
AKEL DAMA: The Age of Demons.

The Era of humanity is being wiped away... Now what is left of humanity must fight to survive the new age of Demons. The world has evolved, now with Spirit Technology and an association of Jaegers, the rest of mankind must fight for their survival and take back their world. Fueled by rage and hunger for revenge, Raaya; the surviving daughter of Elara, wants nothing more than to take the forefront in this battle, to avenge the death of her whole family. To do that, she and her group of special Jaegers would strive to become strong, improve their abilities while aiming to defeat Abaddon, who seeks to bring the end of the world with the powers of the Blood Star. Can Raaya fulfill her mother's legacy and save the world? what is at stake to save a world that is ten years lost into darkness? join Raaya in her adventure of fighting Demons and finding magic.

unique2bliss · Fantasy
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159 Chs

another trick?

Using her leftover energy to keep herself afloat, her figure moved in the air, slowly breaking into two, then three and four. Simultaneously the four figures attacked the head of the Fox with their sword. Alarmed the Fox retaliated with its paws almost instantly

Distracted by the obvious distraction before its eyes, three other tails were snipped off from its body. It howled into the night sky following the extreme pain that shot up its body.

The remaining four tails swept vigorously wanting to strike the people that were behind it. The fox moved to turn its attention to them but Raaya increased her attacks not wanting it to shift its attention away. If it had turned then it would be have been shocked to see two other lookalikes of the person it was currently entangled in a fight with.