
Akame ga KILL: Killer

In 1937 before scientists of Reich the task to deduce "true Aryan", superhuman has been put. The results surpassed any expectations - among thousands of "true Aryans" several unique ones were bred, which were given the code name "crowned". In 1940, an unknown spatial anomaly was found in the occupied territory of Poland. After its discovery, research into the nature of the portals began, and as a result, the most prominent among the "crowned ones" went missing. patreon.com/FanFictionPremium

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Chapter 5

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100 Stones extra chapter.

Enjoy reading.


Leon sat in the open wagon and watched the sun set over the horizon, watching the sky turn a red-orange colour.

- Beautiful. - commented the young man, appreciating the picturesque view.

- Did you say something? - asked the coachman.

- Don't mind me, I was talking about my own.

The coachman shrugged his shoulders and continued to push the horse.

In order to get to the capital of the Empire, Leon made an agreement with the headman of a village. According to the agreement, the guy was supposed to protect the wagon, which was carrying goods to the capital. Besides Leon, the wagon was guarded by 5 other mercenaries: four men and one girl.

It was not far to the capital and the way was quite calm. But Leon was still on the alert.

A girl suddenly climbed into the wagon Leon was travelling in and sat down next to the guy. She was not remarkable in appearance: average height, pretty face, long black hair, light armour and a sword. Having made herself comfortable, the girl looked at the guy, his strange clothes and sword with interest.

- Listen, why do you want to go to the Capital? - asked the girl.

- A counter question, why do you need to know that? - Leon asked.

- I'm just bored. So I thought I'd brighten up the time with a conversation. - She answered simple-mindedly.

The young man looked more closely at the girl - she wasn't lying about her question.

- I'm seriously thinking about joining the army. - Leon replied.

- Hmm... It's not a good time to join the military, I'll tell you that.

- I know, but serving is the best thing for me.

- Really? Where did you serve?

- With a ruler on the islands. - answered the boy vaguely.

- Islands... - the girl thought hard to remember where she might have heard of them. - Are you talking about the islands in the North Sea?

Leon nodded his head in response.

- 'I've heard a little about them. Dozens of islands, and each with its own ruler, army and power. And why did you come to the Empire?

- The island had fallen into decay, and I just sailed to the Empire for a new life. - the boy made up as he went along.

- It must be hard to leave your homeland?

- Very..." said Leon, a look of sadness in his eye.

- I'm sorry... I see that I touched on a painful topic. - The girl apologised hastily.

- It's all right... What's your name, by the way? - he asked.

- Diana. And you?

- Leon. Nice to meet you. - said the guy, extending his hand.

- Likewise. - Diana smiled and shook his hand.

Suddenly Leon noticed the wagon shuddering, which Diana also felt. Taking the girl in his arms, which made her embarrassed, Leon jumped out of the wagon, which then flew into the air with the goods.

- Earth Dragon!!! - Shouted the coachman, who jumped out of the wagon just in time.

Upon landing, Leon let go of the girl. Both of them looked towards the monster, examining it. Although it was called an earth dragon, it looked like a giant insect. The mercenaries readied their weapons, which Leon and Diana did as well.

The monster let out a roar and struck its clawed paw at the mercenaries, who, however, managed to dodge.

Leon lunged at the monster and sliced off its paw, causing it to roar in pain. The young man then jumped on the monster's carapace and tried to chop off its head, but it was not big enough to do so. The monster tried to throw the lad off of him, but the attempts were unsuccessful.

"Adult specimen, quite large. We'll have to cut it up." - Leon thought coldly.

The young man decided to change tactics. Using his speed, he began to strike the dragon with his katana, eventually cutting off its other paw, preventing it from hitting anyone else.

The rest of the mercenaries, including the wagon drivers, watched with their mouths open as Leon single-handedly chopped up the earth dragon, which was already howling in pain.

- How... this... is... possible... - one of the mercenaries spoke in surprise.

- I have no idea..." said Diana.

When there was no more life left on the monster, it howled pitifully and began to fall to the ground. Leon jumped high and kicked the dragon's head off and it fell right in front of the mercenaries.

The mercenaries now stared in shock at what was left of the earth dragon and at Leon, who was indifferently wiping his katana clean of blood. Taki cleared Massaker, the young man looked at the mercenaries who were staring at him with widened eyes and still open mouths.

