
Akagi-sama: War is love

Akagi Shinomiya is the youngest child of the incredibly prestigious Shinomiya group, asserting his position as genius among geniuses. All the time he spend on top of financial and immense wealth and his obsession in nationalistic idea has develop feelings for the old glory days! War is love, and their battle to make the other nation kneel begins now! Seriously, this is my first writing. The world is a blend mix of others fandom like most non-dimensional travelling system fic. Maybe later. Also warning to those who had sensitive political leaning since I'll mention it a lot here. Otherwise, please do enjoy. Grammar and quality might be terrible in exchange of fast update rate, and if you want to sue me for ownership or other things, please don't bother, I barely able to afford monthly bill as it is.

Stalkah · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

Akagi With The New Servant

A small tug deep within her revealed the bond and contract, a new one, to the youngster standing, with eyes sharp and attention to her.

She recalled that she'd indeed accepted his help.

A master with servant it seems. She judged accordingly to another mark which does not belongs to her imprinted to another hand of her new master.

The revelation is profound enough to her, a caster of the age of gods supplanted with enough knowledge of the current era she summoned in.

She would judge him as foolish even more so if for another myriad reason why he helped her like the previous master she'd killed, though she admits she was a little bit hasty above all in her previous action severing the master-servant contract forcefully without any sort of backup plan.

For now, Medea will simply await and observe. The boy, as far as she knows, is comfortable enough to supply both of them with his prana, if outside combat situation.

"Servant Caster at your service, master."

The red-haired boy nodded at her instruction, "Likewise, I'm Akagi. I didn't really expect to have a new servant," he paused slightly, imperceptible almost to even Medea eyes, he peered slightly to the back in the direction of the blonde-haired girl hiding behind a woman, frightfully casting her glance at the newest addition to their crew, "But the merrier the better, I guess."

"If I may ask who're the girls behind you, master."

"They're Negev and Abigail. Negev is… err sort of my assistant and bodyguard. Abigail is as you might guess she's the same as you."

Medea nodded, judging from his demeanor overall she can guess her new master is an heir of a magical family or something similar, since the presence of assistance is something normal amongst them. Though, for the worst part, she can't sense any magical energy or life-force at all emanating from the pink-haired girl who isn't afraid to stare at her.

She amusedly thought maybe she's an automaton.

"So, caster, mind tell me your identity."

"Yes." She paused before continuing, "It is normal not to reveal the servant's identity in a holy grail war."

"A servant that will tell me her name but not her class and another that does the reverse. Fine, at least I can grasp your ability to an extent."

Medea can see the young Abigail winced slightly at her master's word. An interest in conflict perhaps, she's better to observe the girl closer.

"So what should we do now, Master." Negev called from behind.

"Hmm, we have been waiting for 3 days now 4 if you count when we're here for caster recovery. It is ultimately a favor of luck on our side that no other servant or master discovered us."

"So, we strike?" Abigail asked innocently, maybe trying to fit inside the discussion. Medea saw her master's eye twitching at the sight, whatever the gesture meant it was not annoyance, but something she was familiar with but ultimately forgotten.

"Hahaha, of course not. Though it does indeed sound lovely after fighting that Lancer. I'm not sure if hiding and bunkering will do the trick. What's your suggestion, Caster?"

She recalled her advice to her previous master, an advice that lead to her previous situation, "We need a base. If you've done sufficient research on the general archetype of caster class, I'm sure you know our general ability."

"Territory creation?"

Heh, looks like her new master is more knowledgeable than the last despite being an apprentice in the world of magi overall.

"That is correct. We casters are generally the weakest out of all class when it comes to physical prowess which most heroic spirits are renown to, it is in our utmost interest to create a favorable fighting environment should we faced with another servant."

"A base that is not meant to protect or hide but to lead the enemy closer. Keep your enemies closer literally. Not bad really, I never thought of creating a favorable environment before. I'm sure you've already decided on the place."

Medea smirked.

This ought to be interesting.


Later on, we packed up from the hotel room to the direction of the mountain, a temple exactly. I know the place stood atop the highest concentration of magical energy I've ever seen, and I have a gut feeling Medea will choose this location.

At least I managed to convince the caster servant not to kill the monk and other residents that live there, instead hypnotizing them as though we were guest invited by the temple head.

Territory creation. It's a skill similar if not in higher aptitude than ordinary boundary field normal magus like me often use. Though I'm third-rate in this one, and my results have been called by caster as, shoddy, child-drawn scribble, or something similar which I promptly blocked out of my mind in favor of seeing the skill in action. Hoping that I would gain something from it.

Abigail already comfortably fits inside the compound, brewing tea and all in our break time. Negev was left alone, guarding the perimeter while we worked on the territory's creation.

Caster didn't divulge entirely of her improved version of bounded field, but she said it suffices to say it will weaken any servant, master or other magus that comes inside the field, to the point where it will dry their prana away. Not sure how effective it will be. Other than that, a measure was taken so any ordinary person will avoid the place bar of course those who live in here to create a sense of "THERE'S NOTHING HAPPENING IN HERE!" or something like that. The biggest advantage is the fact that she will be supplied with the magical energy pouring from the leyline beneath our feet. There are other tidbits that I'm not willing to share.

Before continuing the plan, my biggest advantage is the fact that I have two servants at my command. It's utterly unbelievable when Caster said that I should've died out of exhaustion for supporting the two highest orders of magical familiars. Taking that advantage, I know that most masters will assume that I have only one servant.

I hide my hand with gloves all the time to confuse them even more should I encounter one of the masters of course.

The problem comes in the form of Abigail. Caster has been all supportive at me but the former, while her demeanor painted her akin to an innocent child, she's nothing but a headache, an unknown factor.

How am I supposed to help her when she won't help me? I don't understand. The girl seems not vying for the grail by the lack of attitude.

That's the reason why I can't play defensively. One factor took it all away. Instead, I'll take Abigail with me with Negev trailing behind, covering our position, while Caster fortifies our fortress in the meantime.

With time, I hope she'll be more open to me. If there's no other choice when in the duress circumstance I won't hesitate to use the command seal if I must.

Other than that, we'll take whatever fate throws at us at the moment. A battlefield is not something that can be read easily, not with the unknown lurking beyond our perimeter.

Oh, should I add the fact that I was thinking all of this when my eyes matched with the glowering looks caster gave at me.

"Master. Explain."

A small magical incident when I observed her planting bounded field that lead Medea knowing one of my biggest secrets, I mean I didn't even try to hide it in front of her. Like dangling a piece of meat in front of a wolf.

Maybe I should not surround myself with beautiful woman and girl, it led me to a sort of state that makes me trust them intrinsically when I know them to be at my side.

Oh well, maybe just maybe, I can put my trust in her so she can teach me all the sorts of stuff a caster servant can.

Heaven knows it will be my undoing.

My bad, too busy playing stalker and azur lane. I'll change the POV from time to time, since I must admit it's very boring to do one at all times. And exhausting.

PS. One thing I realized, I also have several fics that have not been uploaded, and I found them, too, to be lacking in 'action' compared to others people work. I just hate conflicts and drama in general.

Stalkahcreators' thoughts