
Akame ga KILL: Killer

In 1937 before scientists of Reich the task to deduce "true Aryan", superhuman has been put. The results surpassed any expectations - among thousands of "true Aryans" several unique ones were bred, which were given the code name "crowned". In 1940, an unknown spatial anomaly was found in the occupied territory of Poland. After its discovery, research into the nature of the portals began, and as a result, the most prominent among the "crowned ones" went missing. patreon.com/FanFictionPremium

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Chapter 11

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100 Stones extra chapter.

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When the Omega Squad learnt of the Night Raid's presence in Kyorocha, the entire city's guards were alerted and immediately stepped up patrols and posted flyers of known members of the group around the city. Borik, who had lent his bodyguards to track down the revolutionaries, had also been alerted. The help of the rakshasa demons was desperately needed, for only one man in Omega has a teiga, while the rest of the fighters are armed with ordinary cold weapons and only a few with firearms (including a shinga).

After much discussion about the plan to storm the warehouse, it was decided to send Leon, Ghost, Mia, and two rakshasa demons, namely Suzuki and Stan. The rest would assist the city guards, because they had no experience in searching for revolutionaries.

According to Ghost, he found no secret tunnels or secret passageways in the temple. There was only one single entrance and exit leading inside. The exact number of people inside is also known - 109 people. Their commander is a girl with swarthy skin and dark hair, who was to be captured.

Once the plan was agreed upon, the Omega Sweep Team moved towards the temple.


- What are we waiting for? - Stan asked, who was already sitting on a rock, staring at the temple with the Revolutionary Army soldiers on duty around him.

- To capture the enemy commander, we sent Ghost ahead. He has five minutes before we launch the assault..." Leon explained, checking his watch, "two minutes.

- Be patient, Stan. Is it hard for you to wait a minute? - Suzuki asked.

- No problem. I'm just itchy.

- Rakshasa demons are rumoured to have sharper instincts. Tell me, can you sense anything from the temple? - Mia asked, aiming her rifle.

- No, but that blond guy..." Stan said, giving Leon a sly look, "My instincts tell me he's strong.

- Is that a compliment?

- You can take it as such.

- It's been five minutes. Mia, give the signal to attack.

- Got it.

The signal to attack was a rifle shot to the rebel's head. The Omega fighters sitting in the shelter immediately opened fire with their rifles, after which the swordsmen rushed forward. The revolutionaries, unlike the bandits, were better prepared for such a situation and, despite the unexpected attack, quickly orientated themselves and got on the defensive.

No sooner had the SVP-302 operatives reached the first line of rebel defence than the demons of the rakshasa finished them off. With their bare hands and extended claws, Stan and Suzuki tore the revolutionaries apart like rags, and after no one was left alive outside, they rushed inside the temple.

Dumbfounded by such carnage, the Omega soldiers stood still and now listened to the screams of the rebels coming from inside the temple.

- Captain... are we really needed here? - one of the soldiers asked Leon.

- Someone has to grab the smuggled weapons.

- That's right, just...

- Just cordon off the area, pick pockets and pile up the bodies of the dead. If you find anything interesting, pass it on to me.

- You got it!

Leon left the men outside and went into the temple. The revolutionaries had brought furniture from somewhere and had set up couches, chairs, and tables with warm food and drinks on them, so they must have been caught in the middle of dinner. Walking a little further, Leon could see the bodies of the slain RA soldiers: most of the corpses had been torn apart or driven into the walls of the temple (some into the floor and ceiling) - this was Stan's work. But the rest were all stabbed through or had their throats slit - Suzuki had obviously done that.

Leon stopped and looked inside the room (the door had been kicked in by the body of one of the defenders). The whole space was full of crates, which the guy immediately decided to examine. Opening the nearest drawer, he pulled out one of the swords.

"Good material, quality workmanship... but the blacksmith's mark is missing. Apparently the revolutionaries forge their weapons themselves. At least the cold ones." - Leon reasoned, examining the sword in his hands.

Putting the weapon back, the young man left the warehouse and headed further down the corridor. The closer to the centre he walked, the more corpses he found. Stepping over one of them, Leon felt his leg being grabbed. Lowering his head, he looked at the still alive rebel who was still alive despite his wounds.

- Po...mo...gi..." the all wounded man pleaded.

Leon stabbed the rebel's head with his katana - and he loosened his grip. Pulling the Massacre out of his head and brushing off the blood, the lad walked on and soon came across his mysterious comrade.

- You took your time, I see. - The Phantom addressed him, leading the girl behind him.

- There was no reason. Where are the rakshasa?

- They're killing what's left of the revolutionaries. I don't think we should interfere with them.

Leon nodded in agreement and walked with Ghost towards the exit.

- You bastards! You'll pay for this! - screamed the girl, looking at her dead subordinates.

- They knew what they were doing. They should have been prepared for this fate. - Leon said calmly.

- Shut up! You spared no one... killed everyone like dogs! You even killed your own-" she couldn't finish. The ghost knocked out the girl with a powerful blow on the back of her head, then threw her on his shoulder.

- Did you have to do that? - Leon asked.

- She could curse us during the interrogation. And now there are other things to do.

As soon as Leon and Ghost left the temple, one of the Omega fighters approached them. He was holding some documents in his hand.

- Captain. On your orders, we have checked all the corpses. - said the operative, holding out the papers. - This is all we could find. Not counting money and bling.

