
Akame ga KILL: Killer

In 1937 before scientists of Reich the task to deduce "true Aryan", superhuman has been put. The results surpassed any expectations - among thousands of "true Aryans" several unique ones were bred, which were given the code name "crowned". In 1940, an unknown spatial anomaly was found in the occupied territory of Poland. After its discovery, research into the nature of the portals began, and as a result, the most prominent among the "crowned ones" went missing. patreon.com/FanFictionPremium

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54 Chs

Chapter 10

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100 Stones extra chapter.

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Anna and Leon were walking towards Borik's palace. From Suzuki's 'interrogation', it was learnt that it was Borik who had sent her in order to find out why a special unit had been sent here. This greatly interested Anna. Originally, she had not even intended to cross paths with the top of the Way of Peace, but since Borik had sent his spy to keep an eye on the unit, it followed that he was afraid of something himself.

Borik was a high-ranking representative in the Way of Peace (a patriarch in comparison to the Roman Catholic Church) and, according to Suzuki, a spy for Prime Minister Onesta - this information did not surprise Anna at all. The very fact that a man of the lowest moral and ethical principles was at the head of the church shows the extreme degree of spiritual decay of those who founded it.

As for Suzuki: she, as it turned out, was one of the four rakshasa demons - temple masters who can control their body parts (elongated fingernails are an example) and serve as executioners of the Prime Minister, but at the moment they were working as bodyguards for Borik on Onesta's orders. Anna knew of their existence, but didn't expect them to be guarding one of Onest's pawns; apparently he has high hopes for this cult.

- Do you think Borik is aware of the incipient rebellion? - Leon asked.

- The only thing he knows about is that there are many people in the east who want him dead. But he doesn't know that the revolution is secretly supplying weapons here. So we'll enlighten him a little.

- Then I have a second question: What was this high-ranking spy doing that he didn't notice the growing tension in the Church?

- We'll see.

After presenting their IDs to the guards, the two officers were able to get inside. Inspecting the interior of the palace, one could already guess where some of the donations to the church went, for the palace itself was richly furnished - expensive furniture, vases, statues as decorations, etc.

- Here we are. - said Anna, stopping in front of the massive doors.

The commanders of Hovercraft-302 entered the spacious hall. Inside the room was a social atmosphere: tables with all kinds of dishes and snacks, a bunch of not quite sober guests, wearing the robes of the priests of the Way of Peace, as well as dancers. At the far end of the room, as if on a throne, sat Borik himself, surrounded by half-naked girls. His look radiated arrogance and self-confidence.

- I don't remember... inviting anyone from the city guard. - Borik said as Anna approached him without even greeting the colonel and her adjutant.

- Are you celebrating something? - Anna asked, folding her arms and looking round the crowd, who, ignoring the officers, were still partying and eating their food, and some of them were not shy to molest the dancers (though they did not complain).

- You could say that. If you want, you can join us, take my word for it - you won't get bored. - suggested Borik, smirking.

- I'm not interested in that. There are more important matters.

- What are they? - Borik asked lightly.

- For example... why didn't you bother to inform the capital about the riot?! - Anna said the last words so that only Borik could hear them, but everyone heard them.

The atmosphere around them changed dramatically. Borik, who had not expected such a question, was confused. The guests, who had been having fun, immediately became quiet, and Leon, who was standing nearby, noticed the movement on the ceiling with his side vision and folded his hands so that in case of emergency he could use his katana as quickly as possible.

- W-What are you talking about?! - Borik was puzzled.

- For starters, you can order your guards to come down from the ceiling. They were discovered long ago anyway.

As soon as Anna said that, three figures jumped down from the ceiling. Thanks to Suzuki, both officers already knew about them: Stan, a large man with a muscular body, a thick beard, and a bald spot on the top of his head; Ibara, slightly smaller than Stan in build, with pale skin like a corpse, blue hair, and stitch-like marks on his body; and Mez, a girl with a petite build, tanned skin, and blonde hair.

- Noticed us, then," Stan sighed comically.

- You haven't answered my question, Mr Borik. Why didn't you, being close to the Great Lord of the Way of Peace, bother to report the incipient rebellion? - Anna asked, ignoring the presence of demons. - And don't look so surprised, we knew about your presence from your spy. - Anna turned to the demons, to which they frowned unhappily.

- What are you talking about? What the hell is a riot?!

