
Akane Enchanted: Journey to the Edge of the Earth

When a young girl begins to see things that she shouldn't see. and discover things that she shouldn't discover, she finds herself needing to put in some unexpected effort during her summer break. Will she pull through? Or die trying?

Elsie_Oboro · Fantasy
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6 Chs

The Collective History of the Historical History of the Elements

"Y-you want to attack me!", I gasped tugging at the door handle. It was locked. Tch, of course it was. I pressed my back against it, staring at the weapons.

Both of them wielded swords and had their faces covered, as if I was the dangerous one! Heck, I don't even know what this stupid power is, talk much less of actually using it!

"No one needs to come to any harm, Akane. Just explain where you got the power", Jason's voicecame smoothly from under his helmet.

"How can you think I'm dangerous! I didn't even know this whole thing existed until now!", I nearly screamed, the panic seeping into my brain.

"Please, Akane! Just calm down and explain how you got your element!", Soahban pleaded from under her own helmet.

"I. Don't. KNOW", I yelled. Good question, how do people get their elements?

"Fine then. Where is Queen Miranda?", he asked coming closer with the blade.

I edged back as far as possible. "I don't know."

"Miranda was your moms name? Yes or no", he asked.

I hesitated before answering, "Y-es. But she dropped me at school nearly three months ago and I haven't seen her since!", I added a bit too hastily.

"Um, Jason... can- can I say something?", Soahban asked, I saw her gaze flick to mine and back to Jason's quickly.

"What?", he spat at her.

"Um, if she was an enchantress then, why hasn't she attacked us since? I mean, she has the Mist, and we would probably be no match for an enchantress in a place such as this. So why are we still... um, alive?", she asked.

I breathed a sigh of relief. A perfectly reasonable explanation. We both stared at Jason as he considered this, then without warning he dumped his sword and helmet on the ground, turned around and walked right past me to the door. His eyes locked with mine for a moment, the next moment though he was gone. The door wrenched open and Jason no where to be seen.

My heart was still moving at wonderland rabbit speed. I turned to Soahban, slowly.

"En- enchantress, am I?", I whispered annoyed when my voice broke.

"I'm so sorry Akane, but what were we supposed to think? You showed up on our radars three months after the first sighting of Queen Miranda in a hundred years..."

"Yea well. Next time you want to threaten my life, give me some advanced warning", I said turning on my heel and stalking away trying to ignore how people ran out of my path as I passed.

What is it with these people? This mist thing couldn't be that rare!

Then again it could.

What I need is a good book. A good big DETAILED history book so I can understand exactly what is so terrifying about little old me.

I walked up to the nearest kid and tapped his shoulder, this time I was prepared for the jump of fright.

"Hi, can you point me to the library?", I asked sweetly.

"Uh-, its- it's that way", he stammered and pointed to the left.


Ignoring his reaction completely I walked off in the direction he pointed. It was easy to identify the building. It was larger than life and looked like something out of a fairytale. I took a deep breath and walked in through the heavy brass doors.

I look around and spot the librarian seated in the center of the huge building, I walked up to her with a nice smile on my face. Surely not even the librarian could hate me.

"Good day, could you point me to the history section?", I asked sweetly.

She smiled at me, "Well, of course I can dear. Down the hall, three lefts then straight down. You can't miss it."

Nice to see someone who doesn't look at me like a monster. She was right, i found the history section pretty easily. It looked like the oldest place in the super spruced up library, full of big heavy books. I picked one called The Collective History of the Historical History of the Elements.

Kind of over the top don't you think? Ah well, I opened it and flipped to the table of contents. I found what i was looking for and flipped the pages quickly. The Origin.

'In the beginning, Mother Nature hovered over the empty land as one of the greatest celestial beings. When she decided to descend, she stepped foot of the ground and Earth was created. She took her first breathe, and Air was created. The Atmosphere was dry and difficult to see through, she threw up her arms and rain poured from the heavens, Water was created. When the temperature became cold and unpleasant, she blew into her hands, and Fire was created', I took a deep breath as I read on, 'When Mother Nature had done all these things, she was content and ascended to the heavens. As she ascended her essence transformed, becoming-'

I nearly screamed in frustration as I realized the person who had read the book before me had cut out the next part as well as the page after it. The next thing on it was the following chapter.

Now who would violate a book in such an appalling way?

I was even more angry, when I realized they were all like that. All torn at exactly the part Mist was meant to come in. All stopping at where Mother Nature's essence transformed.

And no information on the Elemental Being known as Miranda. What could be more frustrating than this moment?

Here's a hint.

When all the lights suddenly dim at once, a loud bell dings and some nincompop yells out 'DINNER TIME IN FIFTEEN MINUTES'.

Who on earth eats dinner at seven in the evening?