
Alan's Secret

Alan is a young man who just turned 25 this year and is going to be married to girl he met and dated with, her name is Diana she is very beautiful but she is holding a secret that is that she is a Vampire and not just some random Vampire and she is starting to get obsessed with him slowly But what she doesn't know that Alan is holding onto a secret that is something that no one can understand except him. And soon enough Alan is going to enter a world which he didn't knew could have existed. But with his cautiousness and intelligence coupled with his strength, he will face it. . . {There will be world travel and there will be all types of worlds like from advanced technology to Magic and Swords mediaeval period, to worlds where the basic logics are different and so many more....} {The MC is a bit cautious so be cautious ;) } Link for my novel on another site, it's a little bit more organized there at scribble hub site but almost same except some comments and pictures . https://www.scribblehub.com/series/415854/a-secret/ :) I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com It is under Copyright and no copies or translations of this novel will be tolerated and immediately reported . The cover page is also under copyright and any other images or visuals are all self-made.

Vampire_uwu777 · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Death and Reincarnated

Death and Reincarnated

What I saw when inspecting Alan's body was a restriction and that restriction was something I saw for the first time in my entire life.

It was dense, so dense that even I was not able to penetrate it though I could have forced it but it would have hurt him a lot.

Restrictions are something that are either born by itself or someone has put them in someone.

And the one in his body is naturally born as no one should be able to pose such a dense restriction.

As for what restriction do is simple according to its name, that is it restricts someone , it can restriction of any sort like restriction on physical ability or restriction to mental ability which will make person disable to think or restriction to hinder the innate talent or innate powers of a person.

I have seen many household in some races placing restriction to their opposition household in order to either decrease the talent of the new generation or placing restriction on already existing generations to make them disable or handicap.

Anyways, there are other restriction too but that's for later.

From my experience the one in Alan is for restricting his innate talent .

There were some cases in past when two very powerful existence mate that their newborn might come with restriction naturally.

Even I myself was one such case though I was not born from parents but I broke it somehow.

It is natural that the universe want to maintain balance so restrictions are born.

But the one on Alan is very dense and that means he has a huge potential.

Though I don't know if he can reach my level.

I am very happy that if he becomes strong enough he can even become ageless and we can be together for eternity.

But to tell him that, I must reveal him my identity.

Uhh, what to do, if I were to reveal him my identity, he might not accept me although I can tell he also loves me alot.

Hmm I got it , a superb plan

Hahaha I will wait for you in the future my dear Alan .

Alan POV

I was currently going to a company to give interview but suddenly I was interrupted by huge black shadow and before I knew it , I blacked out.

I woke up in a black space where I can't see anything.

I waited and tried to process my situation calmly, I was panicking with sudden black out too but I know panicking would not get me anywhere so I started thinking of the possible situation and what I can conclude is that either I died or either I am kidnapped and drugged to keep me awake , the possibility of second situation is less so I can only say I died but I dunno how maybe because of that black shadow .

My thoughts are interrupted by a small ball of light which comes near me , I observe it and so does it.

I ask "Can you speak and understand me ?"

The ball remains silent for some time and then reply.

"Yes I can and I want to let you know that you have died."

"Who are you bu the way ?"

"I can be called a higher existence than you and I was sent here by someone to tell you something about your future."

I feel very sad for my wife that I died when we just married but maybe I can return back.

Because of these new revelation of higher existence and as such things , I am internally very shocked but I don't let it show on my face as I still don't know the nature of this Ball , I am very adaptive person.

"So can you tell who sent you here and what would happen to me in future." I ask calmly.

"The one who sent me has not allowed me to speak of its name so I cannot tell you and as for your future you will be reincarnated. "

'Oh like those novels, I used to read them in middle school but I got bored by them. '

"Umm can I ask why?"

Why me ?

"That is because of the deep restriction in you and I cannot tell you too much about it ."

'Nice now I am like some protagonist who has some seal in his hand or something, so chunni.'

{Chunni' : Chunnibyou }

Well I will see that later.

"So do you want to know anything else ".

"Yes can I return to my own world ".

"You can but for that you must reach the level of a high enough existence".

"I see, and what is my purpose in other world ?"

"You do not have as such any purpose but you must reach the apex of your world if you want to meet me again and know more ".

"Oh and what kind of world am I going to ?"

"The world you are going to is world where people can use magic and ki and there are many races and monsters in this world which hold immense powers and that world has vast continents stretching and vast oceans and forests ".

"Alright, will you also give something to cheat or something like that...?"

"No, but your restriction has been lightened enough that you may have a huge advantage in some aspects than other people ".

"Hmm alright I am ready to go "

"Alright here you go ".

'I am definitely going to be back to my world even if I have to go to extreme '.


In the continent Swartz

In a house situated at countryside two people can be seen which were laughing happily , one man and a woman and in the hands of the woman is a baby who has silver white hair and bluish green eyes which are very mesmerising to look at , the baby is sleeping and is just born.

And as you can guess it's Alan who is making plans for his future.


In that black void

The place is something that exists between two dimensions and only high enough existence can withstand this void otherwise they will perish and merge with it.

In there two people can be seen or rather two balls of light.

"Your excellency, as you have ordered I have sent that soul with utmost care and knowledge about its world and itself and he has reached that star by now. "

The ball that was talking to Alan was talking to another dark red ball and It can be seen that it was very respectful and in awe of the red ball.

"Hmm, yes you did good now you are dismissed".

"Yes your excellency".

Although it seemed to have many questions about that ball and her relationship but it has come to know that questioning her won't be good for his life so he left in respect.