
Chapter 1: The Unmotivated Part-time Lecturer

The Alzano Empire. It was an empire situated in the northwestern area of the North-Selford continent. Its lands – which experience wet winters and dry summers due to its oceanic climate – are ruled by a monarchy.

At the southern part of the empire, in the region of Yorkshire, there is a town named Fejiti.

The most prominent feature of Fejiti was the Alzano Imperial Magic Academy. If one were to ask which magic academy was the greatest amongst the numerous that existed in the North-Selford continent, the answer would undoubtedly be 'Alzano Imperial Magic Academy'.

The town of Fejiti had been built concurrently with the establishment of the academic city, and both had experienced the development and prosperity of the other. The neatly arranged buildings – with their vintage pointed roofs – gave the town a thick atmosphere of sophistication and elegance. On the other hand, the presence of a Magic Academy had created a high demand for magical catalysts and items, which accommodated successful foreign trade, and ultimately allowed the town to prosper. Furthermore, due to high flow of people through the town, it was always at the forefront of domestic trends. The town was undoubtedly a fascinating union of ancient and modern elements.

On this mildly foggy morning in Fejiti, there was a young girl standing still on the stone pavement at the corner of the street, directly under a street lamp.

Her medium-length blonde hair looked as soft as cotton, and her sapphire-blue eyes left a strong impression on those that looked into them. Based on her appearance, one would say that she was a girl whose age was around fifteen or sixteen. The texture of her skin was like fine silk. Her refined and gentle demeanor, combined with her neat and structured facial features, made her seem as lovely as an angel in a holy painting. She was a girl who – at first glance – seemed fragile, but at the same time, she seemed to carry a powerful conviction. That was the kind of girl she was—

Contrary to the girl's captivating features that would make others turn their heads to take another look, her attire was rather strange. On top of her cool-looking vest and pleated skirt, she wore a feathered caped-hood… Though it was currently summertime in Fejiti, it was still undoubtedly cold in the morning. Yet, for some reason she was dressed lightly, and wore a glove on her left hand.


Anyhow, she appeared to be waiting for someone. As she idly stood on the pavement, she gripped the strap of her leather bag, and passed the time by humming. One could tell that she was in a pleasant mood.

It was then—


Hearing a pained cry from behind, the girl turned around.

She saw an old man holding his finger, and a flint stone falling to the ground. Beside the man's feet was a metallic bucket filled with twigs and leaves.

"W-, What happened uncle?."

Though she didn't know who this old man was, she approached him without hesitation.

"Huh? Ah, hahaha… I've let this little lady see such an uncool side to me."

Feeling like he had bothered this kind-hearted girl, the old man could only chuckle to himself and show a wry smile.

"Actually, when I was trying to dispose of the garbage I had collected by setting it on fire , my hands trembled, and I ended up scratching my finger instead… My, I'm not young anymore."

From a short distance away, one could see that the old man's finger was swollen and bleeding.  The man put up a strong front, but the wound must have hurt considerably.

"My my, when I get back I'll have to ask my wife to fetch some medical herbs won't I…"

The young girl inspected the depth of the wound, and looked towards her surroundings. When she confirmed that no one was around, she revealed a mischievous smile, and placed her finger on her lips.

"It's a secret alright?"


The old man tilted his head in confusion, but before he could form a reply, the girl gently grasped his hand, and began chanting in runic language.

"<The angel's charity>"

Then, the girl's hands began to glow faintly. At the same time, the old man's wound began to rapidly heal.

The white magic [Life·Up]; It was a technique that greatly increased the target's natural regeneration abilities.


As the old man looked at his finger, his eyes widened in surprise.

"Hm, alright. After that is… <Oh children of fire·Spark at the finger's fore·Ablaze>"

Next, the girl chanted the black magic [Fire·Torch], and a small flame appeared at the tip of her finger. She dropped the flame into the metal bucket, and its content were immediately lit ablaze.

"Little lady… That mysterious power… Is that the rumored 'magic'?"

"Yes. To be honest, if the academy finds out that I used magic outside the campus, I will be severely punished."

