
Akame Ga Kill: Heir To The Throne

Antumbra Obduro was always a cut above the rest of those wannabe thugs who picture themselves as some bigshot gangsters who chase notoriety just for the sake of being notorious. Antumbra Obduro wants something more than notoriety but will the mysterious power granted to him be what he finally needed or will it not be enough? Do you want to know the answer well I guess you'll have to read the story to get your answer.

deadly_orange · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

The beginning

Before the incident I was just casually going about my days in boredom, pondering different issues in society then one day I thought why is there so much crime? Why do people commit crimes? And that's when I realized it's all because of poverty, Then I analyzed what caused poverty and then I realized only three main things cause poverty and they're all linked and it's to one thing the Leaders. I reasoned poverty is caused by lack of jobs, the economical system because the big business can control most things, for example a little hush money here and there causes people to shut up. Or the fact the chances are you'll lose a court case against them and then there's the fact that these leaders do nothing about the crime rates that just keep rising, the government also allows these business run how they do, the only solution destroying the system. But I can't do anything so I might as well not try. And so then I stumbled upon this anime due to seeing so much craze on two anime in particular Code Geass and Death note apparently they talk about certain interesting topics and they were based mainly on intelligence and strategy, so it peaked my interests and I realized I related to both of them quite a bit, I saw that me and light had similar views on crime, and I just wanted the greater good like Lelouch Interesting enough I studied some war tactics and played alot of chess games to keep my mind sharp, and try out different strategy's.

One of my favorite things those was the ideology of Zero because I believed in a similar Ideology, I believed and eye for an eye, as well as I believed if you are willing to do an action shouldn't you expect a similar reaction, Let's say someone murdered a close love one what would you want, blood of course you would wish onto them what they did to you it's logical, and anyone who says no I could never do such a thing or would well if given the chance of course you would.

And of course you would since we hold in our instincts and go against our nature, survival of the fittest just like we practice except money is power is it not? Now you may find me strange, crazy even, well these thoughts are caused by sheer absolute boredom, why do we do anything? The answer is sheer absolute boredom, because if you had nothing to do doesn't it drive you crazy? For most this a yes because it's how our society is set up some are slothful but usually they don't survive. Anyways enough of this ideological spew Let's go talk a bit about my life.

I always looked up to my Father who was the chief of the police, that's how I took up some ideology's I realized you must do things for the greater good because in the grand scheme of things a few hundred deaths is nothing to the greater good even a few million would not be too much if the results were adequate. You may call me crazy look at what the U.S.A did to Japan, did they need to bomb a populated area? Could they have done it in a unpopulated area? Or perhaps could they have Done so in a military zone that will only affect military personnel? They could have done any of these things but they didn't, and all of them and even in any of these Japan would likely surrender, but they didn't do this, no they wanted to send a message to the people tp cause them to rise up potentially to restrict or remove these bad leaders, The message could be taken in a numerous amount of ways, One I favor is this "If you continue this farce you will face a similar fate." Or to make it simpler If you continue this war the same will happen to you. Any way you look at it was a threat and that was abundantly clear to me at least.

But one day my Father warned us he was taking a case on a serial Killer who slaughtered his family and several officers that were bringing some kids who were tormenting him, but then he apparently killed them, he was described to be ghostly pale with black markings around his eyes and apparently he has a smile cut onto his face by himself, he also has incredible strength and my father recruited me for the case to help him and I was surprised I was extremely intelligent, but i was only eighteen and then I saw his victims were from Michigan and it wasn't to far from us and apparently he started publicly slaughtering people, His alias Was Jeff The Killer and one day when me and my father came home there he was standing over a body sitting in a chair grinning ear to ear menacingly, and his eyes seemed to pierce through me like he was meticulously scanning and analyzing me .

And then he spoke " Well....well....well, what do we have here two mangey mutts just coming home they're dog house, I'm glad I listened to this little b#tch right here she kept on saying how her husband will make me pay, I laughed it off and just played a bit and then I put her to sleep so she doesn't suffer anymore." He said.

My father gritted his teeth and then I saw the what the evil of are world can create first hand and I thought it was absolutely deplorable, and it only strengthened my thoughts on what needed to happen.

My father has been cussing for a bit after what he said and I just ignored him thinking of what could be done and so I checked if the gun in my pocket was loaded because it is needed the threat needs to be neutralized, and you may wonder how I gained a gun it was perk of being on the case due to something like this could happen. Then I pulled out my Glock and fired to shots aimed at the head and both landed one in each eye.

Then I was surprised because instead of hearing nothing I head the killer yell and I was slightly scared.

"Goddamn you stupid mongrels, I'll gut both of you and make sure your death is painful, you don't even know how painful it is to regrow my nerves in my eyes and the eyes themselves, but don't worry you won't need to because you'll go to sleep now."

Then he ran up to us and slashed at us, and then I felt a burning pain in my stomach area and then I kept feeling different types of pain, sometimes searing others acidic until I felt like I was in the sky and then for a second I saw my father and then I saw my headless body while falling.

And then I saw a Old man he had a full head of grey hair and also had a grey beard he also wore a white robe.

"Jeez your lucky I managed to swipe your soul before it was collected, or else you would no longer exist except in memory, but your in luck I made a deal with a fellow god of a multiverse< and before you ask no you can't go back or Satan himself will snack on your soul or maybe he'll make you watch and listen to Pico and listen to the Pico song before finally dying before finally letting you be devoured, who would ever wish such a thing onto another."

"And usually I show more of a wise persona for others but since your a semi weeb things change, that's before you question my wisdom, and now I'm going to send you off to the natsu verse with some powers and a background that me and some other multiversal gods made so be happy, because you can be like your favorite anime characters more than you could've ever imagined."

He said and then I was gone and thought what the actual f#ck.


Well hope you enjoyed the chapter and I did some linking you could say to a Killer story that's on pause.

Anyways Hopefully this story turns out good and it should be good I'm not sure how I'll do looks but I think I'll have him wear zeros outfit.

And finally let me know what you think so far. Also seeya guys later I hope you enjoy what I showed so far.
