
Alberta’s Ghost

What do you do when you discover that your house is being haunted by a ghost? Not just any ghost, your Grandmother’s ghost! You are all scared to death and there’s no way out of the house... You just have to do whatever you can to survive! This is a story about a fun happy large family in a haunted mansion with dark secrets. Joe is a Doctor who comes to stay with the Johnsons, but he soon realizes that he had been living with the Wrong family. He comes to love the family and instead of leaving, he decides to stay but that was his greatest mistake. His time in the Wrong Dark house becomes filled with horrors beyond his worst nightmares!

EstherImosemeAruna · Horror
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36 Chs

Chapter 34— The Other Side of the Wall

"William, let's take her up to the room and lay her on the bed!" Amelia said with a panicky voice.

"Yeah!" William responded with a sniff. He raised Olivia from the smooth floor and carried her in his arms.

"She's still out cold!" Monica whispered.

"Come on, come on kids! Let's get you upstairs to your rooms!" Grandpa guided the kids up the stairs.

They followed behind William and Grandpa walked behind the kids.

"There must be some way out of this!" Joe exclaimed with concern in his voice.

"Hey! We'll get through this ok? All of us!" Viola encouraged her family and hugged Joe.

"Why don't we go join them upstairs?" Uncle Millie suggested.

"Yeah let's go!" They agreed.

One by one, two by two they climbed up the stairs and soon the large hall was empty.

They continued their journey through a long passage with dim lights, the passage led to each of their rooms— each room had a red door and Olivia's room was at the end of the passage.

There were candelabras on both sides of the walls along the passage; which created a lovely subtle brightness in the dark passage and also a feeling of warmth.

As they walked along the passage, each person had a worry in their minds, they each had a thought, a feeling, a sense of fear within them.

They held on to each other trying to have that sense of safety again at this moment, but nothing seemed to work.

What would they do now? Will Olivia wake up? Is she dead? What other bad things are yet to happen? Will they ever escape the entrapment of the Dark house? No one knew the answers to these questions but it keep living, growing and raving through their minds like a parasite.

"Mum? What happened to the doors that were just here? Or am I the only one seeing that the doors have disappeared?" Viola called everyone's attention to the fact that the doors that lead to their rooms along the passage, were no longer there!

"Oh my God! You're right!" Mrs Johnson replied.

"You're not the only one V, I can see it too!" Uncle Millie made a confirmation with a shaky voice and scared eyes.

Everyone paused their movements in fear. They stopped to look around their surroundings; turning their heads around in every direction of the passage to understand what was going, but no one could make up an explanation.

"Amelia! Mum! Joe! Millie! Junior! Viola!" William called out to them from one of the rooms.

His voice sounded so faint and almost out of earshot.

"William?" Quickly Amelia ran towards the direction of the sound. "Will? Can you hear me?!" She breathed.

"Yeah! Are you guys alright?!" William's voice responded.

"We're alright! Just a little– confused!"

The others walked up to where Amelia stood, with a little hope.

They could all hear William's voice from the ending side of the passage where Olivia's door once stood.

"Uh– Olivia's alright, she's awake!"

"Oh that's lovely! Olivia?!"

"I'm ok Amelia?!" Olivia shouted in response from behind the wall.

"What happened to you?" Mrs Johnson asked.

"I– I can't remember! But– I remember seeing a strange lady in the kitchen and the next thing I know, I was lying in my room!"

"You must have seen a ghost or something!" Uncle Millie shouted from the other side of the wall.

"William? What are we gonna do?!"

"I don't know! Uh– let's just wait and sit tight, the doors might just come back!" He shrugged.

"Has anyone checked on the kids!" Olivia gasped in shock.

"The kids!" The others chorused.

Immediately they all ran towards the left side of the passage, they began to use their hands to tap on every side of the wall.




"Karen! Can you hear us?!"

They continued to tap and call out to the kids to see if they could hear them from the other side.


"Mum! We're here!

"We're in here, we're trapped!"

Finally they kids responded happily from behind the wall.

Joe and the others ran to the direction of where the sound came from.

"Are you kids alright?!"

"Yes we are!"

"We couldn't find the door!" Audrey answered.

Their voice sounded much lower than when William and Olivia spoke from their end.

"Don't worry honey we'll get you kids out of there soon, okay?"

"Mum hurry we're scared!"

"Just calm down, everything will be alright!" Joe tried to make them less scared.

"What are we gonna do?!" Uncle Millie whispered with a panic to the others.

"I don't know, oh God I'm gonna lose my mind!" Amelia responded with tears flowing down her cheeks, she slumped herself down on the floor with her back against sliding against the wall.

"Guys! Are the kids ok? Can you hear us?!"

William called out to them from the other side.

Joe ran to their side of the wall to give them an answer, "Yeah! They're ok we just spoke to them!"

"Alright that's good!"

"But we can't find Grandpa! We haven't heard his voice yet!" Joe added.

"My dad, oh God!" Amelia cried again. "Why haven't we heard from him?!"