- What? I just chopped him up. - Leon said.

Putting the katana back into its sheath, the guy strode towards one of the wagons that remained intact. Once inside, he sat down and waited for them to get back on the road. Meanwhile, the other mercenaries blinked and began to pick up the scattered goods.


- Here comes the Capital! - shouted the coachman.

Leon looked out of the wagon, but the only thing he could see was the huge mountain-like walls and spires of the towers. But even from afar, it was possible to realise how big the Capital City was. In addition to the wagon guarded by Leon and his mercenaries, there were other wagons, merchants, and ordinary travellers on the road. The gate to the Capital was not far away, so the young man decided to get there on foot.

- Where are you going? - Diana asked.

- I want to walk, my legs are stiff.

Diana also jumped out of the carriage and came close to Leon.

- Listen... The way you killed a full-grown earth dragon... that was something!

- It looked like a big bug to me.

- Don't be modest. There's only a handful of people like you in the world.

- Do you know anyone else? - Leon asked.

- I don't know them personally. But I've heard of Commander Budo, General Esdeath, the revolutionary soldier Bulat, and the assassin Akame.

- There are four, can you remember the fifth? - Leon asked counting on his fingers.

Diana strained her thoughts, looking for someone suitable, and when she remembered, she shifted her gaze to Leon.

- Colonel Anna!"I heard a story about how she tore one of their warriors apart with her bare hands during the war with the Southerners. - Diana replied.

- And that five. You're very knowledgeable about the strongest warriors in the Empire, by the way.

- I too have thought... or rather, I still think about becoming a soldier of the Empire. You said you served one of the rulers of the islands. Can you tell me what it's like to be a soldier? - The girl asked enthusiastically.

- I don't think I can tell you. But I can tell you that for some people military service is the best and at the same time the worst time in their lives. It all depends on how you look at it.

- I see. In time, I might join the army too.

- I can wish you luck in your endeavours.

- Thanks...I guess.


The wagon had reached the gate to the city, and the only thing left to do was to wait until it was their turn. There were about twenty guards at the entrance, checking everyone who passed through the gate, but as Leon, who had already arrived at the gate, noticed, some people passed through without checking, presenting some kind of document.

The queue finally reached them. The guards began to check the wagons, examining the goods and chatting with the coachmen.

Someone patted Leon on the shoulder from behind. When he turned round, he saw a woman in a guard's uniform.

- Are you coming through? - She asked.

- Yes," the boy replied.

- Then I'll have to check you out.

- If you say so.

The woman took Leon to a special checkpoint. First the young man was asked to surrender his weapons, which he did, handing his sword and pistol to the guard. Leon spread his arms to the side, and the guard began to check his pockets, then felt the fabric. After checking the migrant for any forbidden items, the guard handed him back the katana and pistol, which the guy returned to the scabbard and holster respectively.

- Dismissed. - said the woman.

Leon finally passed through the gateway arch, and at once he saw a huge palace, which rose majestically above the whole city. Berlin also had its fair share of sights, but Leon had to admit - the palace looked truly grandiose.

Before going to the military enlistment office, Leon decided to first rest from his trip, as he had travelled to the Capital for a month (he had travelled by wagon for a week). After he asked the guard where he could stay for the night, she explained him the route to the inn, where Leon headed.

The sun had long since set over the horizon, and night had fallen in the Capital. There were no people on the street, and complete silence reigned. Leon walked through the dark alleys of the Capital, which were lit by the faint glow from the lanterns. Looking at the buildings along the street, the young man involuntarily recalled the cities of Europe - Berlin, Warsaw, Paris... It brought back memories of his native world... but most of them were connected only with the war.

- Sir, please stop! - There was a shout from behind.

Leon stopped his nostalgia and turned round at the shout. A young girl in a guard's uniform, with brown hair and brown eyes, ran up to him. She was dragging behind her a white dog with black ears and short legs.

- Is something wrong? - Leon asked.

- Sir, are you aware you're breaking curfew? - she asked.

- I just arrived in the Capital today and didn't know about the curfew.

- That's what it is! Still, you should get back to the hotel as soon as possible.

- I was just looking for it.

- Then I can help you with that! - the girl offered enthusiastically.