- You're the ones who have to answer me! We learnt from the revolutionaries' documents that the rebels have been supplying weapons to the east for months. And from the captain of the guard, his men have spotted several armed men labelled "Paths of Peace". So answer me this, Borik... Why are we only finding out about this now, and not from you!

- I didn't know about the uprising! If I had known, I would have informed Onestus immediately. - he began to justify himself.

- Really? Then I wonder why you didn't know about it. You're Father's confidant and should know what's going on in the church. But I see that all this time you've been doing, in your opinion, more important things. - Anna said, looking round the room where the guests were still. - I wonder what would happen if Onest found out that his man had stopped doing his job accordingly...? Leon, maybe we should send a message to the Capital.

- I can even send an urgent message right now. - replied Leon, who had been silent until then.

- Wait! You don't have to send a message to anyone. I can send my bodyguards to deal with the rebels right away.

Borik was quite an important figure to Onest. But even so, after learning of such a failure, there was no guarantee that this figure would continue to be useful. That was Borik's greatest fear, that he would simply become redundant and be replaced.

- I've heard of the power of the four rakshasa demons. And their methods... To put it mildly, they are quite brutal.

At that moment, Ibara was behind the girl, holding an elongated fingernail like a knife to her throat.

- Don't underestimate us. We've been working for Onesta for several years now, and we're quite professional at what we do.

- I don't think so. - said Leon, who also put a blade to Ibara's throat and the latter didn't even notice it.

- Heh heh heh... and you're good. - Said Ibara, taking his fingernail away from the girl's throat.

- Leon, stop it. - Anna decreed, whereupon the boy returned the sword to its scabbard. - We will definitely need the help of your bodyguards. But we'll be the ones looking for the revolutionaries. In your interests, Borik, just stay out of the way and help us in any way you can.

- I see your point. Don't worry, I'll give you everything you need.

- I hope so. - said Anna, turning round and following with Leon towards the exit.

- Wait, what did you do with Suzuki? - Stan asked.

- Nothing. She just chose to stay at our headquarters. If you could take her, we'd appreciate it.

- You can keep her," said Stan, and the others supported him.


Back at the temporary headquarters, Anna sat down in a chair in her office and sighed tiredly. Despite everything she had said, the Way of Peace was not going to start a rebellion, and the armed priests were just the Great Lord's personal guards. But the girl had achieved her goal - now Borik literally had to help the Omega Squad track down the revolutionaries. People like him behave arrogantly until they are pushed to the wall, after which they are ready to bow at the feet of anyone who can help them.

"I think I should take a day off when I get back. I've been working too hard..." - thought Anna, remembering the last time she relaxed, but she was distracted from her pleasant thoughts by a knock at the door. - Come in.

- Colonel Anna, I've brought tea. - Leon said, stepping inside and holding a tray of cups.

- Thank you, Leon. - Anna thanked him, taking the cup and taking a sip from it. She felt all the accumulated tension fall from her shoulders. Chamomile tea sometimes works wonders.

- You're welcome. - Leon said, put the tray on the bedside table and sipped his tea just as Anna had done. - Mia reported to me that she saw movement on the roof of the neighbouring house. We've probably attracted attention.

- There's nothing to be surprised about. I'd be more surprised if they didn't pay any attention to us.

- If they know we're here, they're probably stashing their weapons.

- I'm sure they are," Anna nodded in agreement, "but that kind of movement won't go unnoticed, and as soon as they make a mistake, as soon as they give themselves away... we'll destroy them!

- Then where should we start looking for them?

- First we wait for the Ghost's report, then we'll start the hunt. In the meantime, you can get some rest. But don't relax too soon.

- Roger that. Permission to leave?

- Permission granted.

Having received permission, Leon left the office and followed to the training area where Hector and a few other Omega fighters were to be.

Arriving at the site, Leon began to observe the training session. The fighters under Hector's supervision were practising sword strikes and parries, while the others were doing purely physical exercises such as push-ups, pull-ups, squats, etc. Mia was also among the swordsmen, sparring with one of the fighters.

- She's pretty good. - Leon said as he approached Hector.

- She lacks real experience. She's more of a sniper than a swordsman, but I have to admit she's pretty good.

- What about the other fighters? - Leon asked.

- They're doing well, too. I'm thinking of adding temple fighting techniques to my training. I think such exercises will strengthen the unit.

- That's a good idea. - Leon agreed.

- Well, if you agree with it, then remind me, when we return, to propose this idea to the commander.

- Why not now?

- I don't want to distract her from her business. We need to focus all our energies on finding the rebels.