"Now that I think about it, that outfit… That's the uniform of that strange academy. Little lady, can all your friends also use that mysterious technique?"

"Yes, though everyone else is more proficient than I am, and can use a much greater variety of abilities."

"Eh… This is quite a convenient skill isn't it? If an old man like me could use a mysterious skill like that, then my life would be far more interesting and enjoyable…"

"Ahaha, I suppose that would be true. By the way uncle, about the magic that I used just now, uhm… if you could…"

"Oh, you want me to keep it a secret, yes? I got ya."

"Yes, thank you very much."

"What are you saying? I should be the one thanking you. Little lady, thanks for the help."

As the young lady and old man exchanged delighted smiles—

"Lumia-! Sorry I'm late-!"

The clattering sound of hurried footsteps could be heard coming from afar. If one were to look into the distance, another young girl – dressed in the same fashion as the young girl standing on the sidewalk – could be seen approaching.

"Hm? That girl… Is she your friend?"

"Yes. She's my close friend, and I'm currently living at her house. Well then, uncle, I should get going. Have a good day!"

"Aye, work hard on your studies alright?"

After saying her farewell, she walked towards her friend.


Since it was still rather early in the morning, the main street of Fejiti was fairly quiet.

On the neat and tidy granite-layered street, two girls were walking side-by side.

"Geez Lumia, you're too nice of a person… even though I told you to go ahead without me…"

"Mm… I can't… If leave the esteemed lady of the house behind, then I, who am nothing but a mere house guest, will definitely be scolded by the household's head and his wife…"

"Idiot, can you stop joking around, we're family alright?"

"Heh heh, sorry, Sisti."

The two of them smoothly ended their discussion on a disconcerting topic.

"Well, anyway, it's rare for Sisti to forget to something at home."

Lumia – who had reunited with her friend after parting with the elder man – glanced at her friend a curious gaze.

"I had to run home because of that, and I even made you wait for me… sorry…"

The girl walking alongside Lumia, Sistina, lowered her shoulders and exhaled deeply with a melancholic sigh.

Sistina was of similar age to Lumia, and her most distinctive features  were her free-flowing, lush silver long hair, and her feisty jade-colored eyes. Unlike Lumia, her snow-white skin and pretty face – which seemed as if it had been exquisitely sculpted – returned an unyielding presence. Perhaps it would be suitable to say that her presence was imposing and dazzling like a fairy. Though her face was currently entangled in a dejected expression, each and every move of hers seemed to exude a lively and ambitious aura. That was the kind of girl she was—.

Lumia and Sistina; although they were two different types of people, each had a temperament that could not be imitated by any ordinary girl. Their splendor – which they had been born with – was nothing short of magnificent. They were wearing the generic uniform of a magic academy, but somehow, one could feel the intimidating presence of the upper-class as they elegantly drifted along the ordinary street.

"Sisti…Could you still be, as I thought… you're still feeling bad about what happened?"

Lumia looked at Sistina with concern, after all, her friend was not the type to forget something at home… That's basically how it was.

"Probably…I guess."

Sistina showed an energetic expression in hopes that her close friend wouldn't worry any more about it. Despite her efforts, traces of an unresolved melancholy could still be found in her expression.

"It is unfortunate… Why did professor Huey suddenly quit instructing?"

"There was probably no other choice. Even the professor has his own problems."

"Ah, it's a shame… professor Huey's lectures were easy to absorb, and if I had a question, he would give a concise and honest answer… He was so reliable, and…"

"He was really handsome as well right?"

"Huh! What are you saying!? It doesn't matter if he's handsome or not right!?"

Sistina's face turned red at Lumia's mention.

"As the next-in-line of the prestigious Fibel magic family, I go to the academy for the sole purpose of studying magic! My only standard regarding instructors is their ability to teach!*

However, Lumia could only show a knowing smile, and giggle at Sistina's vigorous rebuttal.

"Ah, right right. Sisti, I forgot to mention this, but I heard that a temporary instructor will be replacing the professor today."

"…I know that already."

Sistina replied in a unamused fashion.  

"Well, as long as they can teach half as well as professor Huey, I'm fine with it."

