
Alana: Let's get musical!

I've been dreaming to see him since the day I got to the Whales High. When I do, it's not in a good way. My best friend has gotten into an argument with a bunch of guys and the end result is not great. The sun is blazing and everyone is swimming by the beach. All ages are available. As the new girl in school, I don't know what to do. And then I see him. Like some water god he emerges from the sparkly blue water. Abs artistically highlighted as he stands with all his confidence and glory like some Bollywood movie star. Just the sight of him is making me go crazy now. Whales High's most handsome and popular guy, everyone craves for this star. I'm not sure how his will end. Battling the most awesome guy in school. Can I really do it?

Darylyf_Chibange · Teen
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03 | CJ

My huge eyes flutter open as the sun spills it's rays into my room through my window's translucent curtains. I drag my body out of bed and stare into the mirror.

My black hair is an absolute mess and my brown eyes have bags below them. I take a strand of my hair and tuck it behind my ear. My phone buzzes all of a sudden.

Who could it be so early?

I check my phone and notice a message from an unknown number. The last time I received such a message, things didn't turn out well. I open the chat with both anxiety and nervousness. A huge wave of fear was playing around in my mind.

I open the chat and give a sigh of relief when I realized it's Kate's number.

Hi it's Kate. Mind if I pick you up on my way to school?

Great chance to escape my dad's music from the 60s. I quickly reply,

That would be great, will be waiting...

I can see him now, emerging from the blue waters like a sea god. His surfboard held by his side. First his head, brushing his wet shadow black hair with his hand. As if there was some staircase, his firm chest escaped the water. Then...




His rock hard abs were tempting, I would definitely rip up all the shirts to see them. His chiseled features making him the biggest sex icon I had ever dreamt of.

A wave of silence and awe slowly spread through the whole area as he made his presence felt.

Without even saying a word.

I was already in a world were only the two of us existed.

Maybe not two...

As soon as his full body was visible, four either heads were added to the picture. Surfacing from the water two on either side.

"How do we watch this in slow mo?" I had asked Kate and she simply giggled.

The pictures vividly showed in mind, I felt like rewinding it every time. Except the time the bossy CHIQS get into the picture and join the guys.

"Is that happening?" I asked again.

"Yep, benefits of being with the CHIQS," Kate emphasized the word CHIQS and made some quotes with her fingers.

"What does that even stand for?" I asked for the third time. Probably ruining her moment.

Can't stop my curiosity.

"Charlote, Harley, Isabella, Quenn and Samantha." She groaned.

"And the friend you fought with is Harley?" I made a quick guess.

"Yep. Is it so easy to tell?"

"Well... judging from the way you looked at her inside, there's definitely something."

I bet by now you know was gonna ask a fourth question right.

I know you are telling yourself curiosity killed the cat. Haha, I'm no cat.


"Cyrus Jameson, Isabella's boyfriend and the rest you can see for yourself."

If you didn't, at least she knew.

Enough of reliving the past.

I quickly brush my teeth on my way to the bathroom and in a matter of minutes I am ready to go. I slide down the staircase and went straight to the kitchen.

I really hope dad brought in some milk.

"Umm.. mom, where's Amy?" I ask. Waking up and not finding my lil sis is not something I'm used to to.

"She's out with your dad."

Ohh... That says it all. Why else would my dad play modern music.

As soon as I sit Kate pulls in and I wouldn't want to keep her waiting so I swing my bag behind my shoulder and leave the room.

Another day without cereal. Nooo!!!


Kate parks the car under a huge tree after the thirty minute ride to school. I t could have been less but I was hungry.

As we push open the doors into the hallway the first thing I notice is that there's an extra cheer around the place. Standing at the door were some girls gossiping and a few steps from them are Isabella and her minions. Suddenly the atmosphere of the place changes.

Lockers are slammed, faces tilted, voices lowered and jaws ajar. Every single soul has suddenly become a statue with eyes fixed to the door.

My first instinct tells me there's something about me.

"OMG!!! It's Cyrus Jameson," a girl shouts from the back of the hall.

Like a wave the name Cyrus spread through the place and in a nick of time people were piled up at by their classroom doors just to see him.

Who is he?

Slowly I swing my body in his direction and-

Wait! Am I dreaming or what?

He stood there like some alien from another earth, black ripped jeans, a grey t-shirt with a pair of blue spectacles hung by their collar and a leather jacket matching his black high top sneakers. His messy black hair adding to the style making it look like he has just escaped the movie man in black, with a new style to it though.

Or have we entered the movie???

Two of his HOT friends friends standing with him at the entrance.

They confidently pace through the silent place with no hesitation... at all. I would have said they are attention seekers but no... attention seeks them. As they near me I notice he's the same guy from the beach.

"You can stop staring," he whispers as he passes by me. His warm breath making my neck hairs tingle and I freeze.

Did he just... Wait was I staring?

Will somebody just tell me what the heck is happening?

TBH, my heart is in my mouth right now. I look at Kate hoping for an explanation but she's as confused as I am. It's been a while since he passed but his fragrance is still in the air. How is it so easy for some people to make their presence known?

The bell sounds and people snap out of their dream and march to their classes.

I sit in my usual place for the literature lesson. The teacher is just about to start when a the door slams open.