach them how to understand and respect the source of magic."

"Yes," echoed Elder Vishwanath, "it will be a long process, but I believe it is the right direction."

Elder Blishhan looked around at everyone with a pleased smile on his face: "Today, we have opened a new chapter in the magical world. Let us work together to create a more harmonious and powerful magical world."

As they returned to the Academy of Magic, Ebert felt filled with hope and determination. He knows that the road ahead may be challenging, but as long as they adhere to this new philosophy, they will eventually be able to create a world in harmony with the source of chaos.

And this is the real beginning of their new adventure.