"I understand how you feel. Once you get use to professor Huey's lectures, any other professor's lectures begin to feel insufficient."

Then, as the two arrived at the crosswalk—

"Woaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!? I'm gonna be late, I'm gonna be late——!?"

With a pair of bloodshot eyes, a suspicious man holding a slice of bread in his mouth charged vigorously towards the two.



"W-Wha–!? Yo, could you kids step aside—!"

An object in motion cannot quickly stop. Complying with this ancient law of physics, the man was on a crash course that aligned directly with the two girls—but then

"O-, <Oh the great wind>-!"

Sistina quickly chanted runic words for the one-stage black magic [Gale·Blow], and in the next moment, her hands were wrapped in a powerful wind that sent the man flying. Then—

"Huh-!? I, I'm flying-!?"

The man's body was already at a height that one could not see without lifting their head. Then – in a perfect parabola – the man landed into the fountain across the road.

The two girls stared dumbfoundedly at the column of water that formed from the impact.

"Uhm, Sisti? …Isn't that a bit too much?"

"I-, I guess? …Ahaha…it just… what should we do?"

The man that had become the subject of conversation for the two, splashed his way out of the fountain. Then, he wordless walked in front of the two and said:

"Fu, you okay little ladies?"

"Rather, are you ok?"

The man gave his best effort to show a refreshing smile, but sadly, it was for naught.

The strange man appeared to be slightly older than Sistina and Lumia. With fair black hair, black eyes, and a fairly slim and tall body, there was no problem with his appearance, but the problem lay in his attire. He was dressed in a finely-tailored set of white dress shirt, tie, and black dress pants, all of which that perfectly suited his form. However, the person in question himself seemed to have found wearing these annoying, and his attire could only be described as 'an untidy mess'. It was obvious to any observer that the one who chose, and the one who wore, were different people.

"Ahaha, well from now on try to avoid suddenly rushing out onto the road ok!?"

"Rather… aren't you the one that rushed out onto the road…"

Sistina was about to thoughtlessly point out this fallacy, but then

"Y-You can't Sisti!"

Lumia pushed herself between the Sistina and the unknown man.

"You can't just push all the responsibility onto him. After all, Sisti, you suddenly attacked someone with magic… If even one thing went wrong there, then this won't have ended with just scratches and bruises you know?"


Sistina cast her eyes downwards in shame.

"Now, Sisti, you should apologize."

"Mm. Uhm… I'm really sorry about that. Please forgive my rashness."

"Geez I want to see how your parents look like you know!? Man, what kind of education did they ever give you? Ah?"

"…Even though I tried to be civil, just what kind of attitude…What is wrong with this person?"

"Ah, Ahaha… Must resist. Must resist…"

With a slight aversion towards how the situation was unfolding, Lumia hastily bowed her head.

"Excuse our behavior! Could you please forgive my friend for what she did?"

"Ah well I guess there's no other way huh! Though I totally didn't do anything wrong, and it's obvious that this is all your fault, but if you're going to go this far, I can make a special exception and forgive y-…hm?"

The man, who was looking discontentedly at Lumia, suddenly raised his eyebrows, as if noticing something important.

"Hm… Hm…"

"U-Uhm… Is there something on my face?"

Without regard for Lumia's discomfort, the man moved his face closer to hers.

Lumia – who was suddenly met with such an impolite gesture – blinked blankly in surprise.

"Ah…You…Where have I…"

While tilting his head thru and thro in thought, the man raised his finger and poked Lumia's forehead. He turned her head around in his hands and pulled her cheeks. Then he touched her petite shoulders and hips, felt her hair, and locked his eyes with hers…

"You bastard, what do you think you're doing—————!?"

Without so much as a moment's delay, Sisti furiously sent a roundhouse kick aimed squarely at the back of his head.

Needless to say, the man was once again sent flying.


The man released a scream as he tumbled across the pavement. Unfortunately, his attire, which he had probably worn for the first time today, was not only soaked, but also painted by dirt and gravel. The original appearance of his outfit was already long gone.