- What about the bodies?

- As you ordered, we piled up all the bodies.

- Well done. Now bring in the wagons and load the weapons from the warehouse. What we can't carry, destroy. Take the girl into protective custody.

- Roger that! - the soldier saluted and went off to relay instructions.

An hour later, when the wagons arrived, the Omega fighters began loading the weapons they had found in the warehouse. Leon studied the documentation the fighter had handed him, but it was mostly letters to family or from friends and comrades. There were no specifics in them, but the young man still decided to keep them in case he missed something.

"Are they still in the temple...?" - Leon thought, looking around at the people present but not noticing the rakshasa demons.

Returning to the temple, he walked in the direction Suzuki and Stan were supposedly headed. The corpses of the rebels had already been taken out by the fighters, but the blood remained. Following the trail, Leon reached the corridor where he'd met Ghost earlier, and after walking a little further, he saw an open door with light coming from a crack in it. Opening it, the guy instantly pulled out his katana.

- What the hell?!

Stan was lying on the floor, a blade sticking out of his eye. Suzuki was lying near the wall. Leon walked over to her and lifted her up - the same blade was embedded in her throat. Checking Suzuki's pulse, the guy was convinced:

- Dead...

- Leon.

Leon turned around, pointing his sword at the approaching Ghost. He held his hands up, showing that he meant no harm.

- Ghost. Can you explain what this is? - Leon asked, pointing at the bodies of the dead rakshasa demons.

- It's an order from the commander.

- Why didn't she tell me about this? - He asked, frowning.

- She thought you wouldn't approve. Take my word for it, the rakshasa demons deserved a fate worse than death for their crimes. - Ghost replied, glancing at the dead Suzuki and Stan; Ibara and Mez had not escaped a harsh fate either.

Leon put his katana away in its scabbard and walked towards the exit, stopping in front of Ghost.

- If it's a commanding officer's order, then I'm willing to believe it's the right thing to do. But I'll be honest... I'm a little offended that she doesn't trust me.

- And you took it more calmly than I expected...''

Leon, without answering anything, left the room. He didn't feel angry, because he had originally realised that rakshasas were rather ambiguous individuals. But he felt sorry for Suzuki.

The Omega fighters had finished loading the crates of weapons. Luckily, they were able to fit all the crates in, sacrificing some of the passengers' seats, which meant that some of them would have to walk to the headquarters...


The journey back didn't take long, and it was only three kilometres to the town. At this moment, Leon abruptly stopped his horse and then looked at Mia.

- ''Mia, the way further back is not dangerous. Therefore, you will get further on your own. I need to step back for a while.

- Where to?

- To think. There's a hill not far from town, we saw it when we first arrived. That's where you'll find me if you need me.

- That's your business. But if anything happens, you'll probably get your head blown off.

- I'll remember that. - Leon said as he turned his horse round and left the convoy.


Leon got to the hill without any problems. After tying up his horse, he sat down on a fallen tree and looked out over the night city.

He had no doubt that Anna had ordered the removal of the rakshasa demons for a good reason. But there was some uneasy feeling, either from the fact that Anna had chosen not to initiate him into her plan, or from the very fact of killing the demons. Although he had no trust or sympathy for them initially, but Suzuki... he felt sorry for her. He had managed to grow attached to her, even though he hadn't known her much at all.

"What's wrong with me?" - Leon thought, sighing heavily.

- Let me guess... mixed feelings are tearing you apart?

Leon turned his head and saw Ghost sitting down next to him again.

- Yeah. I think we did the right thing by killing them. But it still feels like we did something wrong....

- I had that feeling when I first joined the force.

- Has anything changed since then?

- Not much. - Ghost answered honestly.

For a while, Leon and Ghost just remained silent as they continued to watch the city at night.

- Is it normal that we left Mia alone to deliver the smuggled weapons and the prisoner?

- Not alone. We met Hector's unit on the way, and he volunteered to escort the convoy. Since my help was no longer needed, I thought I'd come and see you.

- I see. We have an audience, by the way.

- I know.

Leon and Ghost turned their heads back and looked at the man the entire east knew and his guards.

- I'm sorry... It was rude of me to eavesdrop on your conversation. - Father of the Way of Peace apologised with a slight bow.

- I didn't expect to meet the founder of the Way of Peace here. - said the Ghost.

- I occasionally check out the neighbourhood of the city. Do you mind if I sit down?

- You're welcome.

- Thank you. - The great lord sat down across from Leon and the Phantom; his guards, meanwhile, stood nearby, watching the area. - Would you like to tell me what's eating you?

- Even if I confessed my sins, it wouldn't help me. But you should tell the guy. He's still young. - said the Ghost, looking at Leon.

- There's nothing wrong with me. - Leon dismissed it.

His father got up from his seat and walked over to the young man and put his hand on his head.

- Even though you say so, I can see how much grief and pain you're holding inside you. Except... you don't remember it. - said the Father of Peace with sadness in his voice.

- What? - Leon asked incomprehensibly.

- Time will come and you will remember everything. The answers you seek... you will see in your dreams. - said the Father of the Way of Peace, and then left the company with his guards, leaving the uncomprehending Leon and the Phantom alone.

- Leon. What is he talking about? - The Phantom asked, looking at his puzzled comrade.

- I don't know myself... Let's go back.

- Agreed.