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The next day ,

At the City Hospital ,

Due to Unconsciousness , Akigu was admitted in the Hospital for treatment. Due to him being the son of a big business lady , the incident happened there was investigated by the Police.

They questioned Mandra because she was the only one who was there at that moment.

She answered them like :

" A group of unknown peoples attacked us. They tried to kill me but He saved my life. While After some time someone came by breaking the window and saved us both. I know nothing other than this. "

His Mother's Friends , His Friends and little Many gathered there around him.

His Mother , Jessica , was having a conversation with the main Police Officer outside the Hospital.

" No need to worry about anything. There will be no problem. We will investigate about it. We can arrange security for him If you need. "

Said the Cop.

" No need. You must investigate about it real quick. I need those criminals infront of my eyes. "

Said Jessica.

" We have investigated about why no other students was at the college campus. They all don't know anything. They don't even know why they left the campus. It looks suspicious. Isn't it ? "

Said him.

" Yes. It looks suspicious. "

Replied Jessica.

" You know , it will be good for keeping him away from here. It will be good. I mean , There are many

study courses available which will be good for your son. Why can't you make him join something like that. So He will be both away from here , Safe and his studies will not stop. "

Said the Police.

" I was thinking about that idea a moment ago. Anyway , you must investigate about it properly. "

Said She.

" Sure. I can make someone Named Reynold Moore as a secret investigator for this role. "

Said the Cop.

" Who is That ? Moore , the initial looks familiar to me. "

She Said by thinking about the initial.

" Yeah it is. That Guy is the brother of Urther Moore , The CEO and Owner of the Moore Industries. "

" Oh That's how it is. I was wondering like , it's just a day ago the all best industries around the world came to an meeting based on a topic.

[ Chuckles] "

Said Jessica.

" Anyway I will make Reynold to investigate if We can't found the victim. "

Said the Cop and he leaves.

While At at a very big , huge bunglow. Its a large assembly hall like building.

Known as the " Central Hall Of The Domain Society"

Its located at the Domain Society.

Domain Society.

A small village that still exists in this modern world without being revealed to the public. Many who lives there have supernatural powers due to Thier Carried DNA.

Inside the Bungalow , A vast plain room. There's a flight of some stairs which lead to a Mighty Throne. There sits an old Man of like 60 years.

He is the Elder. The one who looks after the whole Domain Society.

The ones who all have supernatural powers within them have a special type of energy within them. That energy is the core reason what gives them these unique powers.

There are many chairs arranged in front of the throne. Over there sat many peoples , Known as Domain Fighters. They are a group of peoples who protect the resident who lives in domain Society from the evil powers. They don't mainly help the world. Thier duty is to protect the Society.

That Guy who appeared in between the fight of Raged Akigu and Clones. His name is "YUZO".

He walked towards the All Mighty Throne.

" I had done my mission. My Lord. "

Said Yuzo.

" Everyone. Listen , we must get Those two childs , Akigu and Mandra here. Otherwise he will be out of our control , Zankpatsuo is now trying to unleash his new plan. We will sweat ! "

Said The Elder.

There sits two 30 years old looking men and one women.

They divide the domain fighters into three different categories:

Base - If they are new to the society and had only completed less than 50 Offical/Unofficial missions.

Major - If they are quite experienced and had completed more than 200 Offical/Unofficial Missions.

Legend - If they are eligible for the role of Elder and have an experience of more than 5 Years and completed more than 500 Offical/Unofficial missions.

There sits three Major and five Base Domain Fighters. The Major Domain fighters look after the base and train them. They carry out missions outer and inner the domain Society.

" We can make them join your team , Seboti. What are you thoughts about it ? "

Asked The Elder.

" Will Tsugiyo agree to that ? "

Asked The Elder again.

" Who care about his opinion. You must make them both join Seboti's Team. "

Said Yuzo.

" As you wish Elder. I have no offense in then joining my group. "

Said Seboti.

