
Alaisdair Peyton Diary

Totally updated: A young Warrior of the Clan Peyton in pre-historic Scotland tumbles into a mystical land where he must prove his mettle as a monster hunter - he does not believe in magic, yet he is surrounded by it. He is a time traveler with quirks that the reader will understand quicker than the hero and his love interest.

paula_shene · Fantasy
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40 Chs

~ Chapter Twenty-Four ~ Heartbreak

Alaisdair knows something strange about this tunnel to the scullery after yesterday's journey turned into a long and heavy-laden assignment with a delightful surprise at the end. 

So today, even though he had a headache from last night's ale overindulgence, he intended to get to the bottom of this mystery. He was sure his dream and mystery voice was connected with the maiden in the scullery.

She appeared to be his age or slightly younger. As he kept turning left when met, he seemed to be at a standstill, and the tray was getting heavy again. Finally, he turned to the next left, and there was the door.

'Hmmfh, about time,' thought Alaisdair. He pushed the door gently with his hip, and as he brought the tray around this time, he aimed for the counter.

She shyly nods to the sudsy water, but when he attempts to clean the plates, she pushes him away and indicates with gestures she will tend to the chore. Finally, she points to the door, silently telling him to go.

"No, Pretty Lady, you and I need to talk," Alaisdair says as he removes the plates and hands them to her.

She gazes at him, puts her hand to her mouth, and makes it like she is coughing and then has a hand around her throat, indicating she cannot speak.

Alaisdair growls and says, " Well, isn't that convenient."

The maiden looks sad. Alaisdair wants some answers, so he tells her, "Okay, Pretty Lady, here is what we will do. I will ask you questions, and you will shake your head yes or no. Is that agreeable to you?

She nodded yes.

To be sure, Alaisdair asked her, Is that a yes?

She again nodded yes.

"Okay," says Alaisdair, Are you married? he asks

She shakes her hand from side to side.

He thinks, then asks, "Are you engaged?'

She nods yes.

"Do you love him?

She nods yes.

Alaisdair thinks, 'Drack! I found the girl of my dreams; she is engaged and loves him.'

Bemused at her beauty, he again walks back into the wall near the entrance, knocking but adroitly catching a tankard he has dislodged. Face, again flaming in embarrassment, he smiles and bolts out the doorway and again into the maze of hallways leading him back to the dining hall. 

Alaisdair's headache has returned because he found and lost his dream girl in three questions.

Fallon, walking towards the doorway, intending to retrieve the young monster hunter, stops as Alaisdair enters. "About time you returned. Time is getting away from us, and there is much to do. Come, King Steward is giving our orders now."

Alaisdair hears the directives the Lord is giving a handful of men, apparently Fallon's men, and the need to stay within shouting reach to him. Alaisdair is upset as he had thought his mission would be solitary.

Sputtering, Alasdair inquires of King Steward why he must have a guard, "I thought I proved myself to you yesterday with the retrieval of the Griffins. I promised last night I would take your duty of hunting monsters. Do you not trust my worthiness?"

Before King Steward censures Alaisdair, Fallon interrupts, saying, "When you accepted service to the King, you accepted his directives, as well. We are to accompany you on your journey to serve, not hinder. We will take orders from you to capture the monster Pegasus."

King Steward admonishes, "Young hunter, you have only one mission secured. While you superbly completed your task, you need more than one win to prepare you for the difficulties each monster will put in your path. This band of men commanded by your … led by Fallon is the most seasoned of my warriors. Their knowledge will help you quickly capture our most elusive monster – the Rogue of The Pegasi, our Pegasus that has flown off time after time as our nets were avoided or trashed."

Mortified at the admonishment given in public, Alaisdair rebukes himself for speaking without thinking out the consequences. Face again blazing hot, Fallon notices and stops their advance from the building.

Pulling Alaisdair away, he gruffly asks, "Why are you upset? You have been given a group of men with me to help them. I did not receive this honor until I had been on many solo quests. You did an excellent job yesterday, but, as the King said, you have yet to learn the wiles of these monsters and their want to stay in our area."

Alaisdair, avoiding eye contact, looks to and fro and says, "I do not want the men thinking less of me. I will not hunt with a bow or spear. I will not kill."

"Do you see a bow or a spear in any of our hands?"

"No… But I thought that was our next visit. The armory to pick up weapons," Alaisdair dares to look at Fallon.

"Were you given any weapons on your last trip? I don't remember kitting you out with any weapons," Fallon quietly says.

"The picks, they would be injurious to the mountain cliff. I realized that when you gave them to me. The mountain conformed to my climbing even inside before I was on the face of it."

"I left the net behind at the tree on the return because the Cub/Chick appeared distressed, and I did not want to harm a baby," Alaisdair responds.

"That was an error on my part. A portion of that height is scalable without help, but the tools are needed in some areas. I should have realized you would stay on the valley side. I was surprised you did not return with the Griffin within the net. We have no need for weapons. We need guile and expertise to control these creatures that wish to stay. But they must be returned to their lands; some tools are needed. Where did you leave the net?" Fallon asks as he takes Alaisdair's arm, guiding him into the courtyard where the soldiers wait for them.


Outside the confines of the Keep, Alaisdair cannot find the area he laid the net. "I was sure I had laid it here, at the foot of this tree. I picked the largest tree in the area." Alaisdair looking around, says, "Yes, this is the tree. I am sure of it."

"Perhaps it was a bit further into the wood. You're not familiar with the surroundings, Alaisdair. Let's walk a bit," 

Fallon said but excused himself as his first in command nodded, indicating he wished to speak to him. "What is it, Chad?" as they walk away for privacy.

"Tredan and Acwel told me they had found a net left by the tree, where the young hunter said he left one. Last night, they brought it into the Keep, and I placed it back into the armory."

"You did not think to tell me this last evening, Chad?" Fallon asks.

"The gathering had already begun, and merrymaking was already ensuing. I was rushed into the festivities by my wife and did not recall until the young hunter said he had left it," Chad explained.

"Are you able to secure the net by yourself? Fallon asks.

"Yes, Sir."

"See to it then. We will take the north road over to the west side. See that you catch up within the half-hour, Chad. I don't know how quickly we'll encounter the Pegasus."

~ Alaysdair still needs to tame his temper and his tongue~

paula_shenecreators' thoughts