"It's fine if you accidentally collide with us, but what was that!? I find it hard to believe that you would touch a girl's body without any ulterior motives, you disgusting freak!"

"Hold up, just simmer down a bit ok!? I, as a scholar, was merely motivated by my spirit of curiosity and investigation you know!? I only had a teensy bit of those guilty thoughts alright!?"

"That's not any better!"


The man curled in agony as he was punched squarely in the stomach by Sistina.

"Lumia, call the police. This guy is definitely a pervert."

"Eh!? Wait, give me a break already! If my first day at work turns out like that, Serika's gonna kill me! I'm really sorry for real! Please forgive me! I was just fooling around ok!?"

To be precise, the full grown adult man – without consideration for his pride – performed a splendid dogeza towards two young girls, and was now begging for their mercy.

"Uhm… He seems to have reflected, so let's just forgive him."

"Huh? For real? Well, noble ladies are just that kind I guess…"

"Thank you very much! I will never forget this act of kindness for the rest of my life! Thank you very much!"

Then, the man stood up, and in an overbearing manner, said:

"Well then you guys. That uniform means you're students of the academy right? What are you doing here?"

"To treat forgiveness as an act of salvation, what exactly…what is he? That person."

"Ah, Ahaha…"

The two of them stood wordlessly at the crosswalk.

"What time do you think it is? If you don't hurry up you'll be late alrighty? You got me? Oh… just now, I felt like a totally amazing instructor…"

The man reveled in his own words. On the other hand, the girls looked at each other, and aimlessly raised their heads towards the sky.

"…Are we…late?"

"He's just joking around. Don't we still have some spare time?"

"Of course not-! Ah-! Geez, it's already past eight-thirty!"

The man took out his pocket watch, and shoved it towards Sistina.

"That watch, isn't it just ahead of time? Here, look."

As if giving up hope for the man, Sistina took out her own watch.

The hands of the watch indicated that the time was now eight o'clock. Today's lecture, on the other hand, began at eight-forty.


A mysterious, solemn atmosphere surrounded the two.


"Tactical retreat!"

"You're running—!?"

The man vigorously ran away in the same manner as when they had first met.

"Damnit! Did that girl mess with my watch as well!?" shouted the man as he ran off into the distance. The two girls wordlessly saw him off.

"That…That person. What's with him?"

"…Mm, but I suppose he's an interesting person?"

"That's already past the realm of interesting. That thing…"

Like before, Sistina sighed at her close friend's sensibilities.

"I don't ever want to see that guy again. I can't help but get annoyed when I see a pathetic piece of trash like him! I shouldn't have held back at all! As I thought, I should've just brought that guy to the police! Right?"


And once again, Lumia giggled as she walked alongside Sistina. Together, the two of them began walking towards the academy. Sistina in particular, worked hard to purge her memories of that unknown perverted man, after all, the arrangement of memory was the simplest of basic magics. In reality, she had already effaced the existence of this man from her memory.

"Well then, let's work hard today as well alright, Lumia?"


Finally, the two arrived in front of the magnificent academy, whose grounds were firmly surrounded by a steel fence—

The Alzano Imperial Magic Academy, there was no one in the empire that did not know of its name. Four hundred years ago, by the decree of Empress Alicia the third, all of the nation's funds were gathered to construct the national facility; an academy that would nurture magicians. Now, this academy was the cornerstone of Alzano Empire that allowed the empire to be renowned across the continent as a 'nation of magic'. The rumor that all the famous magicians of the empire had graduated from this academy was not just a simple rumor, but rather, an unshakeable truth. It would be prudent to say that Alzano Imperial Magic Academy was the holy ground for those who pursued the path of magic. As a direct result of this, the students and professor thought of their association to the school with utmost pride, and that pride was used to further fuel their eternal pursuit of magic. Not a single soul lay idle on the wayside, for they knew that their research could one day become the basis for the entirety of the empire, and such a crowning achievement would surely cement their position, place, and glory in society.

Thus, something like 'lateness' or 'skipping class' – events that would occur when going to Sunday schools and the like – would never occur at this academy. The lecturers, as the ones who would respond to the fiery will of the students, would too, hold themselves to the same standard. It was something that had never happened, and never would happen.