- I'd be most grateful, miss.

- I am Seriu Yubiquitas of the Imperial Garrison, and a warrior of justice!

"A warrior of justice?" - the boy thought perplexed.

- Leon Koenich. Pleased to meet you. - The young man extended his hand.

- Nice to meet you too. - Seryu said, shaking his hand. - I'll show you where the inn is. Follow me!

The girl led Leon along the street, and the boy meanwhile watched the dog, which Serew was dragging on a leash.

- May I ask... who is that? - Leon inquired, pointing at the dog.

- Kyuun~ Kyuun~! - He made a sound as if in greeting.

- This is my teigu Koro, well, or more correctly called 'Hecatonheir'. - Replied the girl while hugging Koro.

- Teigu?

- You've never heard of a teigu? - Seriu was surprised.

- This is the first time I've heard of it.

- Briefly, it's a super weapon that the First Emperor created to protect the Empire. - the girl explained briefly.

- I see...

- Mr Leon, why did you come to the Capital? - Seriu asked.

- You can just call me 'Leon'. As for the question, I'm going to join the imperial army. - he replied.

- So you're going to become a justice warrior too! - Re-questioned Seriu with a twinkle in her eyes.

- Um~... you could say that.

- I knew it!!! So you want to fight evil too!

Leon, not knowing what to answer, just nodded, and Seru jumped with joy and took the guy's hand and led him carefree to the inn. Leon looked at the girl, and he felt as if he had already seen one that was something like Seriu. He had seen a girl like her before, but he couldn't remember clearly.

"She reminds me of someone, but just who...?"

"Don't be afraid for me... Remember what we're doing this for. We're doing this for the future of Germany! In the name of the entire Aryan race!!! In the name of the Great Reich!!!" - sounded a female voice in the young man's head.

Leon fell to his knees, grabbing his head. The sharp headache made him grit his teeth.

- Leon...? Leon! Are you alright! - Seriu got excited, running up to the boy.

Soon the pain was gone and the young man stood up from his knees, breathing heavily.

- I'm fine... it's just... my head ached sharply. - Leon said.

- It's not far to go. I'll get you there. - said in the same worried voice Seriu.

- Thank you.

Seriu drove Leon to the hotel she was talking about. Even though Leon wanted to say goodbye at the entrance to the hotel, Seriu insisted on escorting him to his room so that she could help him if he had another headache. Leon had no choice but to agree with the girl to escort him.

Once inside, Leon paid for the room and went up to the first floor where he decided to stay.

- This is where I think we can split up... And thanks for your help. - thanked her.

- You're welcome. As a guard I have a duty to help people who need help. - said Seriu.

- I see... Thanks again and good night, Seriu... and you, Koro.

- Kyouyun~. - nodded to the latter.

- And you too, Leon. I'll see you again! - said the girl and walked towards the stairs.

- I will. - said the boy.

Leon went into the room, and in general there was nothing special in it: a bed, a wardrobe, a table, two chairs. The young man, without undressing, laid down on the bed. He had never felt so tired before. His left eye began to droop, and there was only one question in his mind:

"Where could I have seen her?"


Leon opened his eye and began to look around. He was standing on a path in the middle of the forest. It was a familiar place, but he didn't remember it.

- Leon! Leon! - heard someone calling him.

Leon went to the shout on the forest path. He was familiar with that voice... that female voice. The trees were getting smaller and smaller, and he could already see a building in the distance.

- Leon!

The young man quickened his step, turning into a run. The building was already close, it was not far away.

The forest ended, and Leon stopped in front of a stone fence, which was hung with iron wire. He walked along the fence, looking for a way in, until he reached an iron grated gate. There was a sign hanging on it that said something. Leon walked closer, trying to make out what it said, but it was all scratched up.

- Gelöscht?

Leon looked through the grate to get a good look at the building, but....

- Kyaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!

A loud scream sounded, deafening the guy. Leon, covering his ears, fell to his knees, but the scream was still clearly audible. The boy fell to the ground, unconscious.


Leon jumped up from the bed and looked out the window. The sun was just rising outside, indicating that it was only early morning.

Getting out of bed, the guy walked out of the room and hurried outside.

"That scream..."

Leon, walking down the street, thought back to the scream he heard in his dream. It was very loud and... somehow familiar. Even now, the boy's ears were ringing.

