
Alchemist City: Night Terrors

After a schema-shifting event, Aiden has to face his fears and desires, and the challenges coming his way to prove he can stand by Maika's side. Now, armed with new insight of the hallucinations of a dark matter that no scientific explanation could reach, despite living in the most technologically developed city in the world. Follow Aiden’s dive into the ludicrous, mystical and unknown after his encounter with the Maika Kerstin, and the choices he makes with every new encounter in the Alchemist’s City.

Karurosu_ · Urban
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34 Chs

My Personal Magic Academy (2)

—Going back to what I was saying before about the methods of tricking the world. For example, if there's a wall and I want to turn it into a staircase, I have to first draw an alchemical circle on it and probably perform a ritual too. This depends on various things, to name one: Do I know in detail the materials that were used to build it? If the answerer is yes, then it's much easier, and I can do it with just the circle. This is the advantage of my magical system or philosophy. The requirements are confining, but its flexibility is unparalleled.

Maika took a moment to collect her thoughts, looked at her right palm, and formed a tight fist.

—I only know one person capable of doing it without a circle and that person is a self-centered wicked person who only cares about fulfilling their goals, they are a true wizard. Well, maybe two, but we haven't had the pleasure still —the fiery gleam in her eyes shined ever so passionately yet sharply and threateningly as poisonous daggers.

«I don't know why, but I feel like I know who you're talking about. How to put it? Premonition, intuition?» The image of that man who wore a lab coat that fateful night came to mind with Maika's words. As to who that other person was, Aiden had not way of knowing.

—But not all wizards are the same, what I just explained is a method. You could classify things like alchemical research in the "philosophy method." There's another one called the "Idol" method, which I honestly am not that familiar with. There are those who use stories and legends to substitute the source of engagement to mana; the third leg that holds the table, as an alchemist would say.

¬ These wizards, essentially, rescue legends about some idol or mythical character and base their magic around it. It's easier than creating a philosophical position of your own, after all. The problem with the idol method is that the wizard is limited to the stories of the idol. They can make their own interpretations and obtain unique results, legends are after all metaphors, but usually, they embody the character they base their magic on in their own lives. That brings risks, as going against the "lifestyle" the wizard embodies would destabilize the magic and, worst-case scenario, a backlash occurs. Additionally, by embodying an idol, the wizard exposes themselves to be analyzed, and countermeasures can be developed more easily than with the other system.

¬ Where am I going with all of this? I can see it on your face, you're starting to disappear into your volatile imagination. It's simple, we have to discover how it works and what processes you need to activate your ability. As part of my mission, I must find out what kind of ability it is, if it's your talent, a curse, or a grimoire that possesses you.

Maika discreetly stood to the side of Aiden and leaned her body a little so that their faces were very close to each other, as if she were inspecting him. At first, he only followed her with his gaze and when everything happened it was too late, Aiden failed to become one with his surroundings. Now, the black-haired boy started to panic.

«What do I do, what do I do? Close, it's too close… And it smells really good. What kind of shampoo does she use…? No! Aiden, control yourself! Remember the oath you made, it's not time yet. Not yet… Sniff, god-damn it».

Not knowing how to react, Aiden stumbled over some sounds that failed to form at first, until between the stammering he finally managed to form one.

—Maika —Aiden tightened his fist, trying to draw determination from within—, you're too close. How can I see the black smoke then? Hahaha…

The forced laughter disappeared among the chirps of insects. Immediately after, the blushing boy averted his gaze from the beautiful girl inches away.

Maika let out a subtle sigh and forced a slight smile to appear on her face.

—I hope the grimoire theory is correct. It would be the first time I see a grimoire in a living being without apparent consequences. Usually, the grimoire chooses its host, as forcing a possession ends up killing the person. It would be worth studying you —Maika explained while taking a step back, and then the second, still facing the young man with rebellious hair—. Although, thinking about it, it's almost as if you were a living magic object, like a staff that creates tornadoes with consciousness. It's not very pleasant if I think about it.

Aiden took advantage of the brief moment in which Maika stepped back to regain his composure.

While doing so, the following crossed Maika's mind: «You are always on guard when it comes to me. Isn't that right, Aiden? Even with all that I do, and you don't show me signs of what I want to see… Hah. But what do I do? I'm torn. This is not the moment for… an experiment! That's right, an experiment! But clearing this feeling of unease when I'm with you can come later. Hahaha!!!»

The pair of young people remained silent, observing each other for a moment. "It is my (duty—drive) to protect you," was the first thing that came to the mind of both young people who stood in that irrational world with unexplored borders.