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Aladanite_TV · Book&Literature
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There was an old woman in my community then, she was known as Mama Chinyere, everyone loved her and she loved everyone too especially small children.

Everyday after closing hour, the school children will branch Mama Chinyere's house to play with her and in return she would give them sweet, biscuits and other junk foods for children.

This continued for many months until these group of people came into our community, ever since their arrival, pains, death, sorrow, bitterness has been on the high level due to consecutive disappearance of people in the community.

Who could we suspect if not the group of people who came into our community and called themselves a politician, many children made mentioned of how they narrowly escaped their end from the politicians and how Mama Chinyere had helped them which made her a noble woman in our community then.

One faithful week, Mama Chinyere fell sick and died short after, everyone in the neighborhood wept and consoled each other at her burial service, I could refer her burial as the most befitting burial I had ever seen then.

A week after Mama Chinyere's death, people started noticing a compost smell from Mama Chinyere's house, the community decided to check Mama Chinyere's house for clarification, when they invaded her house, what they met shocked them to the extent that they couldn't breathe properly.

It was the body parts and cloth of the recently missing children in the community, Mama Chinyere whom we trusted had been the one kidnapping the children in our community, no wonder I was not attracted to the woman.

They told the chairman of our community, and he advised them to get those that would clean up the mess in Mama Chinyere's house and a mass burial should be done on the bodies.

Who could have thought that the same water which harbours the fish is the same water that boils the fish.

Ever since Mama Chinyere's death, there have not been any record of abnormal death or that of a missing person till today.

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