
Alberta's Ghost (Every House has it's Secrets!)

What do you do when you discover that your house is being haunted by a ghost? Not just any ghost, your Great grandmother’s ghost! You are all scared to death and there’s no way out of the house... You just have to do whatever you can to survive! This is a story about a fun happy large family in a haunted mansion with dark secrets. Joe is a Doctor who comes to stay with the Johnsons, but he soon realizes that he had been living with the Wrong family. He comes to love the family and instead of leaving, he decides to stay but that was his greatest mistake. His time in the Wrong Dark house becomes filled with horrors beyond his worst nightmares!

EstherImosemeAruna · Horror
Not enough ratings
42 Chs


It was free entry for all to enter the gallery, the Johnsons strolled into the reception of the building excitedly yet gracefully.

As soon as they walked in they knew that they had stepped into another world— a world of beauty. The air felt different and the environment was welcoming!

"Before we go in, we need to switch off our phones or put it on silent, so as not distract the others!" Amelia advised her family with a hushed tone.

"Oh yeah!" Viola replied, others nodded.

Immediately they brought out their phones and switched them off.

"Hello! Welcome to Rye Art Gallery. My name is Lila, I'll be your docent or your guide for today". A lady stood in front of them with a smile. "This way please!" She gestured them in.