At the center of the eastern section of the academy campus, on the second floor, was the classroom for the second year class two, students. The rows of long, round, wooden tables were all aligned in a semi-circular fashion, and directly faced the lecturer's podium and the large blackboard that was behind it. Sitting in front row of the classroom was Sistina. She was current reaching the limit of her patience, and her frustrations could no longer be hidden.

"What is this supposed to mean!? Isn't it already past the time of the lecture!?"

"You're right, this feels a bit strange…"

Lumia, who was seated next to Sistina tilted her head and pondered.

"I wonder if something happened to the teacher…"

Looking at the podium that was left unoccupied by a seemingly non-existent instructor, the other students also voiced their complaints.

"A temporary instructor is supposed to succeed professor Huey starting from today."

Magicians were ranked from one to seven. The esteemed professor Serika Alfornea, who herself was of the highest, seventh rank, had personally come to the classroom during the homeroom session to break the news, but since then, one hour had already passed. The judgement that had been nested in the students' minds when she had said "Well, it's an excellent fellow" had already all but collapsed.

"I had some expectations when I heard that professor Alfornea had personally recommended the instructor…but it looks like it's not going to happen."

"T-, That can't be, and isn't it too early to judge? There could be a reason as to why the instructor is late…"

Sistina turned towards Lumia, and vigorously rebutted.

"You're too simple, Lumia. Listen, no matter what their reason could be, the act of 'being late' is evidence for the person's lack of self-awareness. For a truly excellent person, something like 'being late' is absolutely unacceptable."

"Is that so…"

"Geez, to be late on the very first day, this new instructor sure has a lot of guts. I'll need to have a word with them when they arrive…"

It was then.

"Ah-, my bad my bad, I'm late–"

A seemingly familiar voice drifted through the door as it slammed open.

The rumored temporary instructor had finally arrived. Of course, that was after half the class period had already passed. It could be said that this was the first time such an incident had occurred in the 400 year history of the academy.

"You finally arrived huh! Hey wait, how are you going to explain yourself!? As an instructor of this magic academy you should have some more self—"

The moment the man walked into the classroom, Sistina turned to lecture the man…The next moment however, she froze in place.

"Y-, Y-, YYY—, You are-!"

As cause and casualty would have it, the man's attire was still soaked, and his body was scratched up, bruised, and dirty from the time he had rolled on the ground.

Those hated memories resurfaced; This was the perverted man they had met on the way to school, and right now, he was standing before them in this sacred hall.

"…You're wrong. You have the wrong person."

Hearing Sistina's accusation, the man brazenly tried to budge his way out of this troublesome situation.

"What do you mean I'm mistaken!? Could another man like you even exist!?"

The man, with a lecturing tone, replied to Sistina.

"Now now little girl, did your parents not tell you that it's disrespectful to point fingers at people?"

"Anyway, you, how could you be this late!? In that situation, how did you even manage to be this late!?"

"About that… When I thought that I was out of time, I was suddenly blessed with spare time. So I decided to go to the park and take a little nap, and then I ended up late, you see?"

"Not only is your reason unbelievable, it doesn't even qualify as an excuse!"

There were too many things that were wrong with what the man said, and at this point, she didn't feel like pushing the interrogation any further.

Others in the room felt the same, and because of the strange appearance of their instructor, the students began to chatter amongst one another.

Ignoring the state that his class was in, the man elegantly walked to the podium, and wrote his name on the blackboard.

"Alright-, I am Glen Ryders. In the coming month, I will be in charge of guiding your studies. The time is short, but let's all work hard toge…"

"Greetings aside, can you start the class already?"

Said Sistina. Her restraint had too, reached the limit, and a hefty coldness could be felt in her words.

"Ah-, well, I guess so… I'm still tired, but I guess we should start anyway… It's my job after all…"

Just like that, the impressions brought upon by his introductory statements had flown out the window, and his true nature was revealed.

"Well let's get this started… The first class is Basic Magic Theory II huh… Ah–hu~."

