

After the tragic end of his life, he was born again in the body of Akir, the only son of the count's family, the strongest in the use of the element of fire. He thought that he would live a comfortable life until the day came when it was discovered that he did not inherit the magic of fire. Here his life turns into hell and he is replaced by an illegitimate son, so he decides to escape from the family To discover this unfamiliar world and make himself stronger to become a miracle of the world and the most powerful lord in the empire

Wild_Kity · Fantasy
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23 Chs


A little girl with hazel blonde hair and green eyes, very similar to dolls, was standing in front of me, her arms crossed, her face full of anger.

-"What are you doing here?"

-"What do you mean?"

- "Why are you hiding in this blind spot? You must be planning something."

This girl has a wide imagination, although what she said is true, but there is no reason to argue with her.

I got up from my place and was about to leave, ignoring her, and by chance, two other children stood in my face and started interrogating me.

asked the first who seemed calm:

-"who are you?".

While the other, who seemed rude and stubborn, did not wait to hear my answer and asked another question:

-"Why did you come with the leaders?"

Ah, these are the children who were looking at me angrily when we came.

They are obsessed with mercenaries, no wonder they were jealous.

Haha cute.

-" It's rude to laugh like that without answering the question."

said the quiet child.

-"Rather, it is rude to ask others without introducing yourself first."

He bit his lips and was silent, realizing that he was wrong.

-"My name is Ethan, and this one is Tyrone, and the girl who found you is called Sophie."

-"Nice to meet you, my name is Raiden."

Tyrone shouted angrily at Ethan

- "Do you think you're the leader to have the right to introduce us?".

While Sophie continued:

-" I agree with Tyrone, we can introduce ourselves."

And these three got into a fight.

Although they are children, this does not mean that they have some talent. That girl has the skill, she was able to find me in that hidden place.

As for the boy Ethan, he is smart, wise and has principles.

As for the other, despite his stubbornness, his mana is strong and raging.

But they stay kids, I don't care I'm leaving before they notice.

Ethan noticed my escape and stopped me

- "Stop, don't leave, you haven't answered our questions yet."

They are really persistent, so let's answer some of their questions

-"Come on, ask."

Ethan stepped forward to ask while the other two fell silent, they realize their positions , good.

-"Who are you?".

-"I am just an ordinary kid who met them on their mission and accompanied them."

-"What is your relationship with Mrs. Dara?".

Huh, what a question.

-"Dara?? My relationship with her is like the rest".

-"Stop lying, tell me how you relate to her."

-"I told you I had nothing to do with her, and what would you care to know?".

His eyes narrowed, then he said proudly:

-" Because I am her successor".


her successor??

Huh what nonsense.

Did Dara know about it?

I could not control my facial expressions, it was a shocking and funny statement, he bit his lips and turned red.

oh, I made him angry

-"I apologize, but may I ask what you mean by her successor?"

Sophie came forward and said:

-"We consider the future successors of the leaders, because we have talents matching them. I have the talent of espionage and assassination like Mrs. Donelle. As for Ethan, he has the wisdom of Mrs. Dara and the cunning of Mr. Elvis. As for Tyrone, he has the strength like Mr. Horner."

- "And I have the leadership spirit of Sir Edgar."

Tyrone added.

So, I acknowledge their talent, but there is no similarity.

-"I'll be honest, you don't look like them at all."

Tyrone got angry and grabbed my shirt.

-"what do you mean".

-"I mean your abilities are completely different, you guys are a little talented but not to the point of calling yourselves successors, do you even know them?".

Sophie's calmness was broken because of what I said, and she began to justify madly:

- "I know everything about Mrs. Donelle, everything. We even have the same past. We both were orphans in this town and raised as thieves. I showed my talent at a young age like her. I'm like her."

-"Stop fooling yourself once you find me, that doesn't mean you're that talented."

I Turned to Tyrone, I grabbed his arm and started squeezing it until he let go of my shirt.

everything he was thinking about appeared on his face.

-"Where did he get that strength come from?"

Huh, I felt pity for them, it's not their fault, the blame is on those who were brainwashing them with this nonsense.


