

Hi guys I'm Allen,if I have to say about my full name I don't know about that, Because am an orphan and only family I know about is my older brother.He never said anything about our family.But right now he is not with me, I don't know where that idiot brother of mine gone into.He left by giving a small black box and a letter to me."OPEN THE BOX WHEN U REACH 18" that is what he wrote in that letter.But how can I open this stupid box now and this box don't have any key hole or anything.I tried alot of things to open this box like throwing ,burning,hammering... but no way it is not opening.May be he give to me to make fun of me.

Oh nooo it's 11 pm I have to sleep now tomorrow is going to be my new day in collage.I don't know what's going to happen,I can't even sleep right now.Thats the thoughts of a boy in 18 who is going to his new collage.may be he have to sleep right now and see what will happen next day....

ACADEMY OF ASSUMPTION that's the name written in large letters in front of a building.A teenager about the age of 18 is rushing to that building.He stopped in front of a classroom 1D."May I coming" by hearing this every one looks at the door side of classroom.A boy with red wavy hair at the door step.He went into the class and said his name."Hello guys I am Allen nice to meet u all",That's what the boy said.By introducing him self he went into the last bench where two guys are sitting.A yellow haired guy and a black haired guy.The Black haired guy name is ANS he is kind of a rough guy who didn't talk much.And the yellow haired one is called AJIN.He is kinda different than Ans he talks alot mainly about girls.

The world we are living is called VENENA.It was used to be a normal world,But everything changed after the realease of a new MMORPG by ANISOBI game company.Anisobi found a new technology that u can get 50% of items you have in the game.They world it's self is changed becouse of it.Everyone is into this game even the old ones.The main subject in colleges is this now.Students have to take entrance exam to get into colleges.There are alot of people who are not playing this game becouse the game it costs alot money.Just like the good things it also have some cons too.If ur dead in the game you will be in coma for 1 month.The only rule the game have is it is 18 plus game.

Let's come back to the college.Like it's said colleges use the students to get money from this MMMORPG.Students can keep the items they get,but they have to give 500 gold coin per month.

Our class consist of 39 students,19 boys and 20 girls.By taking the attendence 39 white boxes of our sizes came to our classes.This boxes consists of a nerve gear and other stuff which help us to feel the game like reality.We can feel the game even taste the foods in there."As for the first day You can only create the Avtar you use in there" that's what our tutor said.I get into the box and turn on the game.They scanned my eys and my face, suddenly I felt like I'm falling to a pit or something ints full of black.I can see three words finally they aren't much clearer to me.And finally I read the letters "WELCOME TO ALAREK.