
Begin Again (Pt2)

"What do you want." He replied with annoyed discomfort in his tone

"Simple question, I want you"

Dhamon furrowed his brows at this casual response

"Of course this may seem a little far fetched in your eyes, I swear on my beloved Grandmother that you can set your terms if you agree to join me"

Dhamon sat silently as his mind raced back and forth "Damn crafty woman, she knows I don't like joining factions even if she leads the toughest Mafia in town." He looked up at her hesitantly

"Madam Red you are aware of the situation I would be in should I join you, while your offer is tempting to say the least I cannot accept your offer" after calmly explaining his disposition Dhamon stood up and apologetically left this 'Crimson Nightmare' in the booth.

"So how'd it go?" Jacob rushed over and asked Dhamon as he sat a bottle of Rum in front of the young merc.

"terribly" Dhamon took the bottle and downed a gulp of rum before continuing "they wanted to recruit me rather than hire my services for a job, so like many others I turned em down politely" after downing the bottle he got up and handed the money to Jacob and left in the direction of his home.

"Silly boy... too bad, I actually was starting to like him" The woman earlier addressed as Madam Red sat in a saddened regret, in her hands she had a message ready to send that contained orders... to eliminate Dhamon

Strolling cautiously down the streets Dhamon showed a casual air, despite knowing that he wasn't getting out of this mess unscathed, he had one hand stealthily gripping his Desert eagle, this trusty gun of his never failed to help him out of a scrape since he obtained it from his late father whom had died in a firefight with members of the Russian Mafia's private Special forces when Dhamon was four years old.

As Dhamon got nearer and nearer to his destination his uneasiness grew, the surrounding area sounded dead, devoid of all sound in a tense atmosphere of impending conflict. As he scanned his surroundings he started feeling apprehension which caused his grip on the old pistol to tighten.


Dhamon heard the sound of a suppressed gunshot before feeling a burning pain in his leg "their experienced to aim for the legs... probably want me alive" He whirled out Desert Eagle in hand and fired at where the shot came from as another bullet flew by his head causing him to turn his staggering limp into a roll that launched him between a brick wall and a garbage bin.

"Nowhere to run to Ghost, just know this isn't personal, we're only following orders" a deep husky voice called out to the injured and trapped young man who replied in an indifferent manner

"Come show me your face when you kill me, at least grant me that courtesy"

"Alright... toss ya Deagle and I will... and in your honour I'll place it in your coffin" a large middle aged man wearing an eyepatch over a large scar that ran from the top of his nose to the bottom of his left cheek stepped forward from the shadows.

"hmph... shoulda known she'd send you on my ass Jack... only you could ever bring me down... after all you did train me" Jack looks at his former disciple regretfully "look kiddo I know why you refused her, but, I only accepted this job because she threatened my family... sure I took you in when you started off and raised you into who you are now but... you know what they mean to me... I'm sorry..."

Dhamon looked at his old mentor and Friend for a few minutes before shaking his head "I understand Jack... more than you take credit to realize... I'm not just an emotionless person... I'm human... end it."

Jack raised his gun to Dhamons temple and fired. tears gently ran down his cheeks as he retrieved the weapon of the only man he considered an equal and walked off into the night.