Tyrone approached me with his fist directed towards my face, it seemed like the truth was so shocking, or he was just an idiot.

His fist is very slow, it moves so randomly, it was easy to avoid it.

- "Is that what you call Horner's strength and Edgar's skill?".

- "Shut up, I'm going to beat you up."

Ethan shouted :

"Stop it, or you'll get in trouble."

Oh, Ethan seems to have caught up a bit, That's good .

Unlike Sophie ,she still in shock, you can tell by looking to her empty eyes .

And this idiot still didn't get it

-"You better listen to him. Horner and Donelle are coming."

-"Stop lying, you can't escape from me."

-" escape from who? You didn't even touch me"


Finally they came.

As soon as Sophie heard Donelle's voice, the sparkle returned to her eyes. Every step she took, her heart was beating, but her feelings were unclear. She was distracted by the shocking truth, but part of her still believed in that lie.

-"S.she's coming for me."

But the reality is not like that

- "Raiden, are you alright?"

In the eyes of Donelle and Horner, they were just three scattered, traumatized kids.

Donelle continued:

- "What's wrong with this kids, what have you done?"

I shrugged and sighed:

-"The truth is sometimes shocking."

Horner said:

-"You shouldn't have been so hard on them, they're just kids."


We are two years older than him.

Why do they treat him like an adult ,

He speaks to them informally,

What he owns that we don't have.

Donelle grabbed my shoulder and said while looking at those threesome:

-"Come on, Rayden, we need you for something."

-"Okay, Donelle."

We left, leaving behind three devastated kids .

As we were walking I asked Donelle where we were going, and she answered:

-"We are heading towards the infirmary, where they will examine the injured person."

-"Why did you bring me with you?"

The two exchanged glares with a smile, Horner said:

-"We know you've been spying, you thought if your mana was low, we wouldn't feel it?"

-"Yes I know you can".

- "Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do. This is the magic of the gates."

That's right, that's the principle of portal magic.

The gate mages sensed the mana scattered by them in the places where they were before, in order to open the gates.

There must be some way I'll try it later.

-"we have arrived"

- "What were you distracted with?".

-"Nothing, let's go in."

The sight of the injured man was disgusting, his leg began to rot, despite all the sterilizations and first aid, but the infection spread to the rest of his body.

Moments later, Edgar and Alvis entered with Marcus.

Edgar asked Dara about the patient's condition.

she looked down and said in a sad tone:

- "He won't have much left to live."

- "He will be buried and his funeral will be held, he will be written in the archives of the headquarters as a hero."

A minute of silence took place, then he continued:

- "Let's get back to the task. Do you know anything about the monster?".

-"Yes, it is a monster resulting from the cross-breeding of different hybrid strains that led to many mutations."

Horner said with a worried expression on his face:

-'This means that we will fight a new monster that we do not know anything about."

- "Donelle, Horner, I'm going with you scouting tomorrow."

Edgar said.

This is my chance

-"I also want to go"

Edgar said in a firm tone:

-'It is impossible, the place is dangerous and we do not know what will happen. I will send you with some people to get you to your destination."

-"What!! No, I don't want to go, I'll be useful!".

he exclaimed:

-"No, rather you will be a hindrance, and I will not risk your life".

-"No, it's not true. I will be the way to escape. If it gets tough, I will take you to safety."

-"Do not argue with me".

Donelle said while standing behind me:

-"I think he will be useful, Elvis What do you think ?"

Elvis grabbed his chin and said while pondering the idea:

- "I think it's a good idea. Raiden is better at gates's magic than any mage I've known."

-"I said no"

Edgar's voice filled the room, then he hurried out.

I felt disturbed, I have the opportunity to help them as they helped me, and also to test my ability in such situations, but he did not allow me to take advantage of it, I understand why he is angry ,but that won't stop me

Dara grabbed my shoulder and said with smile:

-"Don't worry, Alvis and I will try to convince him."


At that moment I caught a glimpse of Marcus looking at me, with a blank face, I couldn't tell what was going on in his mind.

Time passed quickly and the sky became black. We had dinner, the atmosphere was strange, especially after what happened at the infirmary. Immediately after that, I went to my room.