SEBOTI , A major Domain Fighter Who is way above in terms of experience than all the others.

At The city Hospital ,

After Three Hours.

The Climate is moderate. Not too hot nor too cold.

mild climate. fresh cool breeze. Small leaves wandering here and there due to the breeze.

Inside there , Sits Akigu on the hospital bed.

He sat there by placing his pillow at his back and sitting there.

His Friends and all leaved the place. Its been one hour since that. He sat there alone.

Bodyguards guarding from the outside. They are specialised trained FI bodyguards.

Akigu is now conscious. He is stable , more than stable.

He was constantly thinking about something. About the incident. No matter how many times , how hard he tried to re memorize about what all happened on the college from the point where he got rage , he can't remember anything. He Forgot everything about that incident.

One Bodyguard enter into the hospital room of Akigu

," Sir , Mandra needs to talk to you. "

Said the guard.

" Allow her. "

Replied Akigu.

Mandra , get into the room. She saw Akigu sitting there injured. More like , injured due to her. Because of she only. These thoughts made her upset.

By wearing a beutiful red drees , she sat near his bed , on a chair.

" How are you now feeling ? "

She Asked.

" Well , nothing much. Feeling so Good. "

Replied him.

" I need to tell you something. Something Important. "

She said.

" About what ? "

" About the college incident happened today morning. "

Said She.

" What ? Tell me then , I can't memorize a thing that happened about the incident. Nothing. "

Said Akigu.

It took her 15 minutes to explain everything happened about the incident. She completed her explanation.

" So you saying that an unknown guy saved our lives ? "

Asked Akigu.

" Yes of course. I'm sure. Something is not right here. Also you mother told that she is going to make us both join a study course and is trying keeping us away from this place for a while. "

Said Mandra.

" Oh God. She maybe scared of the things that happened today. "

Replied Akigu.

While At a room ,

At the Domain Society.

Inside that empty room , stands only The Elder and Seboti.

" Are you sure those two will join us ? I mean , They really don't know anything about us. Do you they will come with us who are totally Strangers to them ? "

Asked Seboti.

" You know. [ He turned and move towards a window ] , When I was 30 Years old , That when His Father , Akigu's Father , turned 18. I was at this Elder position from my teenage. [ Chuckles ] "

Said The Elder due to his emotions towards them both.

" I know Sir. His Father trained me , he make me realise who I actually am and made me who I am now. I cannot forget about those things he had done. But My point is that , His son is different !

His Father , Mahito , born here lived here grown up here practiced here and ruled here. While His son , knows nothing about it all. Not even anything about his father , not even name. Did you think someone like him will get here ? Dear Elder ? "

Said Seboti by recalling every memories of his master , Akigu's Father , Mahito.

" You are right , my dear. Emotions have no value here. All it matters is our way of mingling. Let me see what all happens with my own eyes. Dear God ! "

Said The Elder by praying to the GOD.

" Tomorrow , They will be here. I had told Janus to prepare a plan for us to make them both come here. You know , his plans never fails , Isn't it ? "

Said The Elder.

" Hard to admit but it's True. He's our best strategist for nothing. "

Said Seboti.

" Janus gave hand wages to one cop to talk with his mother and convinced her to think about the plan of keeping them both away from that city for a while. And He send Sebastian to introduce her about a learning course. He convinced her about it. Now , Tomorrow they both will be here. "

Said Seboti.

" Taking them here without their permission.... , isn't that kinda like a kidnapping , Seboti ? "

Asked The Elder.

" No , My Lord. After they get here , we will make them understand about the situation and about the dangers of staying away from us. We will make them realise about the fact that this Domain Society is thier home and is actually safe. "

Said Seboti.

" Will be Sebastian able to protect them till here ?"

Asked The Elder.

" You know , Better don't underestimate him. "

Replied Seboti.

[ Chapter 3

Ends ]