Glen tried to his best to hold back his yawn, and walked up to the blackboard.

The students focused their minds on the instructor's' actions, and Sistina herself had cast aside her negative impression on the person called Glen. She focused herself on his each and every move.

(Now, how will you do…)

She had the worst possible first impression of him, but this man named Glen had been evaluated as, 'rather excellent', by one of the top magicians of the nation, Serika Alfornea. It would be a lie to say that she had no expectations towards his instruction.

Unbeknownst to her, Sistina had already subconsciously accepted Serika's evaluation, however,  she would still be the one to make the final judgment of his character. As she had done in the past, she would relentlessly inquire about everything she did not understand during her lecture. In that case, and in this environment, there was no way for the instructor to dodge the question. At some point, this hard-headedness of hers had earned her the nickname of 'The harbinger of the professor's tears, Sistina'. The nickname was fairly well-known across the school, however, to the person herself, this was merely proof of her earnest efforts in pursuing the path of magic. Due to that, she had no complaints regarding the title. As a matter of fact, she was somewhat proud of it.

(Now, let's see what you can do, hotly anticipated temporary instructor-san.)

Needless to say, Sistina and the class carefully scrutinized the instructor's actions.

Under their watchful gaze, Glen wrote two words on the blackboard.

Self Study

Seeing the large words written on the board, the class entered a state of solemn silence.

"Eh? Self study…eh? Self stu…dy? Eh? …Eh!?"

Sistina desperately tried to rationalize the meaning of the words written on the board into some other meaning, but it was for naught. After all, those two words only held one meaning.

"Uh-, so the first session of today's lectures will be self study~"

After that, Glen told them his reason.

"…Cause I'm tired."

He boldly announced his terrible reason.


The silence that followed dominated the classroom and its students.

Without a care for the class that looked upon him Glen proudly announced that "The one who is wrong is not me, but the world", and hunched down on the teacher's desk.


"Wait a second—!?"

Sistina, with her thick textbook in hand, charged towards Glen.

"Please do try and reconsider, headmaster!"

A furious voice escaped the headmaster's room in Alzano Imperial Magic Academy.

The voice came from a bespectacled man in his mid-twenties. If one were to judge his appearance, it might be said that he looked rather neurotic. However, pinned to his robes was an emblem of an owl that showed that he was a professor of the prestigious academy. His name was Harry. While most magicians are only able to reach the fourth rank by the end of their lives, this man had managed to reach the fifth rank at a remarkably young age, and was undoubtedly a genius deserving of his title.

"I oppose the appointment of Glen Ryders as a temporary instructor! His origins are barely known!"

He slammed the desk with a 'bang'. Seated across the desk was a middle-aged man.

"However, Harry-kun, he's someone that was strongly recommended by Serika-kun, do you understand?"

Despite the enraged attitude of the one across him, the middle-aged man remained unfazed, and returned a gentle and rational reply.

"Headmaster Rick! Are you agreeing with that witch's proposition?"

"Of course, it is because I agreed, that Glen-kun was able to become temporary instructor. It's true that he does not have an instructor's license. However, as long as has a professor's recommendation, and is capable of instructing, there are no problems with his temporary appointment…"

"His capability is exactly the problem! Please read this and reconsider!"

With a 'plop', Harry placed a file on the desk in front of the headmaster.

"This is the results of the capability test of that man named Glen! I mean, what the heck is this? Just look at these terrible results!"

"Hm? Hoho, so these results aren't anything special. His magic capacity and memory are normal, his systems capability is plain, there's nothing bad but nothing good about him as a magician… No, looking at his basic abilities he's somewhere between the middle to lower class of magicians."

Rick picked up the file, and skimmed through it.

"Furthermore he's only a third-ranked magician! Look at his academic history as well!"

"Hm? …Oh? So he's an alumni of this school."

"It would be improper to call him an 'alumni'. That guy didn't even submit his magic thesis."

Harry sighed as if he was unimpressed.

"Glen Ryders. He entered the academy at the age of eleven…Eleven!?"

Reading through the file, an uncomposed shout escaped Rick's mouth.

