

Hi my name is Rin Crinshaw York and today is the day I'm purposing to my girlfriend of six years we've been dating since ninth grade I always stood out I was the top of sports and I had the top grades I was a loving boyfriend so why? Did I walk in on my girlfriend cheating on me!

Ever since that event I texted her to get out of the house since I couldn't look her in the face anymore and I stay at this hotel till I know for sure she was gone finally I got a text saying Okay I'm gone are you sure we cant talk this out? Talk what out you cheated well I might as well go home News station: The leader of Canada just declared war and has sent off 50 nuclear explosions may god be with us. Huh, I wonder why there's no traffic out tonight? finally home sweat ho-

Where am I? Oh, your awake huh? Yeah, you sorta got deleted by a nuke Wait what do you mean? well, the short version is nuclear war broke out and you didn't realize and died. Wow really first I get cheated on now this so now what? what happens now? well, I can either destroy your soul or reincarnate you What the hell I choose reincarnation obviously alright let me get out my wheel of chance.

Alright, I'm gonna spin this wheel and whatever universe it lands on that's the one you'll reincarnate to why in all the slots are there question marks? Oh, so the worlds arent predetermined it's fairer that way random worlds spawn in when the wheel stops so your not hopping for a certain one, okay here we go *Spins Wheel* I hope I get somewhere good alright here are the results You will be reincarnated into the world Akuliy mir a world that sharks evolved into smarter beings with great abilities Wow what type of lazy shit Goodbye and happy travels wait a second.

I awake to what seems to be water surrounding me and 3 sharks. The very first thing I realize is this very weird feeling which is like a sixth sense I realize my eyes are closed and I can't open them but I can see the white outline of everything around me I see the figure of three different sharks the shark that's holding me puts me in the arms of the one laying down who I assume is my mother she has tears in the corner of her eyes they were speaking a language I didn't understand Sheesh this is gonna be a rough five or so years *5 Years Later*

So it's been a while let me fill you in its a week before my sixth birthday I found out I'm half Whale and Lemon Shark which is rare well more like 0.3% of the population mixed species are seen as miracles so of course, I don't have a normal life right off rip anyway each species has a special ability there born with for example Lemon sharks Have top-notch Agriculture skills while Whale sharks have telepathy so you might wonder what I have well for mixed our ability doesn't show until six but what they do know is it's going to be a skill that has never existed and if I decide not to have kids it'll die with me so yeah That's pretty much everything I can't wait to find out my Very own Personal Skill.