Meanwhile, Mia finished sparring by knocking the sword out of her opponent's hands. Then she went to the rest of the officers.

- Well... what do you think? - Mia asked.

- The skills aren't bad, much higher than a common soldier. But you're still a better shot with your rifle. - Leon summed it up.

- I know, but I have to learn to stand up for myself in close combat, too. If something happens, I won't live long.

- Maybe we should use a knife? - suggested the boy.

- As a backup, you could. But against large opponents, a knife is like a mosquito bite. And for the hardy ones like Suzuki, it's harmless.

- What does this have to do with Suzuki? - Leon asked.

- She came to the training ground while you were away and offered to fight her. Hector and I agreed, and during the duel she let me hit her a few times... and she was happy about it. - explained a still puzzled Mia. - By the way, she was looking for....

- Leon!

All three officers turned their heads in the direction of the shout. Suzuki, who was walking around the headquarters before (she tried to kick her out, but it was to no avail), was walking towards Leon while waving her hand.

- What do you want?

- Will you practice with me...? Because the others' punches are a bit weak.

The boy thought about it. He would benefit from the experience of fighting a so-called rakshasa demon. But the girl herself would probably get hit on purpose.

- Only if you don't let yourself get beaten up. - Leon decided to make a condition, knowing who he would be fighting.

- Okay. - The girl immediately agreed.

Leon and Suzuki walked to the middle of the training ground. Around them began to gather the other fighters who were interested in watching the battle. Once the Omega officer and the rakshasa demon stood opposite each other, they waited for someone to say...

- Begin! - Mia shouted.

The boy and girl instantly bridged the distance between them, and a fight ensued. Leon was trained in hand-to-hand combat techniques and was able to block all of Suzuki's punches. The young man decided to strike the girl's chest, but she blocked it with her hands and flew back a metre and a half.

- Wow, you're a martial artist too! - she wondered.

- I learnt when I had time.

Suzuki, using her body control ability, extended her arms to attack Leon. But he only grabbed them and, pulling the brunette to him, tried to deliver a knee strike to her stomach, but she blocked the attack with her foot again. After that, Suzuki took Leon at unnatural angles in a leg hold around his neck, intending to choke him. It was unexpected for the guy, however he was able to twist out of the grip and toss the girl to the side.

- That was a good move. - praised Leon.

- That's good to hear!

- But it's time to call it a day.

Saying that, Leon got in front of the girl and punched her in the stomach. The next blow was to the liver, then to the lungs and finally to the face, after which Suzuki fell to the ground.

- I won. - Leon said, looking at the girl lying on the ground.

The fighters watching the fight applauded as they had something to see.

- The show is over, and now everyone quickly returned to training! - Hector ordered, after which the operatives began to disperse in a hurry.

- Are you going to get up? - Leon asked the still lying Suzuki.

- No... - replied that person with red cheeks.

- Why?

- I don't feel like it...

- You'll have to leave the site anyway.

- Then why don't you take me to my room? I still have to recover from your blows. - Suzuki suggested with a sly smile.

Leon shrugged and lifted the girl in his arms like a princess, which caused her shock and in addition embarrassment, as she did not expect the guy to agree to her request. Leon along with Suzuki left the training ground. As they left, the young man heard someone whistling to him, but he didn't pay much attention to it. Reaching the girl's room (which was given to her by Hector with Anna's permission), Leon went inside and laid her on the bed.

- Get well. - He said, heading for the exit.

- Thank you. - Suzuki thanked, smiling contentedly and slightly embarrassed.

- You're welcome. - Leon said and left the room, closing the door behind him.

- There you are. - turned to him Mia, who came out from around the corner. - The commander urgently calls all officers to his office.


- Is everyone here? - Anna asked, looking round at her officers. - Excellent. The matter is urgent, and Ghost will inform you of it.

The aforementioned individual stepped out from behind the commander's back. Ghost put his hands behind his back and began his report:

- To begin with, the information has been confirmed: the revolutionaries are indeed supplying weapons to the east. One of their warehouses is located in abandoned ruins near the gorges. I can guess from the construction that it used to be a temple of some sort. But it's not their only warehouse.

- So you don't know where the others are?

- I don't. But beyond that, there's another problem.

- What's that? - Mia asked.

- Several patrolmen from the guards who went to comb the gorge near the town were found dead. And half of their corpses showed a trace of Murasame's poison.

- What do you mean?!

- Night Raid is also here. - Anna finished her report.