
Akashi Seijuro in RWBY

After an incident in his world Akashi suddenly appears in the world of RWBY. What will happen in this world? Who knows? ___________________________________________ Yeah I am shit author so don't expect much. I had this idea for awhile now so I decided to post this. Enjoy

Asce · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter 2

Walking into Minstral Akashi observed everything.

In the first few minutes from when he had entered he noticed many things that were interesting and will research later.

The first was the fact that some humans here have animal parts. They are half human and half animal.

The next was the technology used. He saw someone use something similar to a tablet but it was also transparent. He concluded that that is the equivalent of a phone.

The final thing was the gaurds around the aura. They had swords on there hip which he could make out by the sheathes but they also held guns.

' It seems technology here is much more advanced. As for the people with animal parts I noticed some of the other people gave them glares as they walked.

It's probably discrimination. Even in another world humans are still the same. Well either way i found the library. '

Akashi entered the library. He looked at many rows and columns from the entrance. Taking a few seconds to finish looking he walked over to the librarian.

" Excuse do you know where the books on history are kept? " Akashi asked.

The receptionist looked at Akashi before answering.

" Yes sir. The history books are in isle number 3 on this floor. "

" Okay thank you. "

Akashi went to isle number 3. Looking at the rows of books he picked out the ones that explained his situation.

Before that he picked the first book he could get and opened to the first page.

' Well how lucky. The language used here is all English. ' Akashi thought as a smile appeared on his face.

The first book was titled: History of Remnant. From it he learned that the place he was in was called Remnant.

The book explained about the four kingdoms. Vale, Atlas, Vacuo and Minstral. He learned about how these kingdoms came to be and the geography of this world.

It also explained about huntsman and huntresses. From what he read, he learned that they are the people who are the protectors of the people. They take care of the monsters called Grimm.

The creatures of Grimm were the fantasy monsters of this world from his perspective. He looked through the recorded Grimm up till date, along with using the computers to show how they looked.

' Have to admit, the holograms are incredible.Kise would probably fangirl over them and Aomine as well. '

Akashi then started reading about Dust. This gained his interest.

He was very surprised and fascinated by Dust. He summarriesed Dust as crystallized versions of elements. By adding different elements together he could make dust for different uses.

He had many ideas about Dust and which crystals he could make to help him.

He then picked up the last book being about aura.

The book about aura talked about its history and when it was discovered. But hidden in between Akashi could pick out what matters.

' Aura in this world is basically the power system. Aura by itself makes a protective layer over the user, taking the damage of the attack that hits them.

However the bigger the hit the more aura is used. Strikes to vital areas will do more damage and deplete aura faster. Soon enough a person's aura will break when their supply hits zero. Luckily it can recharge. '

' But the theres semblance.Seems it's tied to the specific person, such as their personality or desire. Interesting. This makes every semblance unique.

However it's also a mind game. You need to figure out your oppentents semblance before he does. Hidden weapons like this are more troublesome than actual weapons like swords.

Well for now I've looked through everything that interested me. I need to protect myself but I don't have much money to buy a weapon.

They are expensive. But I can make my own. Considering that hunters are present in all kingdom's there should be a blacksmith shop somewhere.

I'll ask to work there but first I need some food. '

Existing the library, Akashi went and got himself some food before looking for the blacksmith in Minstral.

Asking for directions he finally found the place. The outside of the store was small as it just had a sign over the entrance and a door with weapons on display which people could see as they passed by.

Entering the shop, a bell chime was heard.

" Coming. Wait a moment please. "

Waiting at the entrance Akashi examined the weapons on display.

' I don't know much about about weapons. I'll have to learn. Plus there uses are also important. '

" Hello sir what can I do for you? "

Akashi looked at person in front of him. The person in front of him was a man who was probably past his 30s.

" Hello sir. Are you the owner? " Akashi asked.

" Yes I am. But what of it? "

" Can i please work here? " Akashi asked as he bowed toward the man.

The owner looked at Akashi and became serious. Having someone to help run his shop would be beneficial but it will depend on their skill.

Mistakes can lead to customers not returning to the store.

" Are you familiar with the art of blacksmithing? "

" No. All I can say is that I'm a fast learner but you'll have to be the judge that. " Akashi said.

The owner looked at Akashi again. He knew that Akashi was right. He doesn't know Akashi and there is a chance of him lying. However it won't do much to test him.

The owner went back and grabbed a book giving it to Akashi.

" This book contains information on the basics of blacksmithing. Read through it. I'll test you on the concepts. You have 2 hour. Understand? "

" Yes sir. "

The owner nodded as he went back to his work. Akashi grabbed a chair and started reading.

2 hours later, the owner came back and started to test Akashi. Akashi answered all the questions impressing the owner as he showed that he understood everything in the book and didn't just memorise everything.

" Well kid, you pass. Congrats. "

" Thank you sir. "

" You'll start working tomorrow morning as we will go with the basics and work from there. "

" Okay. Sir if it's alright can I stay here. I don't have a place to stay. "

" Hmm that's fine but you'll have to clean after yourself. "

" That's fine. "

Akashi soon layed on the bed in the guest room as he stared at the ceiling.

' First day here. This world is interesting. I wonder how everyone is doing.

Sigh I need to stop. I doubt I'll be able to go back and meet them. If there is a chance I'll find it but before that I'll just enjoy this world.

After all that old man isn't breathing down my neck here.

Tommorrow is a new day. For now time to sleep. '