- Leon! - came a familiar voice from behind him.

Coming out of his thoughts, Leon turned round and saw his acquaintance from yesterday waving cheerfully at him. Along with her was Koro, whom she was dragging along the ground in her favourite manner. The latter clearly didn't care.

- Seriu, what are you doing here? - Leon asked.

- Well, I got kind of restless after you fell to the ground with a headache. So I decided to check on you. - replied the girl.

- Is that part of the guards' duties too?

- No... I just didn't want the person who would fight for justice to get hurt.

- Did you even sleep after last night? - Leon inquired, looking at the girl who had been on night duty last night.

- Crime is not dormant, and someone must protect the peace and order in the city! I managed to sleep for four hours. - proudly declared Seriu.

- I see... I hate to ask, but can you show me where I can sign up for the army?

- No problem. - said Seriu, grabbing the boy's hand again.

She, as yesterday, led him through the streets of the city, only this time in the direction of the local military recruitment centre.

- Seriu, I'm curious: why is there a curfew in the city? - Leon asked.

- It's because of the Night Raid... - said Seriu, with enough anger in her voice to kill. - These are criminals that wreak havoc in the Capital, killing innocent people. This is one of them. - she said, pointing to the wall flyers.

Leon walked over to the flyers and examined them. They depicted four people, Akame, Shelly, Bulat, and Najenda. There was a bounty on each head and far from small.

"I should memorise their faces." - Leon thought.

- All right, let's move on. - he said, stopping to look at the leaflets.

- Yeah. - Sera agreed.


- This is it! The recruitment building... well, or just the recruitment centre. - said Seriu enthusiastically.

The guard showed the building, which had the Imperial emblem above the entrance.

- I have to look for criminals, so I can't help you now. Good luck, Leon! - shouted Seriu, running in the opposite direction of the guy and dragging Koro with her.

Leon walked into the military enlistment office. There weren't many people inside, just a couple of workers running around with documents and a few guards as guards.

The young man walked up to the special reception point for recruits, where a man - smaller than Leon in height, with loose hair and a short moustache - was sitting. The man shifted his lazy gaze to Leon and examined him from head to toe.

- I wish to join the army. - Leon said.

The commissar (and it was a commissar) took a paper out from under the table and handed it to Leon.

- One of the recruits, then... Fill in this form and then hand it to me.

Leon accepted the form and began to read what it said.

- This paragraph stated that all recruits start as privates.

- Right... that's obvious. They are usually sent to some backwater. - said the commissioner.

- I'm just wondering if it's possible to rise quickly through the ranks if you have military experience.

The man looked at Leon again, examining him more closely (especially the scar on his face and the patch on his eye).

- I'm sorry, of course, but that doesn't change anything. Even if you were an army general in the past, it wouldn't change anything. - The commissar replied to him.

Leon had nothing left to do but sigh heavily and fill out the form. Starting as a private when you used to be a major wasn't very pleasant, but there was nothing to do. He could only hope that he would be lucky enough to be assigned to some military unit.

Having finished entering data like: first name, surname, age, place of birth, etc., Leon handed the form to the commissar. But no sooner had the man taken the sheet than it was suddenly snatched right out of Leon's hands by a stranger's hand. Leon and the commissioner, who had not expected such a thing, were a little shocked. When Leon looked up and to the right, he was surprised a second time, and the commissar, as if at the snap of his fingers, stood still and saluted.

In front of Leon and the commissioner now stood a girl of about 19-20 years old, with silver hair and yellow irises, but that wasn't what struck the guy. Her uniform... a uniform that looked exactly like an SS officer's uniform.

The girl carefully read the form Leon had filled out and gave the young man an interested look.

- Leon Koenich, seventeen years old, native of the northern islands... is that correct?

- Yes, ma'am. - Leon replied.

- You say... you have experience in the army? - She asked.

- That is correct.

The girl looked at the form again, a smile slowly beginning to appear on her face. Putting the form in her pocket, the girl shifted her gaze to the commissioner.

- Commissioner, I'm taking this cadet with me.

- Roger that, Colonel. - replied the man.

- I haven't introduced myself, by the way. - she said, looking at Leon. - My name is Anna Volkova, and I want to make you happy. For from now on, you will come under my command.