It was a stressful and upsetting day, I'm still angry with Edgar.

Huh, I hope he changes his mind tomorrow.

knock knock

-"Can I come in?".

What is that boy Ethan doing at this time?

I opened the door, to see that malicious and provocative smile on his face, that he was planning something.

- "Please sit on the chair."

He sat on the chair and looked around

-"It's not like an orphanage. We all sleep in a spacious room."

What does he mean by this??

-"Tell me what brought you."

-"I came to finish our conversation earlier, without those idiots...".

He means Sophie and Tyrone?

- "I want to apologize for what happened before."

Apologize ?! This does not sound like an ordinary apology

-"No need to apologize..."

-"No, I have to. I misunderstood and thought that you had a spacial relationship with Lady Dara and the rest of the leaders, but it turns out that you are just their doorman."


how did he know

I'm sure he didn't listen to our conversation in the infirmary

because I made sure that no one was near us.

only if....

-"Marcus told you , right?".

- "It doesn't matter how you know, it won't change the fact that you're a doorman."

That provocative smile on his face, I want to rip his face off, but this is what he wants and he won't get it.

If he wants to play, I will play with him.

-" I don't understand why Marcus would help someone like you."

-"Like me? Don't you understand, Marcus reveres Lady Dara and since I am her successor, he supports me".

-"Ah, that's why you believe so firmly in this lie."

The angle of his smile changed slightly, I began to tease him.

I continued saying:

-"And also, it doesn't matter if I'm a DOORMAN or not, it doesn't change the fact that I'm more useful to them than you are".

The smile disappeared completely, now he is really angry.

-"You have nothing, I have the intelligence and sophistication of Mrs. Dara, I am like her and I will succeed her and become the leader, and you will remain just a doorman."

-"You are not like Dara in anything, Dara, wise, understanding and not hasty in judging others, and she never wanted the position of leader. You are the complete opposite of her. You made many mistakes.."

-"this is not true ..."

-"You were wrong from the beginning, You were wrong when you thought you are similar to Dara, You were wrong when you thought that Marcus was by your side, he just wanted to attract her attention, and the biggest mistake was that you thought I was just ..a... DOORMAN"


Ah ,aaah

My whole body hurts, I fell from a high place, what happened? where am I?.

-"You seem fine."

- "Huh What did you do to me, where did you take me?"

-"Get up quietly, and be careful not to step on the bones".


-" It is one of the places where I fought monsters with Horner and Edgar."

-"Why did you bring me here? Take me back, or I'll tell the commanders."

-"Whatever you tell them, they won't believe you. I'm just a Dooorman, right?".

They wouldn't believe it, because they didn't know that I could teleport this far yet.

oh, I can feel it

-"it's close"

- "Who do you mean?, is it someone, that might help me, heeeeelp?"

-"Not human...".


-"...it's an orc"

-"Aaaaaaaa, please help me".

As soon as he saw an ordinary orc he started screaming, oh my god he's so scared he can't get up, okay let's show off a bit.

I opened the gate where I store my things, I took out my sword, which Evon had secretly given me, and pointed it at the orcs.

-"Look and learn".

With a single movement, I split the orcs in two, it wasn't a perfect cut due to my lack of skill, because of this, blood splattered all over me.

Ethan was terrified, unable to speak.

I approached him and closed his open mouth in fear and said with a bright smile:

-"Do you think I'm just a Dooorman ?"


He fainted suddenly, perhaps he is unable to bear the sight of blood.


-"Ugh, heeeeelp!!!!"

-"Ethan, why are you yelling?".

Huh, where am I?,

I'm on my bed in the orphanage.

-"Brother Ethan, did you have a nightmare? You're all sweaty."


How did i get here?

yesterday I was talking to Raiden, and then…

Is everything that happened yesterday a nightmare?!

But it seemed real.


-"Oh Sophie"

-"Stop wasting your time, it's time for breakfast."


I need to meet Rayden, I have to make sure of it.

I found him ! He was standing with the leaders, with big smile on his face.

He.... looked at me, with those provocative eyes, I read his lips as he muttered words:

-"Did ...you ...have ...a... good... dream?"

It wasn't a nightmare !!!