
Akio The Kitsune(discontinued as not updating correctly)

this world is fantasy where at the mature age of your race(Human, kitsune, Dragon, Ogre, Troll and so on) you have a set amount of time to level up and gain skills; lets say for Humans, when they reach 15 they will be given a system in order to start levelling up. The system just shows stats, unallocated points and unfinished quests. after 10 years for a human(different for each Race) they will no longer be able to level up and will start upgrading their skills(the max rank skill being SSS)

MystyCore · Fantasy
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1 Chs

Ch.1: Where It All Began

"Akio" his mother called from the kitchen. "Dinner's ready, Come eat". Akio then went down stairs and into the kitchen to eat with his parents.

When Akio sat down his Father spoke: "So Akio are you excited for your upcoming 100th birthday?" Akio smiled: "Yes Father, I get my second tail as well as the chance to be stronger than you." Akios' Father laughed: "yes you will get a chance to grow stronger than me."

Akio smiled: "I want to be an adventurer at a Guild." His Father quickly jumped in: " we have spoke about this, most of the guilds are run by Humans and they do not like other races going there." Akio sighed: "I know, but a small few don't mind and if I train enough to hide my appearance with illusion magic then it should be fine right?" Father: "That's true but until you get proficient with using it I will not allow you to join a guild, alright?" Akio: "That's fine with me" (he said whilst not being able to sit still) Father: "alright hurry up and finish your food, it's time for bed" (99 year old kitsunes are basically children)

Later on in the night Akio woke to the smell of smoke, he went to the top of the stairs and saw everything had gone up in flames. He ran down the stairs hoping that his parents had gotten out as their room was blocked off by flames, when he got outside he looked around trying to find them but when he couldn't see them anywhere he tried going back inside but the roof had collapsed already. when the fire had already died down he went inside (he lives in the middle of nowhere and him and his parents were the only ones there, they had built the house themselves) he went over to where his parents room would have been as the floor and roof had fallen; he picked up the hot rubble and saw their bodies laying there charred, whilst crying he had realised that he was now the only kitsune alive(to his knowledge).

Soon After burying his parents a screen popped up in front of him.


  [Name: Akio  Level: 1(0%)] 

  [Class: N/A  Race: Kitsune]

  [Sub-Class: N/A  Attributes: Dark, Fire, Wind] 

  [HP: 100  MP: 100]

  [Strength: 7  Stamina: 15]

  [Agility: 12  Intelligence: 9]

  [Unique Skill: ???] [Skills: illusion]

  Unallocated stat points: 5 / Unallocated skill points: 5 

  Current Quests: N/A

  When Akio saw this he didn't know how to feel as his parents had just died, he started to look through the burned house trying to find what had happened. when he found a foot print outside that was too big to be his or either of his parents, he saw that everything around the footprint was burnt other than a few metres around it indicating that someone had used fire magic to burn down the house.


  (Akio is a kitsune, they can live for hundreds if not thousands of years, Humans get 10 years to level up whilst kitsunes get 100. While they have more time they level up slower just to even it out, the less time to level up, the more EXP you get and Humans have the least amount of time. Unique skills are specific to that person. He is the only one with his unique skill which will unlock later and not everyone has a Unique skill)

A few days later we skip to Akio wandering a forest in his kitsune(fox-like) form as he hasn't learnt how to change into a human just yet; he saw a cave that looked empty so he went inside to get rest as he had been walking for days without rest. When he reached a deep-ish part of the cave he laid down to get some rest but what he didn't know was that there was a bear sleeping a few more metres in the cave and had just woken up after hearing Akio walking in.

After about an hour of rest Akio gets woken up by a loud roar echoing throughout the cave. When he goes to check what it is he is met with a 3 metre tall Japanese black bear which is abnormally large for its species; the bear had just finished killing a 30 ft python that tried to suffocate it. Just as Akio was about to leave the cave the bear had noticed him and started walking towards him whilst groaning with its mouth wide open. Akio only had two options, fight the bear or run but the chances of winning a fight outweighed the chances of out running it(i know it doesn't make sense but eh).

Akio had spent a few seconds contemplating what to do before he noticed the bear start to attack; he had jumped out of the way last second and the system gave a notification saying "Agility +1" he had then decided to continue dodging just to increase his agility so he can be faster in the future. Along with agility, sometimes his stamina gained a point as well; after he had got his stats up a little bit he decided to use his illusion skill to distract the bear. He made the bear basically drunk, after a few seconds the bear fell over giving Akio the chance to find a random rock and start beating the bears' head in. 

After Akio had regained his composure he sat down and said: "status", then a window popped up in front of him.


  [Name: Akio  Level: 1(67.32%] 

  [Class: N/A  Race: Kitsune]

  [Sub-Class: N/A  Attributes: Dark, Fire, Wind] 

  [HP: 100  MP: 100]

  [Strength: 13  Stamina: 19]

  [Agility: 23  Intelligence: 10]

  [Unique Skill: ???] [Skills: illusion(proficiency: 2.16%]

  Unallocated stat points: 0 / Unallocated skill points: 5 

  Current Quests: N/A 

He had decided to put 4 points in strength and 1 into intelligence, the agility went up 11 points from him jumping around and the stamina went up 4 for the same reason. Akio was happy with the results of his first kill, he noticed that he wasn't far off from level 2 and wanted to find some other things to use and upgrade his illusion skill with.

Akio heard a small hiss of a snake but before he could react, a python was already around his neck. When he was about to pass out he got a notification from system: "conditions met, unlocking unique skill: Gluttony(the user is able to devour anything of a lower level than them and gain any 1 skill of the opponent <can be alive or dead(2 hours max)>" his eyes turned a dark red as he activated the skill and the snake was almost instantly devoured. Sadly the snake had no skills worth Akio taking, but then he suddenly remembered the bear laying right next to him; he then activated the skill but the bear was too high of a level so he couldn't take a skill.

Akio then started practising his illusion skill for the next few hours trying to be able to turn into a human; after 6 hours he had finally managed to do so although his ears and tail were still showing unfortunately so he couldn't enter a town yet as most were human only. Now that the cave had nothing else inside he decided to go back to sleep for a few hours. The next day he went wandering around the forest trying to find food as he hadn't eaten in a few days and the bear had disappeared after the 2 hours were up, so Akio started hunting for rabbits and other food sources, after about half an hour he found one being chased by a wolf. He used his illusion skill to try to get the wolf to run into a tree or fall over but for some reason it didn't work; all it had done was alert the wolf of Akios presence.

I Failed english so if it is bad please let me know :) i will try to do better if it is not satisfactory

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