"Normally, the age of admission is fourteen or fifteen years old! And now you're telling me he was admitted at the age of eleven!?"

"However, that guy's glory ends there. After entering the academy, his grades were extremely normal. Then, after four years of study, at the age of fifteen he graduated… Rather, he dropped out under the cover of 'graduation'. The results he left behind were completely normal, and there's nothing to write home about."

"Hmpf… Anyhow, if it's only that…"

"However, what he did after that is the biggest problem! That guy disregarded the fact that he once stepped on the path towards the holy ground of magic! He's completely wasted four years of time since he graduated! If he had pursued magic during that time, there's no telling how many contributions he could have made to society!"

It was true that in the box labeled 'history', the last four years were completely blank.

"Hmm? …He was unemployed for the past four years… what exactly happened during that time?"

"Quit joking around! You should know what I want to say already! A low=ranked and vulgar magician like him does not deserve to teach at this academy!"

"Hm-pf, if my memory serves me correctly, there is no requirement regarding history or rank to teach at this school, yes?"

"It hasn't been documented, but it's practically an unwritten law!"

Once again, Harry furiously slammed the desk.

"Please think about the professors we have at the academy! Fourth-ranks are a given, but there are even fifth and sixth ranks here! Not to mention, every single one of them is putting their efforts in magic research, and leaving magnificent results! Why should that Glen man be placed on the same level as those instructors!?"


"You as well, Headmaster! How could you accept his appointment without so much as reading through his documentation!?"

"Well, I mean, you see? That man was personally recommended by Serika-kun yes? In that case… wouldn't you have thought that the person in question would not only be interesting, but also fairly capable?"

Rick's lips twisted as though he had done something naughty.

"Of course not! You think too highly of that witch! She's only basking in the glory of her former days, and is abusing that glory to crush the rules and order of our society!"


"How bold of you, Harry."

The voice that resounded through the room caused Harry to cease moving entirely.

"Fufu, that snotty little brat has now has become a prideful man. I'm happy you know?"

When Harry turned his head, he saw Serika standing in a corner of the room with a mischievous smile on her face.

"Hey… Since when were you here? Serika Alfornea…"

"I wonder? Since when was I here? Treat this as a teacher's question for a poor student. Take a guess."

"Teleportation magic… No, time-control… How could that be…? I didn't even sense the magical waves, nor did I sense manipulation of the world's laws…"laws of the world…"

"Alright~ You're wrong. You, you're still a third-rate student, so be more diligent would you? Now then, for your homework, give me a three-hundred page report on the mysterious phenomenon that occurred just now. Ah, by the way, this is the professor's orders ok?"


Turning away from the trembling Harry, Serika turned towards Rick, and gave an elegant bow.

"How do you do, headmaster?"

"Oh, Serika-kun. You look as beautiful as usual, I'm rather jealous."

"Fufufu, you're still young, headmaster."

"Hohoho, is that so! Then Serika-kun, would you fancy a night with this elder?"

"Ahaha, I refuse. However, you are as energetic as usual, aren't you, headmaster? Isn't it about time for you to wither a little?"

"Fuwahahaha-! This elder has always been energetic!"

This warm atmosphere was suddenly dispersed as Harry slammed on the table.

"I won't approve of him, Serika Alfornea! I will never approve of an idiotic instructor of the likes of him! If anything happens, I'll have you take full responsibility!"

"…Take it back."

In the next moment, the air in the room turned cold.

"I don't care if you speak badly about me, nor will I bother to deal with you if you speak badly of him behind my back. However… I will not allow you to speak badly of him in front of me. Take it back, and beg for forgiveness."

Serika's domineering presence left Harry at a loss for words.

"Wh-, at are… The fact that Glen… is just a worthless third-rate magician… is a plain truth,…is…n't…it…-!?"

Despite the beads of sweat that trickled down his face, Harry managed to force these words out of his throat.

Serika narrowed her eyes, and coldly said:

"Will you be able to bear this?"

She slowly removed the glove on her left hand.


Seeing that gesture, Harry understood what she was going to do next. He began to panic, and color rapidly escaped his expression.